Journal of Drug Discovery, Development and Delivery

Journal Title: Journal of Drug Discovery, Development and Delivery

PMC Abbreviation: J Drug Discov Develop and Deliv

ISSN Number: 2471-0288

Prefix DOI: 10.26420/jdrugdiscovdevelopanddeliv

Peer Review: Double-Blind

Impact Factor : 2.2 🠉   Based on Google Scholar

Current Volume: Volume 11

Manuscript Processing: 15 - 25 Days (After Submission)

Publication Model : Open Access

Year of Inaugural Volume : 2014

Contact EMail:

Language : English

About Journal

Journal of Drug Discovery, Development and Delivery is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Austin Publishers. It provides easy access to high quality Manuscripts in all related aspects covering medicine, chemistry, biotechnology, life sciences, pharmacology, drug discovery in which new medications are discovered, developed and delivered for various clinical, medical and pharmacological benefits.

Austin Publishing Group is a successful host of more than hundred peer reviewed, open access journals in various fields of science and medicine with intent to bridge the gap between academia and research access.

Journal of Drug Discovery, Development and Delivery accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, mini reviews, rapid communication, opinions and editorials on all related aspects covering whole of the preclinical drug discovery process, from discovery to development and drug delivery.