Does Unstimulated Thyroglobulin Performs as well as Stimulated Thyroglobulin in the Follow-Up of Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

Research Article

J Endocr Disord. 2020; 6(2): 1038.

Does Unstimulated Thyroglobulin Performs as well as Stimulated Thyroglobulin in the Follow-Up of Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

Sellem A¹*, Hamida OB¹, Ajmi WE¹, Mhamed RB², Bouguerra C³, Akkari K² and Hammami H¹

¹Nuclear Medicine Department. Military Hospital of Tunis, Tunisia

²Otorhinolaryngology Department. Military Hospital of Tunis, Tunisia

³Military Health Services Application School, Tunisia

*Corresponding author: Dr Ali Sellem, Nuclear Medicine Department, Military Hospital of Tunis, Tunisia

Received: June 02, 2020; Accepted: July 02, 2020; Published: July 09, 2020


Purpose According to the American Thyroid Association guidelines in 2015, both an unstimulated thyroglobulin (u-Tg) below 0.2ng/ml and a stimulated thyroglobulin (s-Tg) below 1.0ng/ml were required along with negative imaging findings to define an excellent response. This study aimed to investigate whether a u-Tg below 0.2ng/ml coincides with a s-Tg below 1ng/ml. Patients and methods A total of 61 patients with nonmetastatic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma were retrospectively evaluated with a median follow-up of 12 months. The levels of s-Tg were observed in patients whose u-Tg levels were below 0.2ng/ml after radioiodine therapy, and risk factors associated with the increase of s-Tg to above 1 ng/ml from below 0.2ng/ml were analyzed. Results In total, 59% (36/61) of the patients achieved a u-Tg below 0.2ng/ml 3 months after remnant ablation, most of whom (86.11%, 31/36) also achieved a s-Tg below 1ng/ml. A total of 5 (13.89%) patients had an increased s-Tg above 1ng/ml. A comparative analysis showed no significant difference between patients who showed an increase in thyroglobulin from below 0.2ng/ml to above 1ng/ml and those who did not. Conclusion Assessment of the level of u-Tg might be a better parameter to use for defining excellent response as u-Tg is more stable, convenient, economical, and is not associated with hypothyroidism as a side effect.

Keywords: Papillary thyroid carcinoma; Stimulated thyroglobulin; Unstimulated thyroglobulin


Thyroid cancer is an epidemic increasing (>5% in every year) in incidence worldwide and has become the most common endocrine carcinoma [1]. Despite a favorable response in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (DTC), active surveillance remains necessary as the recurrence rate of DTC is up to 30% [1,2]. Serum thyroglobulin (Tg), produced by thyroid follicular epithelial cells or well- differentiated DTC cells plays a vital role in the surveillance of DTC, especially associated with cervical ultrasound [3-5]. If necessary, a diagnostic radioiodine (RAI) whole-body scan, chest Computed Tomography (CT), and PET/ CT can be used to evaluate the persistence or recurrence of disease [4,5]. Previously, undetectable stimulated thyroglobulin (s-Tg) was considered to have an improved Negative Predictive Value (NPV) compared with unstimulated-thyroglobulin (u-Tg) in predicting how thyrotropin [Thyroxin-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)] could promote the synthesis of Tg [6,7]. Many studies showed that s-Tg less than 1ng/ml could be used to predict an Excellent Response (ER) even without imaging or clinical evidence of disease [8-10]. In 2015, American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines suggested that both u-Tg below 0.2ng/ml and s-Tg below 1ng/ml were recommended to define ER as part of the therapy stratification system [4-11]. However, the correlation between the two exact cut-off values was rarely addressed, and there is uncertainty whether a u-Tg level of less than 0.2ng/ml corresponds to a s-Tg level of less than 1 ng/ml. In addition, it has been shown that the level of s-Tg could be affected by TSH stimulation. In this study, we retrospectively assessed the consistency between these two ER criteria. We also investigated the factors that may influence the correlation between u-Tg and s-Tg.

Patients and methods: A total of 73 consecutive patients with DTC were retrospectively accessed. All patients were treated with total/near-total thyroidectomy, RAI remnant ablation, and TSHsuppressive therapy. Sixty-one patients were finally enrolled, after excluding patients with incomplete medical information, positive Tg antibody (Tg-Ab > 115 IU/ml) and distant metastasis. Patients were classified into different stages (I, II, III, IVA and IVB) according to American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging. All patients were treated with total or near-total thyroidectomy, RAI remnant ablation, and TSH-suppressive therapy. Next, posttreatment RAI whole-body scans were obtained after RAI therapy to treat the distant metastasis. TSH suppressive therapy was started one day after performing the radioiodine whole body. Initial posttreatment evaluation (ultrasound and u-Tg) was performed 3 months after remnant ablation and s-Tg was measured 6 months after RAI therapy. Based on the dynamic risk stratification patients were reclassified, one year after initial therapy, using Thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroglobulin antibodies (anti-Tg) levels, Ultrasonography (USG) and other imaging methods as parameters. Patients were reclassified as having excellent, indeterminate, incomplete response to treatment. Chemiluminescence immunoassay was used to measure the TSH, with a sensitivity ranging from 0.08 to 150 μIU/ ml. Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay was used to measure Tg with a sensitivity ranging from 0.04 to 500ng/ml. Tg-Ab was measured in the same laboratory with a functional sensitivity of 10 IU/ml.

Statistical analysis: Continuous data were expressed as mean ± SD. Comparisons between groups were evaluated using Student’s t-test, the Mann-Whitney U-test, Χ2, or Fisher’s exact test, Mac Nemar test. All statistics were analyzed using SPSS 22.0, and a P value below 0.05 was considered to have statistical significance.


Patient characteristics: A total of 61 patients with DTC were enrolled in the study, the male to female ratio was 1:5.8, and the average age at diagnosis was 43,85 years. Table 1 shows the detailed clinical and histological features of the 61 patients at diagnosis. In the first evaluation, 3 months after RAI therapy, 36 (59%) patients had a u-Tg level of less than 0.2ng/ml. Comparing, patients with a u-Tg level of above 0.2ng/ml we did not find a statistically significant difference for sex (p=0.286), T stage (p=0.603), N stage (0.333), Pronostic stage (p= 0.130) and the mean of TSH (p=0.873) (Table 2). In the second evaluation 6 months after RAI therapy, 39 (63.9%) patients had a s-Tg level of less than 1ng/ml. In comparison, patients with a s-Tg level of above 1 ng/ml we did not find a statistically significant difference for mean of age (p=0.518), sex (p=0.585), T stage (p=0.742), N stage (p=0.144), Pronostic stage According to American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging (p= 0.131) and the mean of TSH (p=0.408) (Table 2). For patients with an initial u-Tg level less than 0.2ng/ml 3 months after RAI remnant ablation, 86.1% (31 of 36) had a s-Tg level below 1ng/ml 6 months after RAI therapy (table 3). To assess the clinical and pathological factors associated with the increase in Tg from u-Tg below 0.2 to s-Tg 1 ng/ml, patients with a u-Tg level below 0.2ng/ml were further divided into two groups according to their s-Tg levels. Group 1 had a s-Tg level of below 1ng/ml and group 2 had a level of s-Tg above 1ng/ml. However, multivariate analysis showed no significant association with clinicopathologic features (such as sex (p=0.508), age (p=0.909), T stage (p=0.453), N stage (p=0.689), pronostic stage (p=0.727), TSH mean (p=0.058). We studied the values of uTg and sTg in the different stage of the Dynamic risk stratification one year after RIT (Table 4) and we noted a significant statistical difference between patients with u-Tg level of less than 0.2ng/ml (p=0.021) and patients with s-Tg level of less than 1ng/ml (p=0.039).