Evaluation of Radio-Diagnostic Imaging on Knee and Total Hip Spare Technique in Selected Hospitals within the Southeast and Southwest Nigeria

Research Article

Austin J Environ Toxico. 2024; 10(1): 1047.

Evaluation of Radio-Diagnostic Imaging on Knee and Total Hip Spare Technique in Selected Hospitals within the Southeast and Southwest Nigeria

Linus Benedict¹*; Modesta Nneka Okeke²; Stanley Chigbo Okafor³

¹Department of Medical Radiography and Radiological Sciences, University of Nigeria.

²Enugu State Science and Technology (ESUT) Business School.

²University of Hertfordshire.

*Corresponding author: Linus Benedict Department of Medical Radiography and Radiological Sciences, University of Nigeria. Email: [email protected]

Received: December 29, 2023 Accepted: February 03, 2024 Published: February 09, 2024


A study of radio-diagnostic imaging in total hip and knee spare method at National Orthopaedic Hospital Enugu (NOHE) and National Orthopaedic Hospital Igbobi Lagos (NOHI) was investigated to understand the role of radio-diagnostic imaging in this aspect. A structural questionnaire of 29 items was distributed to extract information from a total of number of 38 respondents which constituted of radiographer and orthopaedic surgeons, working in the hospitals. The study reveals that radio-diagnostic imaging is used during the treatment and planning process before the surgical procedure, in the theatre and also during a follow up study post operation. From the study, it was revealed that each hospital does at least one hip and knee joint replacement every week. Also, from the study, the most used imaging modality is conventional x-ray imaging followed by C-arm fluoroscopy while other modalities are seldom used. The outcomes of the research show that the patients hardly report any complication after treatment therefore the use of the imaging modalities have great impact in the success of the procedures. From this research, it has shown clearly that radio-diagnostic imaging has a great impact in total hip and knee replacement procedure as imaging is used at each stage of the joint replacement. Summarily, the impact of radio-diagnostic imaging in the joint’s replacement procedure is such that the procedure can never be successful without the use of imaging.


A joint is a point where two or more bones meet [1]. The lower limb of human is composed of three major joints namely: the hip joint, the knee joint and the ankle joint from superior to inferior [1]. The knee joint is the joint between the femur and the tibia and fibula, while the hip joint is between the femur and the pelvic bones. The function of joint is mainly to ensure free movement and stability [2].

Joint replacement is a procedure whereby a deceased or injured joint is being replaced artificially in order to restore the primary function of the joint. A lot of abnormalities such as a long-term severe arthritis and a severely damaged joint caused by accident can damage a joint beyond management and therefore indicate joint replacement [3].

Joint replacement is always done when other methods to restore the normal function of the joint proves abortive [3].

Knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to replace the weight bearing surface of the knee joint to relief pains and disabilities [4]. It is most commonly performed for osteoarthritis, and also other knee diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and psoriatic Arthritis [4]. The major cause of pain in the joint includes meniscus tears, cartilage defects, and ligament tears. Debilitating pain from osteoarthritis is much more common in the elderly [5].

Hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by a prosthetic implant, that is, hip prosthesis [6]. Hip replacement surgery can be performed as a total replacement or a hemi replacement. A total hip replacement consists of replacement of both the acetabulum and the femoral head while hemiarthroplasty only replaces femoral head [6].

Joint replacement started very long ago around 1939 when Stephen Shudack began animal testing with artificial joints. This is to show that at the beginning animals were used to test the possibility of joint replacement on humans.

At early stage, joint replacement involves the replacement of both muscles and bones but at present joint replacement is more focused on the replacement of the bones that made up the joints. The former method is called interposition arthroplasty whereby some tissues are used to keep inflammatory surfaces separate while the other form of arthroplasty is excision arthroplasty which uses scar tissues to fill the gaps.

The methods and materials for hip and knee replacement, has evolved to a great extent ranging from using ivory to replace femoral head in 1891 to glass in 1935 and to metal in 1953. Today various prosthesis are used in the joint replacement and most importantly, the use of radio-diagnostic imaging comes into play. The role of imaging started with the conventional radiography but due to various advances in technology of imaging, more advanced imaging modalities such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are now employed in replacement of joints.

The knee joint is a synovial joint which connects the femur, our thigh bone and longest bone in the body, to the tibia, our shinbone and second longest bone [10]. There are two joints in the knee- the tibiofemoral joint, which joins the tibia to the femur and the pattello-femoral joint which joins the kneecap to the femur. These two joints work together to form a modified hinge joint that allows the knee to bend and straighten, but also to rotate slightly and from side to side.

The knee is part of a chain that includes the pelvis, hip and upper leg above, and the lower leg, ankle and foot below [11]. All these works together and depend on each other for function and movement. The joint bears most of the weight of the body. When we are sitting, the tibia and femur barely touch, standing they lock together to form a stable unit [11].

The knee does not have much protection from trauma or stress. In addition to wear and tear on the knee, sports injuries are the source of many knee problems [4].

Knee symptoms come in many varieties. Pain can be dull, sharp, constant or off and on. Pain can also be mild to agonizing [4]. The range of motion in the knee can be too much or too little. You may hear grinding or popping, the muscles may feel weak or the knee can lock. Some knee problem only needs rest and ice, others need physical therapy or even surgery [4]. The symptoms include but not limited to the following; swelling, locking, snaps, crackles and pops, pain and tenderness etc. [4].

Some pathological conditions and syndromes in the knee are osteochondritis dissecans, osteoarthritis, infectious arthritis, chondromalacia patellae, gout, plica syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, chondromalacia and osteoarthritis [9].

Traumatic knee injuries include anterior cruciate ligament injury, ligament injury, posterior cruciate ligament injury, patellar injuries etc. [9].

Repetitive knee injuries include patellofemoral syndrome (runners’ knee), tendonitis, bursitis (housemaid knee), illiotibial band syndrome and Osgood-Schlatter disease [9].

The hip joint is one of the largest joints in the body and is a major weight–bearing joint. Weight bearing stresses on the hip during walking can be 5 times a person’s body weight [12]. A healthy hip can support your weight and allow you to move without pain. Changes in the hip from disease or injury will significantly affect your gait and place abnormal stress on joints above and below the hip [12].

It takes great force to seriously damage the hip because of the strong, large muscles of the thigh that support and move the hip. Osteoarthritis affects many people, and the brittle bone from osteoporosis in the elderly can lead to life threatening fracture [6].

Common problems of the hip includes but not limited to aseptic or avascular necrosis, congenital dislocation, perthes’ disease, aplasia of the acetabulum, coca valga, coxa vara, osteoarthritis, dislocation, burstitis, legg-perthes disease, bone tumor, fracture etc [6].

Radio-diagnostic imaging involves the use of x-ray or radiochemical tracers in the diagnostic of diseases and injury. Using Radiographic technique, the images of the internal body can be produced, analyzed and accurate diagnosis made [7].

Medical imaging is the technique and process of creating visual representation of the interior of the body for clinical analysis and medical intervention, as well as visual representation of the function of some organs or tissues [7]. Medical imaging seeks to reveal internal structures hidden by the skin in hip joint and knee joint, which will help in ensuring that accurate diagnosis and treatment are made [7]. It is also used to access the accuracy of the surgical procedures after the replacement. Medical imaging also establishes a data base of normal anatomy and physiology of the hip and knee joint to make it possible to identify abnormalities [7].

In joint replacement, x-ray images of the joint are taken before, during and after surgical processes. The joint may be replaced with a variety of materials, including metal, polyethylene and ceramic [8].

Radiography is the primary imaging method for the evaluation or assessment of hip and knee replacements, and the imaging of hip and knee arthroplasty and its complications primarily relies on the information that is obtained from routine radiography, however, there are specific roles for other imaging techniques, such as arthrography, computed tomography scanning, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine [8].

Over the years at the mention of joint replacement, peoples usually think that it is all about the surgical procedures even earlier researches on these joints’ replacements are mainly focused on the surgical procedures and the role of radio-diagnostic imaging on the joint’s replacements are only discussed with a pinch of salt.

This study therefore is targeted to research in details the impact of radio-diagnostic imaging on the replacement of the joints with fewer emphases on the surgical procedure.

Materials and Methods

Location of the Study

This study was carried out at National Orthopaedic Hospital, Enugu, and National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi Lagos.

Target Population

The target population for this research includes all the radiographers and orthopaedic surgeons working in National Orthopaedic hospital Enugu and Igbobi Lagos within the period of the research. The total population of this study is 42.

Sample Size and Sampling Method

The sample size was determined using Taro Yamane formula which is stated as follows.

Which gave 38.

Source of Data

The data was collected using a structured questionnaire. The data was collected from both the radiographers and the orthopaedic surgeons involved in total hip and knee joint replacement procedures in the hospitals.

Method of Data Collection

Self-administered questionnaires were administered to the personnels involved in the study randomly. The questions were simple and required straight forward answers such as: X-ray investigation conducted before hip include: (a) pelvis (b) both hip (c) single hip arthroplasty.

Method of Data Analysis

Collected data was analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) program version


The data collected was categorized according to the statement of problem, specific objectives and significance of study. Thus, it was manually analyzed. Descriptive statistics as percentage, frequencies were manually obtained and presented in the following bar charts.

Figure 1 above shows the radiographers and surgeons who took part in the study to be 38 in number. There were more male, 78.8% than female 21.1%. Above 65% of the respondents were between the age bracket of 31-40 years. Majority of the respondents have a work experience between 1 to 15 years which represents more than 70% of the total sample size. The respondents are mostly surgeons with 68.4% while radiographers were only 31.6% of the respondents.