An Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Amongst Patients Regarding Antibiotic Use and Misuse in South Africa

Research Article

J Fam Med. 2024; 11(6): 1375.

An Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Amongst Patients Regarding Antibiotic Use and Misuse in South Africa

Sholene Ballaram¹*; Fatima Suleman²

¹Postgraduate Student, Discipline of Pharmaceutical Science, College of Health Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

²Professor, School of Health Sciences, College of Health Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

*Corresponding author: Sholene Ballaram, Postgraduate Student, Discipline of Pharmaceutical Science, College of Health Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag X54001, Durban, 4000, South Africa. Email:

Received: September 24, 2024 Accepted: October 15, 2024 Published: October 22, 2024


Background: Antibiotic misuse is a global problem that is a threat to public health. Antibiotic misuse and overuse are responsible for the increase and spread of antibiotic resistance. The community plays a fundamental role in the appropriate antibiotic use and the increase and spread of antibiotic resistance. Hence, public knowledge and attitude regarding antibiotic use are imperative to inform educational interventions.

Method: A quantitative approach was performed using a descriptive cross-sectional design. The data were collected by a self-administered questionnaire completed by patients accessing the pharmacy. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics, namely Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Results: From a total of 135 respondents, the majority (n = 108; 80%) of the respondents were aware that different antibiotics were needed to treat different diseases. Over two-thirds (n = 98; 73%) of the respondents agreed that antibiotics are effective against viruses. More than half of the respondents (n = 82; 61%) considered that antibiotic resistance is a global problem. The vast majority of the sample population (n = 104; 77%) agreed that the pharmacists often tell them how to use their antibiotics during the dispensing process. Also, a high number of respondents (n = 97; 72%) agreed that doctors take time to inform them during the consultation on using the antibiotics that s/he prescribed.

Conclusion: Multifaceted educational interventions and patient-healthcare provider communication tools seems to be working in some cases. However, attention should be paid to increasing knowledge on those conditions where antibiotics are not required or are ineffective. Community-based interventions may help prevent the development of antibiotic resistance, cross-resistance and possible future events of treatment failure.

Keywords: knowledge, attitude, behaviour, antibiotic use, antibiotic misuse, antibiotic resistance, self-medication, South Africa


Antibiotics are among the most commonly purchased medicine worldwide [1]. Antibiotics are substances produced to inhibit the growths of microorganisms and are produced solely from other microorganisms, or of biological origin [2,3]. Antibiotics can function by killing microorganisms (bactericidal) or by inhibiting the growth or multiplication of microorganisms (bacteriostatic). The body's immune system also acts to destroy them [4]. However, their increasing widespread misuse has resulted in the development of resistant microorganisms, reducing antibiotics' effectiveness, resulting in untreatable infectious diseases in the community and hospital settings, increased morbidity and mortality and higher healthcare costs [5]. Antibiotic resistance spread and the uncontrolled irrational use (misuse and overuse) poses a significant global public health problem [6,7].

South Africa (SA) faces a quadruple disease burden, with the HIV/AIDS epidemic, other infectious diseases, injuries, and non-communicable diseases [8,9]. The burden of infectious diseases is further exacerbated by limited access, availability and affordability of antimicrobials required to treat infections [8]. However, the full impact of antibiotic resistance on healthcare in SA is not known. Also lacking is insight into patients’ knowledge and attitude on antibiotic use and misuse, and how these compare to other countries.

In Saudi Arabia, patient factors are one of the leading causes of antibiotic misuse [10]. The patient factors affecting the misuse or overuse of antibiotics include psychosocial factors such as behaviours, beliefs and attitudes regarding self-medication and over-the-counter medication, the pressure put on doctors, demographic characteristics, namely socioeconomic status, education levels and lack of health education. In SA the importance of such factors may vary amongst the public and private healthcare systems. The patient factors that influence antibiotic prescription and consumption in SA include symptoms and medical history, socioeconomic factors (access and availability in terms of distance from the healthcare facilities, whether the patient is a one-time or regular patient, cash or medical aid payment method), sociocultural, economic and systems factors [8,9].

Additional factors include the inappropriate household use of antibiotics, taking an insufficient dose or not completing the antibiotic course, storage of antibiotics, sharing antibiotics and taking antibiotics for the wrong indications such as viral infection and inflammation. Many antibiotics are erroneously used to treat flu or common cold symptoms [11].

Self-medication with antibiotics almost always involves avoidable, inadequate and ill-timed dosing, creating the best environment for microbes to adapt rather than be eradicated. Besides, noncompliance occurs when the patients forget to take their medication, prematurely discontinue the medicine as they start to feel better or cannot afford a full course of therapy [12]. The knowledge individuals have regarding antibiotics, and their use is essential with regards to the misuse. The development of antibiotic resistance has overtaken the speed with which the newer antibiotics are emerging into the pharmaceutical market; thus, there is a necessity to assess the public awareness and attitude towards antibiotic use and misuse [13].

The economic impact of antimicrobial resistance is a worry to patients, physicians, pharmaceutical producers, healthcare administrators and the population [14]. The socioeconomic impact requires more attention from government agencies, non-governmental organisations, pharmaceutical industries, pharmacists, healthcare professionals and workers, and patients. Also, strategies need to be formulated to manage the current problems associated with antibiotic resistance. Above all, perception, attitude and behaviour change is paramount to preventing antibiotic misuse in communities [15].

Although many studies, [16-22] have determined the use of antibiotics and accompanying knowledge, attitude, and behaviour of the population in several parts of the world, there is currently limited research in SA. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the impact of current knowledge, attitude and behaviour of patients regarding antibiotic use and misuse within a community pharmacy setting. It also explored the community's views on perceptions of healthcare professionals and the patient-prescriber relationship when prescribing antibiotics.


Study Location

This study was conducted at a community pharmacy in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. It is an independently managed retail pharmacy that provides for the healthcare needs of the community, serving a population of 176,989 (Population census, 2011).

Study Population

A convenience sampling method was used to select the sample. The principal investigator drew the sample from the sample population present at the dispensary waiting area during the study period. The questionnaire was administered to those patients that were readily available at the dispensary, willing to participate in the study and met the criteria for participation. The study population included all adult male and female patients above twenty-one years old and below sixty-five years old who received prescription antibiotics during the study period. The patients younger than twenty-one years old and greater than sixty-five years old and those who have not been prescribed antibiotics were excluded.

Sample Size

The sample size was determined using the Leslie Fischer’s (1998) formula for sample size determination; n = Z2pq/d2, where; n = desired sample size population < 10000; Z = standard normal deviate set at 1, 96 at 95% confidence level and d = 0.05. The minimum sample size of 135 participants was calculated using this formula.

Study Design

This was a quantitative descriptive cross-sectional designed study.

Data Collection

The data was collected by the use of a self-administered semi-structured questionnaire. The survey was conducted over one month after the Biomedical Research Ethics Committee (BREC). A questionnaire from a previous study performed in Kuwait17 and adapted from the studies in Sweden and the United Kingdom [23,24].

The researcher piloted the questionnaire before the commencement of the actual study to ensure the comprehension and applicability of the research items to suit the local study population and determine the duration of the questionnaire completion, as this tool was not used previously in this population. The questionnaire was designed in the English language only, and the necessary amendments were made to suit the local population.

The questionnaire comprised of four sections. Section 1 consisted of ten questions regarding the respondent's demographic information. Section 2 comprised of thirteen questions that aimed to evaluate the respondent's knowledge of antibiotics. Section 3 consisted of seven items that pertained to the respondent's attitude towards antibiotic use. Lastly, Section 4 consisted of five questions that looked at perceptions of doctor/patient relationship regarding antibiotics and their use. A five-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree was used to assess the responses.

Data Analysis

All questionnaires were manually sorted. The data were analysed using Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 23, in descriptive statistics, viz. frequencies and percentage proportions. The Cronbach Alpha test, Chi-Square test, and the multivariate analysis of variance and correlation testing were determined in this study.

Ethics Considerations

The ethics approval was sought from the Biomedical Research Ethics Committee at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (BE061/19). The site permission was obtained from the community pharmacy owner/manager/responsible pharmacist. The study respondents written informed consent was obtained before the administration of the questionnaire. All information collected was treated with strict confidentiality.


A total of 135 questionnaires were distributed with a 100% response rate. The Cronbach's Alpha test was used to measure the reliability of the items through internal consistency. The Cronbach Alpha value is 0.752. The results show strong and positive internal consistency results for the scale utilised in the questionnaire with the sample's chosen size. Table 1 below provides information on the demographic characteristics of respondents.