Economic and Labor Impact due to Temporary Incapacities Secondary to Orthopedic Injuries in Torreon Mexico

Research Article

J Fam Med. 2017; 4(2): 1109.

Economic and Labor Impact due to Temporary Incapacities Secondary to Orthopedic Injuries in Torreon Mexico

Esquivel-Cerda E¹, Medina-Verastegui LA¹, Quintanar-Llanas AB¹, Tapia-Barrera JM², Ochoa MC³ and Ramirez-Leyva DH4*

¹Department of Family Medicine, Family Medicine Unit #66 (IMSS), Coahuila Delegation, Mexico

²Department of General Medicine, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL), Nuevo Leon, Mexico

3Department of Pediatrics, Regional General Hospital #1 (IMSS), Sonora Delegation, Sonora, Mexico

4Department of Family Medicine, Family Medicine Unit #1 (IMSS), Sonora Delegation, Sonora, Mexico

*Corresponding author: Ramirez Leyva Diego Hazael, Department of Family Medicine, Regional General Hospital #1 (IMSS), Sonora Delegation, Sonora, México, Colonia Centro, Cd. Obregon, Sonora, Mexico

Received: January 26, 2017; Accepted: February 17, 2017; Published: February 20, 2017


Background: The orthopedic pathologies are all those alterations of the musculoskeletal system at the bone or soft tissue level that cause functional disability due to pain or deformity. Orthopedic pathology affects physical, economic and social activity; in some cases, workers are incapacitated to lead an independent life and a paid job. The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) provides medical services and economic benefits through temporary incapacities for work, thus providing social welfare; however, the economy is a critical point in this institution.

Aim: So the purpose of this study is to determinate the economic impact secondary to temporary incapacities issued by orthopedic injuries in workers affiliated to IMSS in Torreon, Coahuila.

Design and Setting: Comparative cross-sectional study.

Methods: In 139 patients with prolonged incapacities secondary to orthopedic injuries during 2012-2013 in a family medicine unit in Torreon, Coahuila, medical and work information was obtained that included: age, gender, time of affiliation to IMSS, type of work, disability time, body mass index, body area affected and medical history of comorbidities. It was used 80% statistical power and 95% interval confidence; association was established by calculating odds ratios, chi-squared test for statistical significance (p<0.05).

Results: 66% were men; main orthopedic causes were chronic low back pain (61.2%), painful shoulder syndrome (20.1%) and carpal tunnel syndrome (6.5%). The association between days of disability with type of job and affected area showed: type of job (type III-IV) [OR=2.7, 95%CI (1.2-5.8), p 0.009]; affected area (spine) [OR=1.1, 95%CI (0.5-2.1), p 0.77]. Total mean cost was $15,429.94 per worker.

Conclusion: There is economic and labor impact due to temporary disability attributed to orthopedic injuries.

Keywords: Disability; Orthopedic Injury; Low back pain


Orthopedic disorders are all those alterations of the musculoskeletal system at the bone or soft tissue level that cause functional disability due to pain or deformity. Orthopedic pathology includes other type of illness that affect the work, economic and social activity of the individual. The incidence of these conditions carries functional consequences that result in disabled individuals and in some cases incapacitated to lead an independent life and paid work [1]. Lumbar spine pathology is the central point of multiple epidemiological studies in young people and adults, but also in the business sector due to the labor repercussions that represent. Low back pain is one of the most frequent conditions that the family physician and orthopedic specialist must face in the daily consultation. It is considered that every year about 50% of the working people suffer an episode of this disease and 80% of the population in general will suffer at least one acute low back pain [2-3].

Work environment factors that are related to orthopedic injuries include: physically heavy work, static work postures, frequent trunk flexions, powerful and lifting movements, repetitive work and vibrations. All these factors increase the mechanical load and frequently the orthopedic injuries are secondary to a combination of these movements [4]. Lumbar spine injuries in the workplace are rarely caused by direct trauma, usually are caused by overexertion with muscle compensations in the trunk that contribute to lumbar pain [3]. Low back pain can affect 84% of people in lifetime (range 11- 84%). This suggests that 9 out of 10 subjects will have low back pain in lifetime; however, that event may be resolved and not resubmitted. In the case of chronic low back pain, several studies propose a prevalence of 15 to 36% [5-6]. According to the time of evolution, low back pain has been classified into three categories: Acute, if the symptomatology lasts less than six weeks; subacute, if it lasts from six to 12 weeks and chronic, when persists for more than 12 weeks [7].

There is no a definition of prolonged incapacity for work, since durations ranging from two weeks to 180 days are considered. The administrative criterion of IMSS is more than 30 days to consider prolonged temporary incapacity as known in the Federal Labor Law [8-9]. The granting of incapacities is responsibility of the social security institution (in Mexico the most important is IMSS), where the treating physician has the obligation to define diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the patient in a defined time. It is important to mention that the daily minimum wage in Torreon is $63.77 pesos [10].

Today, Torreon has a metropolitan area called the Comarca Lagunera, made up of municipalities in the states of Coahuila and Durango. In this city are located major industries such as the main lead smelter, silver refinery and the most important electrolytic zinc installation in Mexico and Latin America owned by Met-Mex Peoles. The other important industry is the dairy company, which through LALA group concentrates a large volume of activities related to this industry. The rest of the industrial activities in Torreón are limited to textile (Wrangler, Hanes), electronic parts (Delphi) and automotive (John Deere, Metzeler, Jhonson Controls, Caterpillar) [11].

The use of drugs results in high costs for the institution that provides them, so prevention is widely recommended through the implementation of Ergonomics in companies, which is the technological discipline that is responsible for the design of workplaces, tools and tasks with the anatomical, psychological and capabilities of the worker. It seeks the optimization of three elements of the system (human-machine-environment) [12]. Based on the above, the main objective of this study was to determinate the economic impact secondary to temporary incapacities issued by orthopedic injuries in workers affiliated to IMSS in Torreon, Coahuila.

Materials and Methods

A comparative cross-sectional study was carried out, in the family medicine unit #66, of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), located in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico; in patients with temporary incapacity for work secondary to orthopedic injury, which were selected from thedepartment of occupational medicine in the years 2012-2013; that met the following inclusion criteria: affiliation to IMSS, temporary incapacity of work between the years 2012-2013; patients with incapacity of non-orthopedic origin were not included and eliminated those who did not have complete information. The following data were obtained directly from the medical records: age, gender, time of affiliation to IMSS, type of job according to Official Disability Guidelines, time of disability, average cost of disability in Mexican pesos, diagnostic, weight, height, body mass index (BMI= weight/height2), affected body area and medical history of comorbidities or chronic degenerative diseases as Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and arterial hypertension (HA).

The data obtained was integrated into data collection sheets and analyzed using the SPSS program version 20 in Spanish, where we applied descriptive statistics; for qualitative variables frequencies and percentages were used. It was considered statistically significant a p <0.05, with a 95% confidence interval, all variables were dichotomized to apply odds ratio and chi square. The Protocol was authorized by the Local Committee of Research and Ethics in Health Research from the Family Medicine Unit #66, where the study took place.


The study was carried out with a total of 139 patients who were incapacitated. Of these, 33.1% (46) were female and 66.9% (93) were male, the years of IMSS affiliation showed that 13.7% have less than one year of affiliation, 33.1% (46) 1-5 years, 15.1% (21) 5-10 years, 30.9% (43) 10-20 years and 7.2% (10) more than 20 years of affiliation (Table 1). The main orthopedic causes of prolonged disability were chronic low back pain (61.2%), painful shoulder syndrome (20.1%), and carpal tunnel syndrome (6.5%), all of these pathologies triggered incapacities of more than 30 days (Table 2). The ages of the economically active patients showed: 40.3% (56) have 21-30 years old, 38.1% (53) 31-40 years old and 15.1% (21) 41-50 years old (Table 3).