Medical Weight Problem Diagnosis and Minority Women s Desire for Thinness

Research Article

J Fam Med. 2021; 8(1): 1241.

Medical Weight Problem Diagnosis and Minority Women’s Desire for Thinness

Olvera N*

Department of Psychological, University of Houston, USA

*Corresponding author: Norma Olvera, Department of Psychological, Health, & Learning Sciences, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-5029, USA

Received: January 28, 2021; Accepted: February 27, 2021; Published: March 06, 2021


Background and Objectives: Without appropriate medical weight problem diagnosis, minority women might have inaccurate views of their weight status. It is likely that receiving an obesity diagnosis from a physician will raise women’s awareness of their weight status and increase their desire or intent to control their weight. This study assessed: (1) the unique and combined contribution of medical weight diagnosis to desire to be thinner among minority women with overweight/obesity; (2) to what extent ethnicity/race moderated the relation of medical weight problem diagnosis to desire to be thinner; and 3) ethnic/racial differences in perceived and ideal body size, and body dissatisfaction among minority women.

Methods: 366 Hispanic and 111 African American women with a mean age of 43.7 years (SD=15.9 years) completed a self-report health survey and figure rating scale.

Results: Only 34.1% women reported having received a medical weight problem diagnosis in the past 12 months. Women with obesity (35.4%) were more likely to have received a medical weight problem diagnosis than women with overweight (11.8%) (p<0.001). Hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis revealed an association between a medical weight problem diagnosis (β=0.19, p=0.011) and desire to be thinner after controlling for ethnicity/race, researcher-estimated body mass index, and weight concern.

Conclusions: The study’s findings provide evidence supporting the significant role that physicians’ weight problem diagnosis may play in minority women’s desire for thinness.

Keywords: Overweight; Hierarchical; Diagnosis; Ethnicity


Obesity affects one-third of the United States adult population, particularly, Hispanic and African American women [1,2]. The negative physical and psychological consequences of obesity on health and quality of life are well documented [3,4]. Despite the existence of medical guidelines for obesity diagnosis and management for adults [5-8], physicians’ efforts to prevent and treat obesity have been challenging [7,9]. Between 30% and 50% of people with overweight (PwO) are estimated to have received a medical weight problem diagnosis from their primary-care physician [5,8,10,11]. The underdiagnosis of obesity in primary care settings [12,13] may suggest to PwO that they do not have a weight problem or that they do not need to seek weight control advice [14,15]. Physicians’ barriers to providing an obesity diagnosis and weight control advice have been extensively investigated. The identified barriers are mostly related to providers’ attitudes (e.g., limited competency in obesity counseling and treatment, beliefs that obesity is PwO’s responsibility), and practices (e.g., prioritizing treatment of medical conditions over weight control concerns and limited consultation time with patients) [5,11,16-20]. Despite these barriers, research indicates that physicians’ attention to obesity issues helps to increase overweight and obese patients’ intention to lose weight, weight loss initiation, and weight loss maintenance [5,21].

Research indicates that Hispanic and African American women are less likely to be diagnosed with a weight problem than their Caucasian counterparts are during a physician visit [22,23]. This finding is disconcerting in light of national data which indicated that two out of three Hispanic and African American women were overweight or obese [24]. In addition, minority women with overweight/obesity exhibited greater acceptance of a larger body size [25] and were more likely to underestimate their body size compared to their normal weight peers [27] and Caucasian counterparts [26,28]. Underestimation of body size may lead minority women to be less concerned about their weight status, which may decrease their desire to be thinner and achieve a healthier weight [11,12,29]. Without appropriate medical weight problem diagnosis and sound weight control advice, minority women with overweight or obesity might have inaccurate views of their weight status. It is likely that receiving an obesity diagnosis from a physician will raise women’s awareness of their overweight or obese status, increase their desire or intent to control their weight [5] and increase their engagement in healthy behaviors to improve their weight status [30,31].

There is a dearth of studies examining the association of medical weight problem diagnosis to body size attitudes (e.g., desire to be thinner) among minority women or the role of ethnicity/race moderating this relationship. Thus, this study aimed to address this gap in the literature by assessing: (1) the unique and combined contribution of medical weight diagnosis to desire to be thinner among minority women with overweight/obesity; (2) to what extent ethnicity/race moderated the relation of medical weight problem diagnosis to desire to be thinner among Hispanic and African American women with overweight/obesity; and 3) ethnic/racial differences in perceived and ideal body size, and body dissatisfaction among Hispanic and African American women (i.e., regardless of their researcher-estimated Body Mass Index (BMI)). After controlling for key variables, a positive association between medical weight problem diagnosis and desire to be thinner among minority women with overweight/obesity is hypothesized.



The sample consisted of 477 Hispanic (n=366) and African American (n=111) women. Out of this total sample of 477, 242 women were excluded from regression analysis because of missing key variables and 59 women were excluded because they were classified as healthy weight. The inclusion criteria to participate in this study consisted of: 1) identification as a Hispanic or African American; 2) being 18 years or older; and 3) being able to read English or Spanish to complete study instruments. During 2015 and 2017, participants were recruited at four community health fairs held primarily in Hispanic and African American neighborhoods located in a metropolitan region in the Southeast United States. The University’s Institutional Review Board approved the study’s protocol.


Health survey: The health survey included demographic questions and questions regarding perceived weight status and medical access and weight concern diagnosis. For this study, health survey questions included inquiring about participants’ 1) demographic characteristics (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity/race, and income); 2) self-reported weight and height; 3) weight concern level (e.g., “How concerned are you about your weight?” using a Likert scale ranging from 1= not concerned at all to 4=extremely concerned); and 4) having received a medical weight problem diagnosis in the past 12 months (No=0, Yes=1). Based on participants’ self-reported height and weight, investigators used the weight (kgs.)/height² (meters) Quetelet formula to calculate participants’ body mass index (BMI). Using the World Health Organization obesity status classification for adults, participants with a BMI <18.5 were classified as underweight, BMI of ≥18.5 to ≤24.9 were classified as of healthy weight, BMI of ≥25.0 to ≤29.9 were classified as overweight, and BMI ≥30 were classified as obese. Previous studies revealed that correlations between selfreported and measured values for weight and height were high (r=0.84-0.92) [32,33].

Stunkard Figure Rating Scale (SFRS): This instrument was used to assess perceived weight status and ideal body size to determine body size dissatisfaction and desire to be thinner. The Stunkard Figure Rating Scale [34] is comprised of nine silhouette figures of women of increasing body size from very thin (a value of 1) to obese (a value of 9). For perceived body size, participants were asked “How do you think you look?” and to select a silhouette that represents their choice. BMI equivalents for the Stunkard female silhouette figures established by Bulik and colleagues [35] were utilized to determine participants’ perceived weight status. Based on these equivalents, silhouette 1 corresponded to an average BMI of 18.3 (SD=3.0), which is equivalent to the underweight category. Silhouettes 2, 3, and 4 corresponded to an average BMI of 19.3 (SD=1.7), 20.9 (SD=1.8), and 23.1 (SD=2.2) respectively, which are equivalent to the healthy weight category. Silhouettes 5 and 6 corresponded to an average BMI of 26.2 (SD=3.0) and 29.9 (SD=3.8), respectively, which are equivalent to the overweight category. Silhouettes 7-9 corresponded to an average BMI of 34.3 (SD=4.7), 38.6 (SD=6.2), and 45.4 (SD=7.8), respectively, which are equivalent to the obese category. To assess ideal body size participants were asked to select the silhouette that represented “the way you would like to look.” Body size dissatisfaction was determined by subtracting the score for ideal body size from the perceived body size score. Greater values indicated higher desire to be thinner. The SFRS has demonstrated good test-retest reliability and its scores are positively correlated with female drive for thinness (r=0.85) and body dissatisfaction (r=0.91) [36].

Data collection

Data were collected from Hispanic and African American women who visited a healthy eating exhibit during four community health fairs. One of four approached individuals participated in this study. Upon attending the healthy eating exhibit, potentially eligible Hispanic or African American women were invited to participate in the study and provided information regarding the study’s purpose, activities, and time commitment (10-15 minutes). If participants agreed to participate and signed informed consent form, a bilingual research assistant instructed them to complete the health survey and SFRS instrument in their preferred language (i.e., English or Spanish).

Statistical analysis

To address study aims 1 and 2, first Spearman or Pearson’s correlation analyses were conducted to examine the correlations among key variables (not shown). Then, a three-step hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis was performed to assess factors associated with desire to be thinner among the subset of women whose researcher-estimated BMI fell in the overweight or obese range. Only women with overweight or obesity were included in this analysis because these women would have been more likely to receive a medical obesity diagnosis than underweight/normal weight women. At Step 1, the demographic, researcher-estimated BMI, and weight concern variables were entered in the model to assess their contribution to women’s desire to be thinner. At Step 2, medical weight problem diagnosis was added to the model. At Step 3, the interaction term of medical weight problem diagnosis by ethnicity/ race was added to examine to what extent ethnicity/race moderated the association of medical weight problem diagnosis to women’s desire to be thinner. Logistic regression analysis was employed to predict the probability that a woman with researcher-estimated BMI falling into the overweight or obesity category would receive a medical weight problem diagnosis by a physician. To address aim 3, Pearson Chi-Square tests were used to assess ethnic/racial differences in perceived and ideal body size, and body size dissatisfaction in the study sample of Hispanic and African American women. Analyses were conducted using SPSS Statistics version 25.0 and statistical significance was set at p<0.05.


Sample descriptive characteristics

As shown in (Table 1), compared to Hispanic women (Mage=40.3 years, SD=13.2 years), African American women (Mage=54.7 years, SD=19.0 years) were significantly older [t(475)=7.44, p=0.001, Hedge’s g=0.98], and reported earning a higher monthly household income [Χ²(1, N=224)=30.18, p=0.001, Cramer’s V=0.37]. Likewise, a higher percentage of African American women (53.1%) indicated being moderately/extremely concerned about their weight, compared to 29.5% Hispanic women [Χ²(4, N=429)=26.69, p=0.001, Cramer’s V=0.25]. Although it is not shown in Table 1, most of the women (N=408, 85.5%) reported visiting a doctor for self-health care in the previous 12 months. Of those women, just a third (N=139, 34.1%) reported receiving a weight problem diagnosis by a physician, even though 77% of Hispanic and 64% of African American women were classified as overweight/obese. Using logistic regression analysis, women with research-estimated BMI falling into the obesity category (35.4%) were significantly [Wald Χ²(1, N=176)=22.93, p<0.001] more likely to have received a medical weight problem diagnosis than were women with researcher-estimated BMI falling into the overweight category (11.8%). The odds ratio of receiving a medical weight problem diagnosis was 4.86 (95% confidence interval of 2.55-9.29) times higher for women with research-estimated BMI falling into the obesity category than they were for women with researcher-estimated BMI falling into the overweight category. No significant ethnic differences were found in the proportion of Hispanic and African American women who reported having received a weight problem diagnosis [Χ2(1, N=384)=0.04, p=0.848, Cramer’s V=0.01].