Analysis of Influencing Factors on Milk Production Traits of Chinese Holstein A2 Cattle and Proposal of a Threedivision Rearing Strategy

Research Article

Austin Food Sci. 2022; 8(1): 1053.

Analysis of Influencing Factors on Milk Production Traits of Chinese Holstein A2 Cattle and Proposal of a Threedivision Rearing Strategy

Haitong Wang1*; Chunfang Li1,2; Liangkang Nan1; Yikai Fan1; Xiangnan Bao3; Xinxin Zhang1; Jingjing Zhang1; Chu Chu1; Yun Liu1; Bo Song2; Shengchao Liang2; Chendong Yang2; Guochang Yang1; Yabin Ma2; Junqing Ni2; Wei Sun3; Xihe Li3; Shujun Zhang1

¹Key Lab of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education, Huazhong Agricultural University, China

²Hebei Livestock Breeding Station, China

³National Center of Technology Innovation for Dairy Industry, China

*Corresponding author: Haitong Wang, Key Lab of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China. Email:

Received: October 04, 2024; Accepted: October 25, 2024; Published: November 01, 2024


Casein (CN) is an important factor determining the nutritional level of milk. A2 milk has been highly popular worldwide for its higher nutritional value and easier digestion and absorption than non-A2 milk. Given the burgeoning demand and economic advantages associated with A2 milk, breeding specialists have embarked on selecting A2 cows from dairy herds by genotyping the Beta Casein (β-CN) encoding genes in dairy cows to form a specialized A2 dairy herds and produce A2 milk. In this study, the milk production traits of Chinese Holstein A2 cows were analyzed in relation to lactation days and parity. Based on these analyses, a three- division rearing strategy was proposed, in which cows should be separated and reared according to genotype, parity and lactation stage. Initially, A2 and non-A2 cows were grouped and A2 cows were found to produce 5 types of milk: protein-rich A2 milk starting from day 91 of the second parity, high-β-CN A2 milk from day 120 of each parity, low-lactose A2 milk during the first 30 days of the second and subsequent parities, low-fat A2 milk between days 31 to 90 of each parity, and regular A2 milk during the remaining lactation periods. Non-A2 cows exhibited a higher milk yield, capable of producing a greater quantity of milk that meets national fresh milk standards. Economically, segregating A2 from non-A2 cows into distinct herds proved more beneficial than mixed-herd rearing. By optimizing cow utilization, our strategy will ensure both milk yield and milk quality, meet the diversified needs of consumer groups for dairy products, and increase the economic benefits of dairy farms.

Keywords: A2 milk; Beta-casein; Chinese Holstein cows; three-division rearing strategy

List of Abbreviations

a-LA: Alpha-Lactalbumin; as1-CN: Alpha (s1)-Casein; as2-CN: a- (s2)- Casein; β-CN: beta-casein; β-CM7: β-casomorphin-7; β-LG: β-Lactoglobulin; CN: Casein; DHI: Dairy Herd Improvement; DIM: Days in Milk; FY: Fat Yield; HPLC: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography; IEF: Isoelectric Focusing; κ-CN: kappa-Casein; MIR: Mid-Infrared; MY: Milk Yield; PY: Protein Yield; RMSE: Root Mean Square Error; SCC: Somatic Cell Counts; SCS: Somatic Cell Score; SNF: Solid Non Fat; TMR: Total Mixed Ration; TS: Total Solids


The proteins in milk are the determinants for the nutritional properties of milk, and milk casein and whey protein as well as their ratio play an important role in the production of liquid milk, cheese, and other dairy products. Casein (CN) accounts for about 70-80% of the total milk protein, an is further categorized into Alpha (s1)- Casein (as1-CN), Beta-Casein (β-CN), Alpha (s2)-Casein (as2-CN), and Kappa-Casein (κ-CN) [1]. In recent decades, the effect of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of milk protein-encoding genes on milk protein content and functions have been well studied [2- 4]. Beta-casein, accounting for 30-40% of the total casein content, is encoded by the CSN2 gene with up to 15 genetic variants, of which A1 and A2 are the two most common variants with variant A2 being a wild type [5,6]. The only difference between A2 and A1 lies in amino acid 67. The generation of A1 is due to a mutation (C → A, CSN2 X14711 8101) at position 8101 in the CSN2 gene (GenBank, accession number: NC_037333). This mutation results in the conversion from A2 gene's codon CCT to CAT and the replacement of Pro with His in the coding product, eventually forming the A1 variant [7]. A1-type and A2-type of β-CN can be separated and identified by multiple methods such as Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) [8,9].A1-type and A2-type β- CN can be decomposed by digestive enzymes to produce different bioactive peptides, and the β-casomorphin-7 (β-CM7) produced by type A1 reduces gastrointestinal motility, decreases gastrointestinal immune regulation, and promotes inflammation [10]. A2 milk and the corresponding dairy products containing A2-type β-CN can improve milk intolerance reactions, alleviate symptoms such as flatulence in patients [10]. Thus, A2 milk is highly popular among consumers, and its consumption increases rapidly with a higher price than other milk. In traditional small-scale dairy farming, the entire herd is often treated as a single rearing group, offering the advantages of simplicity, efficiency, and labor-saving. This approach allows for uniform rearing without distinguishing between the diets and management of lactating cows and those at other stages, thereby significantly conserving labor. However, the nutritional needs of cows vary with different stages, particularly during lactation, a critical period for milk production which is a primary economic contributor to dairy farms. Appropriate nutrition can notably enhance milk yield and quality. Consequently, for large-scale, intensive dairy farms, segmenting herd management is a fundamental and crucial task. The effectiveness of this segmentation can directly influence the profitability of the dairy farm. In practical operations, dairy cattle are typically categorized into groups such as calves, heifers, and mature cows (including peripartum, freshly calved, dry, and lactating cows).

To meet consumer’s demand for A2 milk and improve its production efficiency, molecular biology techniques such as gene sequencing have been used to detect and screen A2 cows carrying base CC (Pro, also known as A2A2) to form A2 dairy herds for exclusive production of A2 milk containing non-allergenic A2 type β-CN. A1 cows carrying base AA (His, also known as A1A1) and A1A2 cows carrying base AC are gathered together to form a non-A2 cow herd to produce conventional milk (designated as non-A2 milk). Typically, the proportion of A2 and non-A2 cows in a mixed herd is about 30% and 70%, respectively [11], and some farms rear A2 cows and non-A2 cows in separate herds [12,13].

The milk production traits of dairy cows are influenced by a variety of factors, including genetic, health, and nutritional and nonnutritional elements [14-18]. Studies highlighted significant effects of parity and lactation on these traits [1-,20]. However, in Chinese Holstein A2 cows, the understanding of how milk yield, composition, and protein fractions vary with lactation stages and parities, along with optimal strategies for A2 milk production, remains limited. Therefore, the objectives of this study within the Chinese Holstein dairy cow population are to: (1) analyze the patterns of variation in milk yield, milk composition, and protein fractions of A2 cows across lactation and parity; (2) investigate effective production strategies for A2 milk.

Materials and Methods

Farm data and sample collection

The Animal Management and Ethics Committee of Huazhong Agricultural University reviewed and approved the experimental protocol for this project (HZAUCA-2020-0001). This study was conducted with a lactating herd of Chinese Holstein dairy cows housed in 2 dairy farms (Farm A and Farm B) in northern China. Cows were raised in house (about 18 hour per day) and in yards (about 6 hour per day) and fed on Total Mixed Ration (TMR) with free access to water. Milk samples were collected once a month from all animals during the morning milking (4:00-6:00 am) from November 2020 to April 2023 with 45 ml per each sample. After sample collection, 0.35 μL of Bropol preservative was added to the sampling bottle and thoroughly mixed with milk prior to the delivery to DHI (dairy herd improvement) Laboratory. The routine milk composition determination was performed within 24 hours after sample collection. A total of 38,641 milk samples were collected from 4,781 healthy lactating cows (excluding sick cows with clinical signs or under treatment), and 38,641 DHI data were collected.

Standardization of instruments

The data obtained from the milk composition analyzer were standardized according to the monthly standards of milk fat and milk protein percentages, the quarterly standards of lactose percentage prepared by the National Animal Husbandry Administration of China, and quarterly standards of urea nitrogen developed by the ChemSpec 150 (Bentley, Minnesota, USA).

Determination of milk components

Milk components including fat (%), protein (%), lactose (%), SNF (solid non fat, %), TS (total solids, %) were measured with Milkoscan FT+ (Foss, Hilleroed, Denmark) and Bentley FTS (Bentley, Minnesota, USA).Mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy data were used for protein fraction prediction. Somatic cell counts (SCC) were obtained from Fossomatic FC counter (Foss, Hilleroed, Denmark) and SOMACOUNT FCM (Bentley, Minnesota, USA) and converted to somatic cell score (SCS) according to the formula: SCS = [log2(SCC/100) + 3] [21].

Prediction of protein fraction contents

The reference values of contents of 5 protein fractions (β-CN as1-CN κ-CN a-LA and β-LG) and total casein were determined with a Waters high performance liquid chromatograph (2695) by previously reported RP-HPLC method [8]. To predict the content of each of above-mentioned 6 proteins, corresponding prediction models were developed based on the mid-infrared data. The R2 of cross-validation sets of these 6 models was 0.7418, 0.7939, 0.8382, 0.7794, 0.7687, and 0.7501 with the corresponding Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 2.1187, 1.3505, 0.4754, 0.35470.5249 and 5.0167 g/L, respectively (unpublished).

Screening of valid samples and data

A total of 38,641 DHI data with the information on cow's parity,days in milk (DIM), and milk yield were collected. Fifteen traits of lactating cows were investigated, including 7 traits obtained from DHI reports, namely, daily milk yield (MY, kg/d), protein content (%), fat content (%), lactose content (%),SNF (%), TS(%) and SCS, 2 traits derived from content multiplied by milk yield(fat yield and protein yield, kg/d) and 6 traits predicted by models, namely, total casein (caseins, g/L), β-CN (g/L), aS1-CN (g/L), κ-CN (g/L), a-LA (g/L),and β-LG (g/L) content. The 2,937 measured cows from farm A yielded 18,870 DHI data, and a total of 19,971 DHI data were obtained from farm B with 1,844 cows.

The abnormal values beyond the detection range were excluded from the raw data, and samples with milk fat percentage of 1.5~9%, milk protein percentage of 1~7%, and SCC of 0~1 million/ml were retained. Ultimately, 29,736 valid data were obtained from 2,956 cows, including 12,588 records of 1,470 cows from farm A and 17,148 records of 1,486 cows from farm B. The parity range was 1 to 7 and DIM range was 0 to 400 d. There were 5 levels of parity (1, 2, 3, 4, =5) and 12 levels of DIM with 30d intervals (0~30d, 31~60d, 61~90d, 91~120d, 121~150d, 151~180d, 181~210d, 211~240d, 241~270d, 271~ 300d, 301~330d, >330d).

Statistical Analysis

A mixed linear model was used to assess the contribution of the parity and DIM to the phenotypic variance of traits:

yijklm=μ+Parityi+DIMj+SCSk+Parity*DIMl+ Herd-datem+ eijklm [1]

Where yijklm the response of the trait (milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, protein content, fat content, lactose content, SNF, TS, total casein, β-CN, aS1-CN, κ-CN, a-LA and β-LG contents); μ is the overall mean for each trait; Parityi is the fixed effect of parity at the ith level (i=1, first parity; i=2, second parity; i=3, third parity; i=4, fourth parity; i=5, fifth and subsequent parity);DIMj is the fixed effect of DIM at the jth level (j=1,2,... ,12); SCSk is the fixed effect of SCS at kth level (k= 1, SCS = -1; k=2, -1 < SCS = 0; k=3, 0 < SCS = 1; k=4, 1 < SCS = 2; k=5, 2 < SCS = 3; k=6, 3 < SCS = 4; k=7, 4 < SCS = 5; k=8, SCS > 5); Parity*DIMl is the interaction effect of parity and DIM; Herd-datem is the random effect of the mth herd-test day (m=1-22); eijklm is the random residual, (assumed to follow eijklm~N (0, se 2) normal distribution where se 2 is the residual variance).

Results and Discussion

Milk Yield, Milk Composition and Protein Fraction of A2 Cows

The descriptive statistics of investigated traits were presented in Table 1. The average daily milk yield (36.56 kg/d), daily protein yield (1.24 kg/d) and protein content (3.41%) of cows in this study was similar to that reported before [3,12,22]. And the content of fat and lactose was 3.87% and 5.14%. Among the casein fractions, the highest content was as1-CN (10.60 g/L), followed by β-CN (8.79 g/L), and the lowest content was κ-CN (4.16 g/L); the content of β-LG (3.14 g/L) was higher than that of a-LA (0.96 g/L) in whey protein.