Evaluation of Balance, Walking Speed, Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Strength and Quality of Life in Individuals with COPD with and Without Falls

Special Issue: Falls in Older Adults

Gerontol Geriatr Res. 2024; 10(3): 1106.

Evaluation of Balance, Walking Speed, Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Strength and Quality of Life in Individuals with COPD with and Without Falls

Yasemin Köse¹; Meral Sertel²*; Selma Demir³

1PT, Kirikkale University, Health Sciences Faculty Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department, Turkey

2PT, PhD, Kirikkale University, Health Sciences Faculty Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department, Turkey

3MD, Kirikkale Yüksek Ihtisas Hospital, Department of Chest Diseases, Turkey

*Corresponding author: Meral Sertel, PT, PhD, Kirikkale University, Health Sciences Faculty Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department, Turkey. Email: fzt_meralaksehir@hotmail.com

Received: September 26, 2024; Accepted: October 22, 2024 Published: October 29, 2024


Backgound and Aim: Balance disorders are associated with falls in individuals diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The aim of this study is to evaluate walking speed, QF muscle strength, fatigue and quality of life in individuals with falling and non-falling COPDs.

Method: This study consisted of 74 individuals diagnosed with COPD (30 falling and 44 non-falling elderly individuals). The frequency of falls in the last six months was questioned to divide individuals into groups, falling and not falling. The Berg Balance Test (BBS) was used to evaluate the balance, the 2-minute walking test to assess walking speed, the digital dynamometer to measure QF muscle strength, and the Saint George Quality of Life Survey (SGRQ) to assess quality of life.

Result: The mean age of the patients who fell was 74.77 ± 5.78 years. The mean age of the individuals who did not fall was 71.25 ± 6 years. As a result of the study, a statistical difference was found between the results of Berg balance test and 2-min walk test according to the groups (p<0.001). There was a statistical difference between the left QF muscle strengths according to the groups (p=0.003). There was a statistical difference between SGRQ scores according to the groups (p=0.027). There was a statistical difference between the Tinetti Fall Efficacy Scale scores according to the groups (p<0.001). The Tinetti fall efficiency score of the falling group was found to be higher than the non-falling group.

Conclusion: According to the data obtained, the evaluation of individuals with COPD, along with the symptoms of dyspnea, cough, sputum, etc., which are common in COPD is proof that the risk of falling, balance, walking speed and muscle strength must be taken into account.

Keywords: COPD; Balance; Falling; Walking Speed; Muscle Strength; Quality of Life


Respiratory diseases play an important role in the health system worldwide. The vast majority (65%) of respiratory diseases are chronic airborne diseases, i.e. asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The most common chronic respiratory disease is COPD [1]. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a preventable and curable disease common in the elderly population, one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality, associated with a chronic inflammatory response to increased harmful particles or gases in the airways and lungs, and characterized by constant restriction of air flow [2].

While the course of the disease varies among individuals in COPD, the most common risk factor for the development of COPD is smoking. Smoking is responsible for 90% of all deaths from COPD. Other risk factors include exposure to work dust, chemicals and air pollution caused by the combustion of wood and biofuels in many countries. In addition, in some individuals, other factors such as early infection, genetic predisposition, and pre-existing asthma can contribute. In general, COPD is a progressive disease [3]. Symptoms of COPD include dyspnea, cough, sputum, shortness of breath, chest pain, etc. Other problems focused in individuals with COPD are the influence of balance and cognitive functions. Possible mechanisms in the development of postural control and balance effect are: increased respiratory workload, due to which more than normal changes in the tonic activity of the diaphragm, abdominal and body muscles may increase the stiffness of the body muscle, respiratory and peripheral muscle weakness, physical activity, functional capacity and decrease in cognitive functions. The exact pathogenesis of the decline incognitive functions is unknown; tissue hypoxia, decreased blood flow to the brain, physical inactivity, oxidative stress, systemic inflammation, smoking and age are likely pathophysiological causes [4].

In individuals with COPD, imbalance is associated with falls [10]. The well-known risk factors for falls in individuals with COPD include old age, increased comorbidities, dyspnea, physical immobility, muscle weakness, fear, and decreased confidence in balance, and lower limb muscle fragility, as well as functional deficiencies, performance and lack of postural control [11]. A recent study format that in chronic cases with the highest prevelans of falls, COPD is the second most common after osteoarthritis. In individuals with COPD, the prevalence of falls is estimated to vary between 25% and 46% [12]. When the literature is examined, studies have shown that individuals with COPD have parameters such as fall, QF muscle strength, quality of life, fatigue, balance and walking speed studied separately. However, the study did not find that the parameters of QF muscle strength, quality of life, balance, walking speed and fatigue of individuals with falling and non-falling COPD were studied together. Therefore, our study aims to evaluate QF muscle strength, quality of life, balance, walking speed and fatigue in individuals with falling and non- falling COPD.

In our study, we have five hypotheses, namely, that individuals with falling COPD have worse balances, people with fallen COPD have lower walking speeds, individuals with fallen COPD, have weaker QF muscle strength, people who have fallen Koah, have lower quality of life, and those with fallen COPD have higher levels of fatigue.



This study was carried out between July 2023-March 2024 in individuals who applied to the Chest Polyclinic of Kirikkale High Ihtisas Hospital and had been diagnosed with GOLD stage I and II COPD.

The study was started by obtaining the necessary permits from the Board of Ethics for Non-Interventional Studies at the University of Kirikkale (Decision no: 2023.06.10, Issue: 2023/06). The aim of the study to all the individuals included in the study was to be informed by explaining the evaluation methods to be used and signed a voluntary consent form. The study was completed taking into account the Helsinki declaration. The clinical trial was registered at ClinicalTrials. gov with ID NCT06099002. In addition, this work was produced from the master thesis work.

According to the GOLD criteria in the study, who had been diagnosed with stage I and II COPD, who had not had an attack in the last 2 months, who volunteered to participate in the study, and, Individuals who were 60 years of age and older and did not have an obstacle mental and communication problem to fill out surveys to be used in the research were included. Study of non-stable COPD, having undeveloped, undeveloped MI, uncontrolled hypertension, cancer, functional neurological or musculoskeletal system diseases, currently dependent on alcohol or substances, is, having serious cognitive impairment that is in the process of COPD exacerbation, which may not affect its performance, has not undergone lower extremity and/ or lumbal region surgery, has serious vision and hearing problems, individuals who had undergone major surgery in the last few months were not included in the Turkish language reading and writing disability.

The study was planned as a cross-sectional study of individuals diagnosed with COPD by a chest disease specialist. The number of individuals was determined by power analysis. For post-hoc power analysis, G*Power (version, Universitat Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Germany) was used and calculated from the Berg Balance Test score among COPD-aged individuals whose effect size was declining and not falling. According to the analysis, the significance of the bi-directional hypothesis test alfa was 5% and the effect size was 95% when the confidence interval was taken 0.84, while the strength of the study (1-) was 97% statistical. The frequency of falls over the past 6 months has been questioned to divide individuals into groups as falling and not falling. Individuals with a history of falls 6-5 times and above in the last 6 months were included in the falling group [13]. A total of 81 individuals agreed to participate in the study. Of the 39 fallen COPD individuals who agreed to participate in the study, 9’i were excluded from the study due to the low SMMT score. Of the 46 non-falling COPD individuals who agreed to participate in the study, 2’s stopped working. A total of 30 COPD individuals, including 44 non-falling COPD individuals, were evaluated within the scope of the study. Clinical trial conforms to the CONSORT 2010 Statement (Figure 1).