Demographic Profile, Etiology of Reactive Thrombocytosis and Its Association with Anemia in North East India

Short Communication

Ann Hematol Oncol. 2019; 6(6): 1255.

Demographic Profile, Etiology of Reactive Thrombocytosis and Its Association with Anemia in North East India

Mishra Narain Mahendra¹* and Bhuyan A²

¹Department of Pathology, Baptist Christian Hospital, India

²Department of Pediatrics, Baptist Christian Hospital, India

*Corresponding author: Mishra Narain Mahendra, Department of Pathology, Baptist Christian Hospital, Tezpur, Assam, India

Received: April 22, 2019; Accepted: June 13, 2019;Published: June 20, 2019


Reactive thrombocytosis is often observed in response to iron deficiency anemia, acute infections, chronic inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, hemorrhage and sometimes in cancer. Sixty - eight non-consecutive cases of reactive thrombocytosis that visited a secondary care hospital in North East India were studied to analyse the demographic profile, aetiology and association with anemia which is very common in this population.

Keywords: Reactive thrombocytosis; anemia; North East India; demography


This retrospective study was carried out in a secondary care centre in North –East India to study the etiology, demographic profile, relationship with anemia of patients identified to have reactive thrombocytosis (Platelet count > 500,000/μl) and whether it could be used as a marker of inflammation in absence of neutrophilia.


Two milliliters of EDTA blood was collected through a clean venipuncture from 68 non – consecutive. The samples were tested twice; in a Sysmex XS 800 I Haematology Analyser followed by in Sysmex KX21 3 part Haematology Cell analyser and correlated on peripheral blood smear.


There was a slight male preponderance (n=36 – 52.9%). Mean age of the patients was 16.2 years (range 3 months -80 years) of which there were 50 children (73.5%). Platelet counts ranged from 507,00 – 1,290,000/μl with mean of 696,000/μl. Seven patients (10.2%) had extreme thrombocytosis (counts > 1,000,000/μl) as per the classification used by Chirello. et al [1]. Fifty-three (77.9%) patients were anemic (Haemoglobin range 3.4 -13.2 gm/deciliter (gm/dl) (normal > 11 gm/dl. Leukocytosis was present in 44 (64.7%) patients. Mean Total Leukocyte Count (TLC) was 19, 800/μl with range 5900 -52,600/μl. Neutrophilia was seen in 42 (61.8%), lymphocytosis in seven (10.3%) and more than one cell type in four patients. Aetiological classification of patients is shown in (Table 1).

Citation: Narain Mahendra M and Bhuyan A. Demographic Profile, Etiology of Reactive Thrombocytosis and Its Association with Anemia in North East India. Ann Hematol Oncol. 2019; 6(6): 1255.