Subcutaneous Tranexamic Acid: A Novel Approach to Managing Bleeding

Case Report

Ann Hematol Oncol. 2021; 8(7): 1356.

Subcutaneous Tranexamic Acid: A Novel Approach to Managing Bleeding

Sutherland A¹*, Carey M¹ and Miller M²

¹Sir Michael Sobell House Hospice, Churchill Hospital, England

²Department of Medicine, Oxford University, England

*Corresponding author: Anna Sutherland, Sir Michael Sobell House Hospice, Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Oxford OX3 7LE, England

Received: April 26, 2021; Accepted: May 26, 2021; Published: June 02, 2021


We describe the case of a 68 year old with a transglottic squamous cell carcinoma, a tracheostomy and persistent blood stained tracheal secretions. Oral and intravenous Tranexamic Acid (TA) effectively controlled the bleeding. On losing both routes, we administered 2g of TA (20ml) by continuous subcutaneous infusion over 24 hours. Control of bleeding was maintained over 18 days until death. No site reactions were observed.

A literature review was undertaken, however, none of the studies looked at the use of TA in an end of life or palliative care population. We identified 3 clinical palliative care guidelines relating to continuous subcutaneous administration of TA. Further use should be reported in the literature to build the evidence base surrounding this novel practice.

Keywords: Other pharmacology and therapeutics; Pharmacology and therapeutics Clinical; Other palliative care; Palliative care Clinical; Hospice; Palliative care


The use of enteral and intravenous Tranexamic Acid (TA) to manage chronic bleeding at end of life is well established. The subcutaneous administration of TA is an off-label route of administration of a licenced drug, not previously reported in the literature, offering ongoing control of bleeding in the last days of life.

Case Presentation

We describe the case of a 68 year old with a transglottic squamous cell carcinoma, a tracheostomy and persistent blood stained tracheal secretions. Severe recurrent bleeding resulted in a prolonged hospital admission. Bleeding was initially managed successfully with oral TA (1g three times a day). On developing a tracheo-oesophageal fistula the oral route was lost, TA was administered intravenously. However, after a few days intravenous cannulation became increasingly challenging.

A continuous subcutaneous infusion of TA (2g/24 hours) was administered via a T34 McKinley syringe driver, made up to 21mls with water for injection. The dose was unchanged over the subsequent 18 days until the patient died. No other medications were mixed with the TA infusion. Bleeding remained well controlled until death.

There were no subcutaneous site reactions noted over the course of 18 days. On a single occasion, the syringe contents were noted to be cloudy, necessitating discarding of the contents and making up a new infusion.

Literature Search

Medline, EMBASE and CINAHL were searched on 2nd of July 2020. The search strategy used [“subcutaneous” AND “tranexamic acid” without language restriction, covered use in adults and children, all study types, published and unpublished records.

96 records were identified (Figure 1). None of the studies looked at the use of TA in an end of life or palliative care population.

Citation: Sutherland A, Carey M and Miller M. Subcutaneous Tranexamic Acid: A Novel Approach to Managing Bleeding. Ann Hematol Oncol. 2021; 8(7): 1356.