Abdominal Wall Defects in Prenatal Medicine

Special Article - Abdominal Wall Defects and Hernias

Ann Hematol Oncol. 2022; 9(2): 1394.

Abdominal Wall Defects in Prenatal Medicine

Maria Laura Solerte1 and Erich Cosmi1,2*

¹Residency School of Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Italy

²Department of Woman and Child Health University of Padua, Italy

*Corresponding author: Prof. Erich Cosmi M.D. Ph.D, Department of Woman and Child Health and Director of The Maternal and Fetal Medicine Unit for high- risk pregnancies, Padua Hospital; Director of The Residency School of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Specialization and President of Midwifery School, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padua, Via Giustiniani n.3, 35128, Padua, Italy

Received: May 03, 2022; Accepted: June 18, 2022; Published: June 25, 2022


Fetus; Embryo; Embryo Fetal Development; Gastroschisis; Omphalocele; Pentalogy of Cantrell; Body Stalk Anomaly; Prenatal Medicine; Prenatal Ultrasound; Prenatal Investigation; Umbilical Cord; Umbilical Hernia; Limb Body Wall Complex; Ectopia Cordis; Bladder Exstrophy; Ventral Body Wall Defects; Abdominal Wall Defects; Amniotic band.


ABS: Amniotic Band Syndrome; AWD: Abdominal Wall Defects; BE: Bladder Extrophy; BSA: Body Stalk Anomaly; CE: Cloacal Extrophy; EC: Ectopia Cordis; EFD: Embryo Fetal Development; G: Gastroschisis; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; O: Omphalocele; OIES: Omphalocele Estropy Imperforatedanus Spinal Defect; PBS: Prune Belly Syndrome; PM: Prenatal Medicine; PCO: Pentalogy of Cantrell; UC: Umbilical Cord; UE: Umbilical Hernia; US: Ultrasound; VAWD/AWDs: Ventral Abdominal Wall Defects; 2D/3D: two/three dimensional US.

Short Communication

Abdominal Wall Defects (AWD) are anomalies of prenatal development which can manifest with different types of entities, also associated with malformations of the other fetal body districts, and are one of the main live birth defects; diagnosed in prenatal life, thanks to Prenatal Medicine (PM) monitoring protocols, those defects, with different anatomical characteristics, are likely caused by several multifactorial events that compromise the physiological development of the embryo – fetal anterior abdominal wall. The aim of our brief communication is to retrace the significant steps of the discovery and disclosure of this human intrauterine life pathology.

Total ADW have, at our time, a prevalence of about eight in 10.000 ([1]: European surveillance of congenital anomalies, Chart 1-A,B,C,D); the importance of the data called prevalence, used to plan health prevention and to understand the damage inducted by a specific pathogenic event in a population, should always be emphasized; it expresses the ratio between the number of affected people in a subjects of a specific territory, at a defined time, and the total number of individuals in the population, at the same period; hence, several international studies had given it in a lot value, as well as for epidemiological surveillance [2].