Characterization of the Oral Microbiome in Canine Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis

Research Article

J Immun Res. 2021; 7(1): 1037.

Characterization of the Oral Microbiome in Canine Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis

Anderson JG1,2#*, Paster BJ3,4#, Kokaras A5 and Chen T3,4

1Sacramento Veterinary Dental Services, Rancho Cordova, California

2University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine, Philadelphia, USA

3The Forsyth Institute, Cambridge MA, USA

4Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA

5New England Bio Labs, England

#Equally Contributed

*Corresponding author: Jamie G. Anderson, University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine, Philadelphia, USA

Received: March 16, 2021; Accepted: April 20, 2021; Published: April 27, 2021


Canine chronic ulcerative stomatitis is a debilitating, oral mucosal disorder of dogs. A commonly held hypothesis for pathogenesis is that bacterial plaque on tooth surfaces is responsible for the ulcerative mucosal lesions. As such, therapy has focused on full-mouth, tooth extraction. Recent studies revealed a unique leukocyte profile in canine ulcerative stomatitis that is amenable to immune modulating therapy. What remains unknown is the role bacteria may play in dysbiosis and immune-inflammatory mechanisms. The microbiota of canine ulcerative stomatitis has not been characterized. Aims of the present study include determination of the microbiome of mucosal lesions in canine ulcerative stomatitis and that of the supragingival plaque of the opposing tooth. The microbiota of these surfaces was compared to healthy mucosa in the canine ulcerative stomatitis patient, and three non-stomatitis control patients. Our hypothesis was that specific microbial species or complexes are associated with ulcerative stomatitis. DNA from 100 clinical samples was evaluated using Next Generation Sequencing methods and was analyzed using LDA Effect Size and the non-parametric factorial Kruskal-Wallis sum-rank test. Statistically significant differences in species were determined from mucosal ulcers versus normal sites in ulcerative stomatitis patients. Species that were more prevalent on the ulcer lesions included putative periodontal pathogens, such as a Tannerella forsythia-like phylotype and Porphyromonas gingivicanis, a species related to the human pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis. The microbial profile of the supragingival plaque of the abutting tooth to the ulcer revealed similar pathogens. This study showed that in dogs with stomatitis, the mucosal ulcer is inhabited by a unique, species-specific bacterial community and suggests significant differences between the oral mucosa of healthy dogs, dogs with severe periodontal disease, or dogs with oral mucosal tumors. Based on our results, full-mouth, tooth extraction may not be the optimal treatment of the disease.

Keywords: Canine chronic ulcerative stomatitis; Plaque biofilm; Microbiome


CCUS: Canine Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis; PD: Periodontal Disease; PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction; OTU’s: Oral taxonomic unit’s; COHAT: Comprehensive Oral Health and Assessment; OLP: Oral Lichen Planus


The clinical, radiographic, and histologic appearance of Canine Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis (CCUS), including immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence has recently been described [1,2]. Clinically, CCUS has a unique presentation of deep mucosal, palatoglossal and lingual ulcers that are opposite teeth with heavy plaque biofilm accumulation. There is a fetid malodor associated with the clinical disease and symptomatic patients are painful. Prominent histologic findings include a dense lichenoid lymphocytic-plasmacytic infiltrate at the interface between the mucosal epithelium and subepithelial connective tissue represented by CD79a B cells, plasma cells, CD3 T cells, Fox P3+ cells, equal numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ cells, large numbers of CD3-/IL-17+ cells, macrophages and mast cells [1]. These initial studies helped to reveal that CCUS is an inflammatory immune mediated disease with distinct differences from normal healthy dogs and those with severe periodontitis. CCUS has been reported not to be strongly influenced by age, sex or Periodontal Disease (PD) status; though the Terrier breed may be over-represented [1]. Interestingly, there is a pattern of leukocyte subsets in CCUS inflammatory lesions, differing markedly between normal controls, severe periodontitis [2] and canine oral neoplasms (unpublished data).

The antigenic triggers in CCUS remain poorly defined. It seems likely that, as in periodontitis, the oral microbial population has a role to play in the significant inflammation in CCUS. A commonlyheld hypothesis for CCUS pathogenesis and its “kissing lesions” is that bacterial supragingival plaque from opposing tooth surfaces directly caused the ulcerative mucosal lesions [3-6]. However, the role of bacterial communities in canine mucosal disease has not been studied.

For many years an understanding of human periodontitis was based, in part, on ligature-induced periodontitis studies in beagle dogs [7-9]. The oral microbiome was always assumed to be similar between humans and dogs, and oral diseases were treated similarly between the two mammalian species [10,11]. The first comprehensive description of the subgingival microbiota of people based on cloning and sequencing technology was provided by Paster in 2001 [12]. Since then, techniques based on next-generation sequencing and advanced bioinformatics tools have helped to unravel the complexity of the subgingival microbiota in periodontal health and disease [13-15]. Using these techniques, comprehensive studies on the canine oral microbiome have revealed major differences from the human oral microbiome in health and in mild periodontal disease [16]. In fact, only 16% of the bacterial taxa found in human subgingival plaque was also present in canine subgingival plaque. In dogs, the diverse oral microbiome revealed traditional Gram-negative species being more abundant in subgingival samples of healthy dogs (Porphyromonas was the most abundant genus along with Moraxella and Bergeyella) with Gram-positive species predominating in mild canine periodontitis (Peptostreptococcus, Actinomyces, and Peptostreptococcaceae taxa) [17]. The microbiome of severe periodontitis in dogs has not yet been evaluated with culture-independent techniques.

A recent paper described the microbiome of different niches in dogs’ mouths [18], in which they found three discrete oral niches; soft tissues of the buccal mucosa and dorsum of the tongue, hard tissue supragingival plaque and saliva. The most abundant taxa differed by location. Core microbiota for the buccal mucosal surfaces included four Oral Taxonomic Units (OTU’s); an unclassified Bergeyella sp., an unclassified Capnocytophaga sp., Porphyromonas cangingivalis and an unclassified Porphyromonas sp. In humans, black-pigmented taxa of the phylum and motile organisms have been found on oral mucosal surfaces with and without periodontitis [19,20] and proportions of bacterial species differed greatly depending on location [21,22]. Other studies have demonstrated that healthy individuals are often colonized with different microbiomes than those with disease involving various organ systems [23]. These discoveries combined with the distinct lack of streptococcal species [16,24] in canines suggests that any extrapolation from the human model to the oral colonization process in dogs may be inaccurate. Additionally, the pH of dog saliva is much more alkaline (pH 8.5) [5] than human saliva making it less favorable for acidogenic streptococci.

Historically, Socransky & Haffajee in 1994 [25] reviewed the evidence to support the hypothesis that periodontal disease is caused by bacteria. Further, the model of bacterial plaque biofilm development conceptualized by Socransky and colleagues detailed that a transition occurred from health to disease, or respectively from typical Gram-positive species to Gram-negative species [26]. Current data suggests that specific plaque-associated microbes do not necessarily lead to periodontitis [27]. The keystone-pathogen hypothesis proposes that certain low-abundance microbial pathogens can orchestrate oral inflammatory disease by transforming a normally benign microbiota into a dysbiotic one in a susceptible host [28]. Recognition of alterations to the structure of complex commensal communities can modulate innate and adaptive immune responses and lead to the development of immune mediated inflammatory disorders arising as a result of increases in pathogenic microbiota and diminished numbers of non-pathogenic species [29,30]. The relevance of these mechanisms in PD to the disease process in CCUS is under investigation.

The pathogenesis of oral cancer in humans is complex. Studies of the microbiome associated with oral cancer have revealed new species and uncovered various differences between healthy persons and patients with oral cancer [31]. The possible role of Porphyromonas gingivalis in the development of orodigestive cancers has received significant attention [32,33]. This study included the microbiome evaluation of canine mucosal tumors to determine if commonality in species existed between the CCUS tissue and that of mucosal oral neoplasms.

This is the first investigation of the microbiome of the condition called CCUS. PCR and/or culture-based analyses for this condition are not found in the current literature. In order to better understand the potential role of specific species or microbial complexes of bacteria in the pathological process of CCUS, we applied cultureindependent next generation sequencing methods. Until 2017, the mechanisms operating in CCUS were characterized as idiopathic. This study details the microbiome in CCUS and provides further insights into its pathogenesis and proposed treatment of dogs with this painful condition. The knowledge gained will enhance our ability to medically treat this condition, rather than extracting functional teeth.

Materials and Methods

Ethical statement

Sampling of plaque biofilm is commonly performed during the Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment (COHAT) of periodontal disease in companion animals. Supragingival plaque sampling is a non-invasive procedure where sterile paper points are swiped along a plaque retentive surface. For all of the dogs in this study, plaque sampling was performed under general anesthesia as part of the routine COHAT (induction with Propofol 4 mg/kg and Valium 0.5 mg/kg intravenous, maintenance with isoflurane inhalant), with appropriate regional local anesthesia (Bupivacaine 0.5% ml amount dependent on animal size) and postoperative analgesic (Hydromorphone 0.05 mg/kg subcutaneous) administration. Standard veterinary private practice hospitals, as opposed to Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospitals, do not employ IACUC protocols. As such, we utilized and conformed to the American Animal Hospital Association Guidelines for Dental Care and ethics [34]. Additionally, the Academy for Veterinary Dentistry approved this grant proposal (and the ethics of such) in awarding funding. Client consent forms detailing the study were discussed and signed. No adverse events were documented as a result of plaque acquisition.

Study design

This was a descriptive study of the bacterial microbiome within the mucosal and hard tissues of client-owned dogs that were diagnosed with chronic ulcerative stomatitis, based on prior published clinical criteria and histopathology [1]. Negative control dogs were represented by normal healthy dogs, dogs with severe periodontal disease, and dogs with oral tumors. Randomization was not applicable.

Animals and clinical assessment

Thirty-six dogs with CCUS were prospectively enrolled in this study from the clinical caseloads of the first author (JG Anderson, 24 cases), and other veterinary dentists (M Gates, B Stapelton, S Hoffman, A Stone; total 12 cases). Breed, age and sex predisposition were similar to a cohort of CCUS cases published previously [1]. In a subsequent CCUS study population, no significant differences in leukocyte subsets were found with breed, age, sex or periodontal disease status [2]. Negative control samples were obtained from 25 non-CCUS dogs; three healthy dogs, eight dogs with oral mucosal tumors, and 14 dogs with severe periodontal disease, >75% attachment loss.

The negative control cases were presented for dental procedures; either routine dental cleanings, treatment of severe periodontal disease, or assessment of oral neoplasms.

Unfortunately, breed, age and sex matched controls were not represented. Samples were not pooled. The animal sampling data set is presented in “Supplement 1-S1 Table”.

Patient guardians enrolled by all clinicians read and signed a patient release form. “Supplement 2-S2 Table”. Animals were housed in their home environment. Inclusion criteria included two or more chronic erosions or ulcers in the buccal mucosal tissue opposite teeth. Exclusion criteria included animals in renal failure, those with previously diagnosed autoimmune or immune-mediated disease and those dogs that were currently receiving or had received antibiotics or immune-suppressing drug therapy in the past 4 weeks.

Sample collection

Bacterial microbiome samples were collected in the same manner from all sites. Prior to oral irrigation and any tissue manipulation, and in an aseptic fashion, 3 to 5 sterile endodontic paper points were gently swiped across the sample site surface, and then placed into separate sterile plastic tubes, labeled and frozen at -80ºC. Samples were shipped in bulk on dry ice to the Forsyth Institute for DNA isolation and subsequent 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Samples were stored at -80ºC until use.

DNA isolation

Samples were thawed and cells were lysed using a modified protocol using Ready-LyseTM (Lucigen, Middleton, WI) for overnight incubation and subsequently using MasterPure DNA Kit (Lucigen) as described by the manufacturer.


A modification of the protocol as described by Caporaso et al. [35] was used for 16S rDNA sequencing. Briefly, 10-50 ng of isolated DNA was PCR-amplified using V3-V4 primers and 5 PrimeHotMaster Mix (QuantaBio, Beverly, MA). PCR samples were purified using AMPure beads (Beckman Coulter Life Sciences, Indianapolis, IN). 100 ng of each library was pooled, gel-purified, and quantified using a bioanalyser and with qPCR. 12 pM of the library mixture spiked with 20% Phix, was run on a MiSeq (Illumina, San Diego, CA). Negative controls with no added DNA were used as controls.

Sequence de-noising, DADA2 program

16S sequences were processed further using a custom in-house pipeline that takes advantage of both the advanced amplicon denoising algorithm of the recently available DADA2 program [35] and the extensive collection of 16S sequences in the Human Oral Microbiome Database (HOMD) [36]. Briefly, pair-end reads were quality-filtered, merged and clustered using the DADA2 package to obtain OTU tables representing all unique sequences with PCR and sequencing errors accounted for by an error probability model designed by DADA2. An average about 60,000 sequences of about 441 bp per sequence were obtained after bad reads and chimeric sequences had been removed from the analyses. Taxonomy assignment of the representing sequences up to genus level were obtained using a naïve Bayesian classifier [37] as implemented in the DADA2 package. Further classification of the sequences to species level were achieved by string search using the following curated data bases: HMT RefSeq V15.1: 998 sequences, HOMD RefSeq Extended V1.11: 151 sequences, GreenGeneGold V1: 2,623 sequences; NCBI 16S rRNA Reference: 18,044 sequences. This represents 21,816 total unique sequences of which represents 14,651 total species. Note that sequences of <1000nt have been removed. Specific canine oral taxa (COT) based on comparisons of 16S rRNA gene sequences have been previously described (Dewhirst et al., 2012 [16]). These sequences were deposited in GenBank and were available for analysis in this study. The threshold cutoff for species identification was 98.5% similarity. Raw sequencing data and metadata are available online at the Human Oral Microbiome website: publication_data/20190404.

LefSE analysis

Sequences of microbial DNA were analyzed using LDA Effect Size (LEfSe), a 2-stage statistical analysis [38]. Specifically, it uses the non-parametric factorial Kruskal-Wallis (KW) sum-rank test to detect features with significant differential abundance with respect to the class of interest and then biological significance is determined using a set of pairwise tests among subclasses using the (unpaired) Wilcoxon rank-sum test. For the output, LEfSe uses Linear Discriminant Analysis to estimate the effect size of each differentially abundant feature.



In total, 59 samples were collected from the 36 CCUS patients. Only the lesional mucosa was sampled in 18 cases, in seven cases all three sites were sampled (lesional mucosa, opposing tooth surface supragingival plaque, normal mucosa positive control), and in nine cases the mucosal lesion and the opposing tooth surface supragingival plaque were sampled.

A total of 41 negative control samples were obtained from three healthy non-CCUS dogs (each case sampled three times (mucosa, tooth surface supragingival plaque and a second mucosal site), eight dogs with oral mucosal tumors (six dogs sampled from the mucosal surface of the tumor and two were sampled in the three locations: tumor mucosa, normal mucosa and supragingival tooth surface), and 14 dogs with severe periodontal disease (11 sampled from the subgingival pocket and, three sampled from mucosa, tooth surface supragingival plaque and subgingival pocket).

The oral tumors included a papillary squamous cell carcinoma, a solid carcinoma (Pan CK+/Mel A neg), an adenocarcinoma (Pan CK IHC+), a plasmacytoma (Mum 1+, CK and Synaptophysin neg), a spindle cell sarcoma, a melanoma (Melan A+), a canine acanthomatous ameloblastoma, and a benign peripheral odontogenic fibroma.

Microbiome of CCUS

The insights gained about the microbiome in CCUS mirror our hypothesis that specific microbial species or complexes are associated with the disease. These species are unique to the mucosal lesion in the disease, and not found in normal sites in the CCUS mouth or in healthy controls. One species found in the mucosal microbiota was prevalent in the supragingival plaque of the opposing tooth surface.

Oral microbiome in CCUS mucosal lesions is different as compared to normal control mucosa in CCUS animals

As shown in Figure 1, there were several species that had statistically significant differences between the two groups. Some were known canine species, and many were phylotypes not previously described, likely representing new species (designated as sp. nov. in Figure 1).