Study on Prevalence of Canine Babesiosis in Bishoftu Town, Central Ethiopia

Research Article

Austin J Infect Dis. 2024; 11(1): 1098.

Study on Prevalence of Canine Babesiosis in Bishoftu Town, Central Ethiopia

Bement Wondimagegn¹; Sisay Girma¹; Bamlak Kassahun²; Biruk Eshetu³

¹Haramaya University, Ethiopia

²Addis Ababa University, Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology, Ethiopia

³University of Gondar, College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Bamlak Kassahun AyalewHaramaya University, P.O.Box 138 Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Email:

Received: March 28, 2024 Accepted: April 30, 2024 Published: May 07, 2024


A cross-sectional study was carried out from February 2021 to August 2021 in Bishoftu town, Eastern shewa zone, Central Ethiopia, to find out the prevalence of Canine babesiosis in dogs. Blood samples were collected from 265 dogs of different age groups, breeds, and sexes for babesia identification and pack cell volume determination. The blood smears were prepared from each blood sample followed by Giemsa staining to identify babesia under oil immersion microscope examination. Accordingly, 30 dogs (11.32%) were positive for babesia in this study. Whereas, out of 98 cross, 123 local and 44 exotic breeds of dogs were examined; 7(7.14%), 14(11.38 %), and 9(20.45%) were found positive for babesia, respectively, However the difference is not statically significant. In this study, 187 male and 78 female dogs were examined and their corresponding babesia prevalence was 21(11.23%) and 9(11.54%). The prevalence of babesia based on age was 79(5.06%) in puppies, 168(13.69%) in adults, and 18(16.67%) in older dogs. Out of 265 examined dogs; 47(17.73%) were of poor body condition, 101(38.11%) medium body condition and 117(44.15%) good body condition. The prevalence of babesia was high (P<0.05) in poor body condition dogs 11(23.40%), while comparing with 8(7.92%) medium and 11(9.40%) good body condition. Among the 265 dogs examined; 51(19.25%) dogs were found anemic based on packed cell volume result. Out of 51(19.25%) anemic dogs, the babesia was identified in 30(58.82%) of them. In general, the present study gave evidence that canine babesia is one of the enzootic and important diseases of dogs in the study area. Therefore, the application of preventive and control measures like designing good ectoparasite control in dogs should be well organized in the study area.

Keywords: Babesia; Bishoftu; Dogs and packed cell volume


Babesia is one of the tick-borne protozoan parasites which belong to the phylum Apicomplexa, in the class Piroplasmea, order of Piroplasmida and in the family Babesiidae, and defile erythrocytes of domestic and wild animals, and humans. While the distribution of canine babesiosis is worldwide and several different species of Babesia have been reported in dogs [1].

Among the genus of Babesia that readily parasitize the red blood cells of dogs they are morphologically classified into large (3.0 to 5.0 μm) and small (1.5 to 2.5 μm) forms, both revealing a worldwide distribution. Babesia canis (B.canis), Babesia vogeli (B.vogeli), and Babesia Rossi (B.rossi) are of the large Babesia species which are detected in the USA, while Babesia gibsoni (B.gibsoni) and Babesia annae (B. annae) are of small Babesia species that has been recorded as an infection of dogs [6]. Among the smaller parasites, B. gibsoni prevalently occurs in the Middle East, southern Asia, Japan, Africa, and South America and is one of the emerging infectious diseases in the USA, as well as having been recognized lately in Italy, Hungary, and Australia [24]. A more virulent subspecies of B. gibsoni have recently been recognized in California. B. annae (also known as Theileria annae) is the most endemic in dogs of northwest Spain [8].

B. vogeli is the least pathogenic as up-to-date. It occurs in France, Australia, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, and the USA, and more often causes mild disease in adult dogs, however, the severe disease is observed in some puppies [23]. B. rossi takes place predominantly in southern Africa and is seemingly the most fatal of the subspecies.

Babesia infection in dogs was recognized in the past mostly by the morphologic appearance of the parasite in erythrocytes under Giemsa staining and microscopy and all forms of the B. canis were recognized as large, while on the other hand small forms of Babesia were considered to be B. gibsoni [1]. Refined Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques have currently been allowed for a better definition of these parasites [22].

A well-organized strong particular evidence exists that B. gibsoni is transmitted by dog bites [5], whilst vertical transmission from the dam to offspring has lately been proven as a supplementary method of transmission [15]. Different levels of fatality, dissimilar antigenic properties, and specific tick vector transmission competency have led to the presence of a larger variety of Babesia species, Which can cause infection in dogs [1].

A small subgroup of dogs occurs with high hematocrits (relative haemo concentration), despite strenuous hemolysis, which is due to the reason that there is shifting of fluid from the intravascular to the extravascular component. These dogs are at a high risk of developing cerebral complications, as well as other organ failures [37].

Researches on canine babesiosis are deficient in Ethiopia, but on the other hand number of reports suggest that the parasite infects of dogs is worldwide. In India, a variable prevalence of canine babesiosis has been reported viz. 0.66 to 8.9% in referral clinics canines in Uttar Pradesh [9]; 21.7% in Assam [10], 5.4% in Hissar, Haryana (Bansal et al., 1985), and 3.17% of B. gibsoni and 1.26% B. canis in Punjab [14]. In Ethiopia canine babesiosis has been reported in Jimma town from 15.9% to 18.25% [16,33] However, the prevalence of canine babesiosis in the study area is not yet known. Therefore, this study is crucial to know the status of the disease and its associated risk factor, and even tremendously very important to recommend measures to control the disease in the study area.

Therefore, the objectives of this study was

1. To determine the prevalence and associated risk factors of canine babesiosis in Bishoftu Town., Centeral Ethiopia.

Material and Methods

Study Area

The study was conducted from February 2021 to August 2021 at Addis Ababa University College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Bishoftu Ethiopia. Bishoftu is a metropolis, positioned in Oromia Regional State at a distance of 47.9 kilometers southeast of Addis Ababa located at 90°N latitude and 40°E longitude and an altitude of 1870 meters above sea level with inside the crucial highlands of Ethiopia. The common most and minimum temperatures of the vicinity are 34.7°C and 8.5°C respectively, and the common relative humidity is 61.3%. The metropolis gets an annual rainfall of 1151.6 mm of which 84% is acquired at some point of the lengthy wet season protecting June to September and the last with inside the quick wet season extending from March to May (NMSA, 2003).

The 2007 countrywide census mentioned a complete population for Bishoftu of 99,928, of whom 47,860 have been men and 52,068 have been women (CSA, 2007).

Study Animals

All breeds, sex, and age groups of dogs visiting Addis Ababa University Veterinary teaching hospital in study period were considered for sample collection. Most of the dogs come to the hospital were from Bishoftu town and it’s surrounding.

Study Design

A cross-sectional study was conducted from February 2021 to August 2021 to determine the prevalence of babesiosis in the dog visited Addis Ababa University, veterinary teaching hospital, Bishoftu, Ethiopia.

Sample Size Determination and Sampling Procedure

The sample size was determined based on the formula of Thrusfield (2005).

n = 1.962Pexp (1-Pexp)


Where; n = required sample size, Pexp = expected prevalence, d = required precision

The expected prevalence of canine babesiosis was 50% to get the maximum number because there was no previous work of canine babesiosis in the study area. The precision was decided to 5(0.05) to 95% confidence level. By substituting the value in the above formula, the study got the sample size:

n = 1.962 × 0.5(1-0.5)


= 384 dogs

Therefore, 384 dogs were expected to be collected, however, only 265 dogs were considered in this study due to a lack of dogs visiting the veterinary teaching hospital in the study period.

All dogs visited the Veterinary Teaching Hosipital in the study period were considered for sampling depending on the owner consent.

Blood Sample Collection and Examination

Blood samples were collected aseptically from a cephalic vein in vials containing anticoagulant (EDTA and study design above). Data on breed, sex, and age of dogs was also collected parallel to blood collection. A thin blood smear was prepared for each sample, a drop of blood was placed on a clean glass slide, air dried, fixed in methanol, stained with Giemsa [11], and examined under a light microscope by using the oil immersion objective to identify and to examine the presence of babesia.

Packed Cell Volume (PCV) values of blood samples were determined using a hematocrit centrifuge and PCV reader. According to Walker, A.R., 2003. Dogs with PCV value <35% were considered as anemic and dogs with PCV value >36% were considered as non-anemic.

Statistical Analysis

The data was collected from the study area, the result obtained from blood examination was recorded in the format developed for this purpose and later on entered into Microsoft Excel 2013. Dogs were grouped based on age, sex, origin, and body condition scoring to determine whether these factors were associated with the prevalence of canine babesiosis. Statistical evaluations were carried out using a STATA 14.1 and the mean of infected and non-infected dogs was compared using anindependent T-test at a 95% confidence level (p<0.05). Differences were considered significant when p<0.05.


Over all Prevalence of Dog Babesiosis

Giemsa-stained blood smear examination of 265 dogs confirmed 30 (11.32%) dog were positive for babesiosis. out of 98 crosses, 44 exotic and 123 local breeds of dogs examined; the prevalence was 7 (7.14%), 9 (20.45%), and 14(11.38%) were respectively. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the prevalence rate between local, cross, and exotic breeds of dogs (P>0.05). In this study, 187 male and 78 female dogs were examined and their respective prevalence was found to be 11.23% and 11.54%. Furthermore, 79 puppies, 168 adults, and 18 older dogs were included in this study; and the prevalence was found to be 5.06%, 13.69%, and 16.67% respectively. The prevalence difference was statistically insignificant in both sex and age groups of the study animals (P>0.05). During this study, animals were classified into their body condition based as; poor, medium, and good body condition. The respective prevalence for body condition was 11(23.40%) in poor, 8(7.92%) in medium, and 11(9.40%) good, such that the difference was statistically significant. Lastly, during conducting the study 265 dogs were came from 5 different kebelles of bishoftu town, and the dogs came from kebelle 15 were show high 49 (18.37%) prevalence, however, the difference between kebelles was not stastically significant (P>0.05).

Citation: Wondimagegn B, Girma S, Kassahun B, Eshetu B. Study on Prevalence of Canine Babesiosis in Bishoftu Town, Central Ethiopia. Austin J Infect Dis. 2024; 11(1): 1098.