Mortality in Low Birth Weight Infants in a Developing Country, a Case of Zimbabwe

Research Article

Austin J Infect Dis. 2019; 6(1): 1038.

Mortality in Low Birth Weight Infants in a Developing Country, a Case of Zimbabwe

Hlatywayo LTZ1, Nyandoro G2*, Chimhuya S¹, Zvan-yadza F Gumbo¹ and Kambarami R3

¹Department of Paediatrics, College of Health Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

²Department of Community Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

³Maternal and Child Health Integrated Programme College of Health Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

*Corresponding author: George Nyandoro, Department of Community Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

Received: September 23, 2019; Accepted: October 25, 2019; Published: November 01, 2019


Objective: To determine the mortality of infants born weighing less than 2000g in a low resource setting, and identify time related risk factors for death in the first 28 and 48 days of life.

Methods: A prospective cohort study of 399 infants born alive weighing less than 2000g was followed up for death outcomes. Data was analyzed using STATA (USA) statistical package, survival curves were deduced using Kaplan Meyer; Adjusted Risk Ratios (RR) were deduced using generalized linear models with poison link function.

Results: Overall mortality rate in the first 28 days was 51.2%. Mortality in the first 12 hours of life was 33% Mortality. in the ELBW was 91.1%, VLBW – 54.4% and LBW – 28.8%. The independent risk factors for mortality in the first 12 hours of life were Res-piratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) (RR 1.58 95% CI 1.039 - 2.405) and infants born to Diabetic mothers (RR 2.31 95% CI 1.46 - 3.65).

Conclusion: Neonatal mortality rate was very high and the majority of the deaths occurred within 12 hours of birth. Interventions to reduce mortality should target particularly treatment of respiratory distress syndrome such as use of life support mechanisms, surfactant therapy, and improve monitoring during the critical early hours of life.

Keywords: Mortality; Low birth weight; Infants; Zimbabwe


More than 20 million infants worldwide representing 15.5% of all births are born with Low Birth Weight (LBW) 1particularly in developing countries where, approximately 16.5% of all births are LBW. In both developed and developing countries, preterm birth is the main contributor to LBW. However, in less developed countries, Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) has significant contribution to the burden of LBW. LBW infants are 20 times more likely to die than normal birth weight counterparts, as they are more susceptible to comply-cations in the neonatal period such as hypothermia and hypoglycemia.

Globally 6.6 million children less than 5 years old die every year and 44% of these deaths happen in the first 28 days of life [1]. Of the neonatal deaths, 60% are as a result of LBW which implies that indirectly LBW is a big contributor to neonatal mortality. An esti-mated 2.8 million infants are born both preterm and Small for Gestation Age (SGA) in de-eloping countries annually. This latter group of infants are 10 – 40 times more likely to die in the first month of life [2]. Mortality in LBW infants is associated with multi-system complications that include respiratory aberrations, gastrointestinal, neurologic and cardiovascular. A LBW infant is more prone to perinatal infection and nosocomial infection than a normal weight term baby.

Studies on mortality trends and risk factors for mortality have been done in developed more than in developing countries. In a prospective USA cohort study of 18,153 infants born with birthweight between 501g and 1500g, Fanaroff et al found that 87% of the in-fants, who died, did so by 28 days of life. The risk for mortality in the lowest birth weights was greatly influenced by sex with males being more vulnerable than females. Early on-set sepsis was an important risk factor for mortality. In another USA cohort of babies born between 22 and 28 weeks of gestation. Patel et al found that deaths occurring within 12 hours after birth were most commonly attributed to prematurity whereas death in infants that survived beyond 12 hours were most commonly attributed to Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS). From 15 days to 60 days necrotizin enterocolitis was the most com-mon cause of death [3]. The results of these studies could be generalizable in the USA and most other developed countries. The pattern is likely to be altered in a developing country because of limited resources such as unavailability of ventilators and surfactant replace-ment therapy.

In a Turkish study of 241 VLBW infants by Centikaya et al overall mortality was 23.2%. Of those who died 17.3% were delivered by caesarian. Infants who did not receive antenatal steroids and those with incomplete steroid courses had a higher mortality rate than infants with complete or prolonged antenatal steroids [4].

Studies on the outcomes of low birth weight infants have also been reported in Sub Sa-haran Africa. In Malawi, the country with the leading number of preterm births currently, a prospective study of 1496 infants born in a public hospital in Lilongwe, Ashleen et al [5]. 1,496 infants that were reported survival rate of only 7% for ELBW, 52% for VLBW and 90% for LBW. The majority of deaths occurred within the first three days. The risk factors for mortality were not determined in this study. The survival rates were largely similar to Ballot’s findings in a retrospective study at a public hospital in Johannesburg 6. In the lat-ter study the overall survival rate was 70.5%. Survival rates for weight bands below 1001g and 1001 -1500g were only 34.9% and 85.8% respectively. The predictors for survival were birth weight, gender, necrotizing enterocolitis, born before arrival and Nasal Contin-uous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) usage [6]. This is one of the few studies that looked at predictors for survival in the VLBW. Another Johannesburg study by Velaphi SC et al. showed similar survival rates of 32% among ELBW and 84% among VLBW [7]. In this study provision of antenatal care, caesarian section, female gender and an APGAR score more than five at one minute or five minutes were associated with better survival to hospital discharge. Lack of mechanical ventilation in this institution contributed to high mortality [7].

Zimbabwe has a comparable prevalence of LBW (11%) to its neighboring countries (An-gola 12%, Botswana 10%, Mozambique 14%, Namibia 14%, Zambia 12%) [8]. In 2000, Kambarami et al [9]. found that in-hospital mortality rate was 39.4% . The risk factors for mortality were birth weight less than 1500g, breech delivery and unbooked pregnacies. Another prospective cohort study by Stranix L [10]. in 2000 found early neonatal death rate (death within seven days of life) to be 16.7% with the risk factors for mortality being a low five minute Apgar score, respiratory distress, prematurity, absence of growth restriction, unbooked pregnancy and breech delivery. This study explored the risk factors for mortali-ty in infants born with weight below 2500g. The overall mortality was lower than the previous studies because of inclusion of babies with higher birth weights. Reporting on weight specific mortality would have been more informative in this study.

The number of infant deaths occurring during the neonatal period is increasing and in order for the country to improve child survival, a reduction in neonatal mortality has to be realized [11]. Although it has been established that overall mortality of LBW infants is high, the age specific risk factors for death in the first 28 days of life in these high risk infants have not been studied adequately in a low resource setting such as Zimbabwe. Knowledge of these factors will help both the clinicians and health care managers to identify and prioritize interventions that might avert unnecessary mortality.

Subjects and Methods

A prospective cohort study, with a follow up period of 28 days was carried out at Harare Hospital Neonatal Unit from 01 August 2014 to 28 February 2015. Infants weighing less than 2000g were recruited excluding those weighing less than 500 or without consent. The calculated minimum sample size to detect a mortality rate of 39.4% (Kambarami et al) [9] at 5% significance level and 95% confidence interval was 367 newborn babies.. Allow-ing for 10% loss to follow up and a design effect of 1.1 (catering for age specific risk fac-tors) we enrolled 399 participants. The infants were identified from labour ward and op-erating room delivery registers each morning during the study period. Consecutive sam-pling was employed until sample size was reached. Details of the study were explained to all mothers of eligible infants.

The investigator administered both the informed consent and the questionnaire within 48 hours of delivery. Supplemental information was extracted from delivery registers and mothers’ antenatal books. The investigator documented maternal demographic data, an-tenatal care, and newborn characteristics. Gestational age was calculated from the Last Normal Menstrual Period (LNMP), first trimester USS. In the event that the mother was not sure of dates and did not have a first trimester Ultrasound scan a New Ballard’s score alone was used. The investigator examined all the infants at enrolment, then on day two and three of life and, subsequently weekly until discharge. Weighing scales were cali-brated before commencement of the study and every morning. A research assistant helped with following up the infants at the outpatient review clinic.

At each review, the weight, method of feeding, the type of milk, illnesses and medication were recorded. Mothers were reimbursed bus fare every time they came for a study re-view. These fees were determined according to MRCZ approved schedule. Mothers that missed scheduled appointments were contacted on their cellular phones and a phone interview carried out. In the case of death at home, a verbal autopsy was carried out. The management of the infants followed existing guidelines on the unit

All data were checked for completeness and consistency of responses in the field before entering into Epi Info (version 4, USA) database. After data cleaning the data was export-ed to STATA (version 12 USA) package for analysis. Frequencies were generated to de-scribe mother and infant demographic details. The risk factors for mortality were identified using univariate analysis initially then multivariate regression procedure to calculate ad-justed relative risk estimates. Poisson generalized linear model with a logarithmic link function regression model and robust variance were used to estimate the adjusted rela-tive risk ratios. Kaplan-Meier survival graphs were generated to determine mortality pat-terns.

Permission to carry out the study was obtained from the Harare Central Hospital Re-search Ethics Committee, Joint Research Ethics Committee (JREC) and the Medical Re-search Council of Zimbabwe (MRCZ). Informed verbal and written consent was obtained from mothers or fathers prior to enrollment. Data was kept confidential by limiting access to patient details. Medication was not withheld from any study participant and treatment was in accordance with the existing nursery protocols.


Data was collected for 399 infants over a seven month period from the 1st of August 2014 to the 28th of February 2015. During the study period a total of 592 infants with a weight below 2000g were admitted into the neonatal unit of whom 193 were not studied. The lat-ter included 67 who lived outside Harare and 126 whose mothers did not consent. Of those enrolled 367 (92%) completing the study. One hundred and eighty eight (188) in-fants died within the 28 days of follow up giving an overall mortality rate of 51% (95% CI 46% - 56%). Thirty two (8%) infants were lost to follow up. (Figure 1) below shows the number of recruited infants and those infants that were lost to follow up.