The Role of the NETosis Phenomena as a Function of Neutrophils in the Pathogenesis of Infection and Cancer

Review Article

Austin J Infect Dis. 2022; 9(3): 1074.

The Role of the NETosis Phenomena as a Function of Neutrophils in the Pathogenesis of Infection and Cancer

Glukhareva AE1*, Afonin GV1, Melnikova AA1, Grivtsova LY1, Kolobaev IV1, Ivanov SA1,3 and Kaprin AD2,3

1Tsyba Medical Radiological Research Centre – Branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Center, Russia

2National Medical Research Center for Radiology, Russia

3People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Russia

*Corresponding author: Anastasia E Glukhareva, Clinical Resident, Tsyba Medical Radiological Research Centre, Branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Center, Russia

Received: September 26, 2022; Accepted: October 27, 2022; Published: November 03, 2022


Neutrophils are one of the key barriers to anti-infective protection, an important mechanism of which is NETosis - the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NET). In recent years, this ambiguous biological phenomenon has been considered as a factor of unfavorable prognosis in some types of cancer. This review is devoted to the analysis of the role of NETosis in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases and other non-communicable diseases. The role of NET in malignant tumors, in particular in metastasis and progression of the tumor process, has been studied and data on the subpopulations of neutrophils – low-density neutrophils (LDN) and high-density neutrophils (HDN) in tumor processes have been analyzed. Further study of the phenomenon of netosis and the characteristics of peripheral blood neutrophils in cancer patients will be useful both for detailing the mechanisms of the metastatic cascade and for identifying their role as a biomarker and a possible therapeutic target.

Keywords: Neutrophil extracellular traps; Low and high density neutrophils; Oncological diseases; Netosis; COVID-19; Lung diseases


Heterophilic leukocytes are the largest population of leukocytes, they are one of the first cellular barriers that prevents the penetration and spread of infection in the body. These cells are terminally differentiated, they have a short lifespan and a low level of gene expression. Getting into the bloodstream, they have all the necessary set of proteins for the destruction of microorganisms. In case of infection, neutrophils are sent to infected tissues under the influence of signaling cytokines, where they encounter invading microbes. This collision leads to the activation of neutrophils and the absorption of the pathogen by the phagocytotic vesicle. Antimicrobial activity requires two events in the phagosome. First, the pre-synthesized NADPH oxidase subunits assemble on the phagosomal membrane and transfer electrons to oxygen to form superoxide anions. They spontaneously or catalytically dismute to form carbon dioxide and hydrogen peroxide. Collectively, superoxide anions, carbon dioxide and hydrogen peroxide are called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Secondly, neutrophil granules fuse with the phagosome, releasing antimicrobial peptides and enzymes. Microorganisms are exposed to high concentrations of ROS and cytotoxic granules in the phagosome. Together they are responsible for the destruction of microbes. Humoral nonspecific protective factors produced by neutrophilic leukocytes (complement, lysozyme, interferon, myeloperoxidase, cationic proteins) have a powerful antimicrobial effect. Phagocytosis and intracellular killing of microorganisms are considered to be the classical antibacterial function of neutrophils [1].

NETosis is an important mechanism of anti-infective protection of neutrophils. This is the formation of so-called Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs).

For the first time, a new mechanism of antimicrobial action of neutrophils was described relatively recently, namely in 2004 and demonstrated in the conducted studies. This is the formation of reticular structures in the extracellular space from DNA strands associated with antimicrobial proteins, histones and cytotoxic granules, described relatively recently [2]. The rather late fact of the discovery of this phenomenon is explained by the small size of NET, instability, fragility of traps; the difficulty of detecting them; their almost complete absence in the peripheral blood of healthy people. NETs provide a high local concentration of antimicrobial molecules that effectively kill a wide range of microbes (gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi) and provide the most important innate protective immune mechanism. The role of NETs in various pathological processes is described. A significant amount of NETs is detected in places of inflammation, as demonstrated in human appendicitis and in an experimental model of shigellosis. Traps have been shown to be important in vivo in human preeclampsia and streptococcal infections causing necrotizing fasciitis and pneumococcal pneumonia.

Although this phenomenon was discovered more than 15 years ago, the specific signaling events leading to the formation of the NETs are still largely unclear.

The fact that the presence of NETs in the blood of healthy people is an extremely rare situation allows us to consider the formation of NETs as a kind of biological marker of various pathological conditions. In this case, it is important to analyze the role of this phenomenon in the development of various pathological conditions, including the oncological process, in which the formation of NETs and the characteristics of neutrophils can be both a prognostic factor and a possible chemotherapeutic target.

Mechanisms of NETs Formation

The morphological sequence of events in the formation of NETs is as follows: activated neutrophils initiate a process in which the classical lobular morphology of the nucleus is first lost and the differences between euchromatin and heterochromatin disappear. Then all the inner membranes are dissolved and the active components of the NETs are mixed. After that, as a result of a process biologically different from both apoptosis and necrosis, the cytoplasmic membrane ruptures and the extracellular part of the trap is formed. This process of neutrophil death is called NETosis. The main form of NETs formation is the so–called suicidal NETosis, which leads to the death of neutrophils and is characterized by the above-mentioned sequential morphological changes [3].

At the same time, there is also a so-called vital NETosis. This is the process when neutrophils remain viable and release only parts of their nuclear or mitochondrial DNA. Both mechanisms of NETosis, their duration and sequence of events at the neutrophil level are described in sufficient detail in a recent review by A. Palladina et al. [4].

There is no doubt that the leading role in the formation of NETs belongs to the phagocytic coenzyme Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH) - the oxidase that forms ROS. In infection, the formation of ROS can contribute to both the intraphagosomal destruction of live neutrophils and the postmortem destruction of neutrophils that have already formed NETs. Pretreatment of neutrophils stimulated with forbolmyristate acetate (PMA) or Staphylococcus aureus in combination with the NADPH oxidase inhibitor Diphenylene Iodonium (DPI) prevented NETs formation.

Considering in more detail the mechanism and conditions of formation of NETs at the intracellular level, at this stage of our knowledge we can say the following.

With the participation of Protein Kinase C (PKC), mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) stimulate NADPH oxidase [5], and intracellular kinases (the Src kinase family) that stimulate PKC are activated by ROS [6]. In the study of N. Vorobjeva et al. [7] an increase in the activity of mtROS and NADPH oxidase was demonstrated due to a signal from the G-protein-coupled formyl-methionine-leucinephenylalanine (fMLP) receptor, which induces the release of Ca2+ from the intracellular depot, as well as Ca2+-independent activation of phosphoinoside-3-kinase (PI3K).Ca2+-dependent activation of mtROS formation can serve as one of the main sources of ROS in the case of induction of the formation of NETs caused, in particular, by ionomycin [8]. These data also confirm that two different mechanisms of NETosis are possible, one of which is independent of NADPH oxidase [9]. The generation of mtROS caused by fMLP (formyl-methionine-leucine-phenylalanine, bacterial peptide) and A23187 (calcimycin, calcium ionophore) directly depends on the opening of the mitochondrial pore (mPTP) [10]. Interestingly, when NETosis was activated under the action of fMLP, there was no swelling of mitochondria, characteristic of the long-term opening of mitochondrial pores. It is possible that in this case there was a shortterm opening of the pore caused by an increase in the concentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) in the cytoplasm [10]. On the contrary, when NETosis was activated under the action of A23187, which also depended on the discovery of mPTP, mitochondrial swelling was observed, which coincided with chromatin decondensation and destruction of the nuclear envelope [10]. The high concentration of cytoplasmic Ca2+ formed under the action of calcium ionophore A23187 led to the prolonged discovery of mPTP. This led to the formation of large concentrations of mtROS due to the release of the main components of antioxidant protection from the mitochondria [10]. Thus, the conditions for the formation of NETs depend on the type of initiating agent.

ROS formed by NADPH oxidase penetrate back into the cell, thereby stimulating the opening of ptp and enhancing NETosis [10].

Neutrophil degranulation with the release of proteins from granules and their release into the cytosol is a key moment in NETosis. This primarily concerns the yield of azurophilic granules containing various proteins, some of them are represented by serine proteases – Neutrophil Elastase (NE), cathepsin G and Myeloperoxidase (MPO) [5]. ROS promote the release of serine proteases from granules into the cytosol. Serine proteases migrate to the nucleus, contributing to chromatin decondensation and destruction of the nuclear envelope [11]. In addition to serine proteases, Peptidyl Arginine Deaminase 4 (PAD4) also enters the nucleus, which activates citrullination of histones and promotes the final decondensation of chromatin. Proteoclastic damage of the nuclear plate and chromatin decondensation lead to the destruction of the nuclear envelope and the release of chromatin into the cytoplasm [5]. At the final stage of vital NETosis, pores are formed in the plasma membrane to release chromatin. Pores are formed with the help of a special protein gasdermine D (GSDMD), the cleavage and activation of which occur due to neutrophil elastase. There is an assumption that gasdermin D forms pores not only in the plasma, but also in the nuclear membrane [12].

Under the action of RIP kinases, another pore-forming protein MLKL (Mixed lineage kinase domain like pseudokinase), a key activator of necrosis, is activated, which also leads to the release of NETs, whichare decondensed chromatin and proteins released from granules (Figure 1) [13].