Uptake and Metal Transfer from Biosolid-Amended Soil to Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum Mill L.) Plants

Research Article

J Plant Chem and Ecophysiol. 2016; 1(1): 1002.

Uptake and Metal Transfer from Biosolid-Amended Soil to Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill L.) Plants

Carbonell G*, Torrijos M, Rodríguez JA and Ángel Porcel M

Department of the Environment, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (I.N.I.A), Spain

*Corresponding author: Gregoria Carbonell Martín, Department of the Environment, Laboratory for Ecotoxicology, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (I.N.I.A), Madrid, Spain

Received: February 19, 2016; Accepted: March 11, 2016; Published: March 14, 2016


This study investigates the inputs of total and available metals from biosolid-amended soil, as well as their accumulation in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum Mill L.) and subsequent translocation. A greenhouse study with tomato seedlings grown in soil amended with two organic waste types (anaerobically digested thermal drying sludge and anaerobically digested municipal solid waste compost) was conducted. From an environmental viewpoint, the potential risk of metal uptake by crops must be considered. The results indicated significant increases in Cd, Cu and Zn in soil, even though their available fraction was not modified with Cu and Zn, and the Cd fraction significantly decreased. Roots showed the highest metal concentrations, but the differences between the plants grown in the biosolid-amended or control soils were not always significant. The root system acted as a barrier for Cr, Ni and Pb. No significant variations in the concentrations of the metals in the tomatoes grown in biosolid-amended or control soils were observed. Soil-to-plant metals transfer was in this order: Cu (1.14-2.85) > Cd (1.33-2.17) > Zn (1.4-1.48). The highest and lowest BAFs were observed in roots and tomatoes, respectively. According to the result obtained in the translocation and bioaccumulation factors, Cd was the heavy metal that indicated the greatest mo from soil. The canonical correlation analysis proved a highly significant relationship in the soil/ plant system, which was strongly and positively related with Cd, Cu and Zn. Biomass production was similar regardless of treatment, but some differences were found for aerial plant parts as regards metal accumulation, whereas the metal levels in tomatoes were negligible for all treatments.

Keywords: Biosolids; Soil contamination; Available metals; Plant uptake; Primary and dynamic factors; Tomato


The tenth position of EU Member States in waste material production in 2012 has been report for Spain (463 kg per capita, below the European average of 487 kg per capita) [1]. This waste material can be deposited in landfills (63%), or can be recycled (17%), incinerated (9%) or managed as compost (10%) for agricultural purposes. Biosolids are the by-product of municipal wastewater treatment and also are known as sewage sludge. There are several biosolids management options, but spreading it on land has considerably increased and reached 70% from 2005 to 2010. European legislation considers that biosolids, containing nutrient-rich organic materials, may substantially benefit from climate change given their action on carbon sequestration by reducing CO2 and atmospheric pollutant emissions [2]. Lou and Nair (2009) [3] estimated that approximately 50 kg of C (183 kg of CO2) may be sequestered per ton of wet compost. Nonetheless, the ultimate benefits of recycling prove to be a more sustainable economy [4], not to mention the possibility of reducing chemical fertilizers [5]. Sewage sludge and Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) compost can be used beneficially on land as a soil conditioner and fertilizer. Due to contamination with pollutants, the application of sewage sludge requires having to know about trace element contents in soils. The main sources of metal input in agricultural soils include the use of sewage sludge composts [6], mineral fertilizers [7], MSW compost [8] and recycled waters for irrigation [9,10], which are of particular concern given the potential environmental risk they pose. The non-systematic use of biosolids to improve agricultural yields without considering possible negative effects might become a major concern. It should also be emphasized that high levels of metals in soils could pose a risk for consumers as a result of their toxicity, transfer and bioaccumulation through the food chain [11,12]. Distribution of metals in plants by considering primary factors for translocation and bioaccumulation, which involve the plant-soil interaction under similar environmental conditions, has been contemplated [13-18]. However, these primary factors express only the first-level comparison; i.e biogeochemical comparison of different media (plant and soil) is made in one place. So in order to integrate information about metal concentration into different media or plant parts, and to compare the process between control and treated samples, second-level factors (dynamic factors) are needed [19]. According to [20], this approach includes the influence of the environment on metal uptake (external factors) and translocation in crops grown at contaminated sites (internal factors).

Biosolid soil amendments on agricultural soils usually increase metals in plant tissues [21]. Many studies have been conducted about metal uptake in crops (wheat, tomatoes, strawberries, maize and squash) after biosolid amendments [10,16,22,23], but data on the translocation and bioaccumulation of metals on different tomato plant parts after being grown in sewage sludge- or MSW compostamended soils are relatively scarce. In the present work, a greenhouse experiment was conducted in loamy sand soil amended with different organic wastes, anaerobically digested thermal drying sludge and anaerobically digested municipal solid waste compost, with tomato (Solanun Lycospersicum L.) seedlings. Tomato was selected for this study with a view to stating its food safety implication for human consumption. This work focused on these objectives: 1) establishing the likelihood of total and available metals in soil; 2) determining the ability of metal uptake, translocation and distribution of metals from soil to other tomato plant parts (root, stem, leaf and fruit).

Materials and Methods

Experimental design

A greenhouse experiment, with tomato seedlings, was carried out from 28 May to 12 November 2012. It was performed following a randomised design with eight replications that involved three treatments, non-amended soil (control), thermally digested drying sludge (W-A)-amended soil (Treatment-A, [T-A]) and anaerobically digested municipal solid waste compost W-B (Treatment-B, [T-B]) Table 4, in flexible plastic pots (0.108 m², 26 L capacity) with loamy sand soil. Each pot was filled with 27 kg of control soil or with 27 kg of soil mixed with waste (W-A or W-B) in order to reach the selected application rate (150 kg N ha-1). The waste application rate was calculated by considering tomato plants’ N requirement, which never exceeded the levels set out in Directive 91/676/EEC on the contribution of nitrogen fertilizers. The application rate was covered by adding 192 g (W-A) or 629 g wet weight (W-B) to each pot with 27 kg of the control soil. The non-amended soil was fertilized with 33 g pot-1 of a commercial fertilizer (N: P: K, 15:15:15; Fertiberia, Spain). Previously, tomato seeds, kindly supplied by the Spanish office of Plant Varieties, were sown in May. After 2 weeks the obtained seedlings were placed in the 24 pots which constituted the experiment (3 seedlings / treatment / pot) in soil, which was previously watered for conditioning purposes. Flowering began late in July, the first fruits appeared in October, and fruits were harvested daily until mid- November. While the experiment lasted, all the pots were watered to maintain moisture close to 60% of the water-holding capacity. Finally in mid-November, all the unripe tomatoes were harvested. The tomato plants were divided into roots, stems, leaves and tomatoes. Soil samples and plants were collected for metal analyses.