Some Reflections on the Impact of Physics, Materials Science, and Engineering on Biology and Medecine


Ann J Materials Sci Eng. 2014;1(3): 8.

Some Reflections on the Impact of Physics, Materials Science, and Engineering on Biology and Medecine

Brosseau C*

Lab-STICC, Université de Brest, France

*Corresponding author: Brosseau C, Université de Brest, Lab-STICC, CS 93837, 6 avenue Le Gorgeu, 29238 Brest Cedex 3, France

Received: September 03, 2014; Accepted: September 25, 2014; Published: October 01, 2014

“Human health has always been determined on the nanometer scale; this is where the structure and properties of the machines of life work in every one of the cells in every living thing. The practical impact of nanoscience on human health will be huge.” Richard E. Smalley, 1996 Nobel Laureate.

The aim of biomedical research is to uncover new knowledge that will lead to better health, as well as to develop the basic principles of biology, i.e. the rules of living systems. All research and technology indicators suggest that biotechnology and information technology (IT), coupled with the convergence of microsystems and nanotechnologies, are closely aligned with global and societal priorities, and primary drivers of economic growth. They will eventually dominate the future. Biotechnology is already transforming health care and agriculture, and opening up enormous possibilities for sustainable resource management. IT is the driving force in every industry today, transforming many of them and enabling new areas of research, such as the human genome, and enterprise. Both IT and biotechnology are challenging and transforming the world’s underlying social, economic, and political structures. Within this context, there is also a long tradition of physics-based techniques making important contributions to biology and medecine. Biology and engineering have a complex, often discordant, relationship. Living systems are intrinsically messy, so most biologists spend a lot of time analyzing untidy subjects such as variation, ecological interactions and the multitudes of tangled genetic, developmental and metabolic pathways that organisms use. In biology, noise is often a kind of signal, and generalizable principles are hard to find. By contrast, physicists and engineers can take a more reductionist1 approach to the world, deducing and testing the inherent principles and mechanisms by which things fail, work or can be made to work. Despite these differences, the two fields are vitally important to one another2. The physical world poses many basic challenges to all living creatures, which in turn have evolved an astonishing array of solutions. Many of them perform so well that we marvel at their superiority to human-made devices.

Recent advances in computer performance and affordability have accelerated their application to understanding biological phenomena [1]. The emergence of quantitative biology poses special challenges to biologists and to physicists eager to make a contribution. In these notes, we shall eventually describe recent developments which illustrate some interdisciplinary, biological issues in materials science, physics and electrical engineering. More precisely, this paper presents a range of examples that illustrate the important role that numerical simulation plays in the modeling of the electrical response of biological cells. These and other examples provide compelling evidence and arguments for emphasizing biological sciences in materials science, physics, and engineering curricula and the implementation of a bio-materials paradigm to facilitate the emergence of innovative interdisciplinarity involving the biological sciences, materials sciences, computer science, and engineering (Figure 1).

Citation: Brosseau C. Some Reflections on the Impact of Physics, Materials Science, and Engineering on Biology and Medecine. Ann J Materials Sci Eng. 2014;1(3): 8. ISSN:2471-0245