Cure of a Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma of the Maxilla

Case Report

Austin J Musculoskelet Disord. 2016; 3(2): 1037.

Cure of a Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma of the Maxilla

Elansari R*, Elababsi R, Elbaghdadi T, Abada R, Rouadi S, Roubal M and Mahtar M

Ent Department 20 August Hospital, University Hospital Ibn Rochd Casablanca, Morocco

*Corresponding author: Rachid Elansari, Ent Department 20 August Hospital, University Hospital Ibn Rochd Casablanca, Morocco

Received: November 08, 2016; Accepted: December 28, 2016; Published: December 30, 2016


Giant cell granuloma or Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG) is a benign maxillary lesion of unknown etiology. This tumor, infrequent, non-painful evolution, sometimes exhibiting aggressive behavior. Only histological study allows the diagnosis of certainty.

The reported case is a 13 year old who consult a dentist for a vestibular-palatal swelling left looks of 26, who underwent tooth extraction with antibiotics without improvement .the axial CT scan of the face objectified a hétérodensetissular mass of 46*42mm seat at the rear and middle part of the two nasal cavities, with lysis of the nasal septum and the posterior portion of the vomer.

Routine laboratory investigations including serum calcium, phosphorous and alkaline phosphatase were within normal limits. A biopsy of the lesion was in favor of a CGCG. The treatment consisted of combined surgical excision by para-latero-nasal route and endonasal approach. With a follow up of 3 years, we have noted no tumor recurrence.

Though defined histologically as benign lesions, giant cell granuloma have the capacity for local destruction. Thus, a treatment modality that would arrest the growth is mandatory

Keywords: Reparative granuloma; CGCG; Giant cells; Maxilla; Tumor; Exeresis


Giant cell reparative granuloma or central giant cell granuloma (CGCG, classified by the World Health Organization) is an uncommon benign lesion of the jaws although some may demonstrate an aggressive behavior. More common in the mandible than in the maxilla.

Case Presentation

13 years old, came for a consultation with her dentist for a painful swelling on the left posterior maxilla involving buccal and palatal tissue. An extraction under local anesthesia of tooth 26, suspected as causal, was performed and an immediate postoperative bleeding was noted. An ant biotherapy was prescribed for 7 days.

Three weeks after the removal of tooth 26, the swellings till persisted. The patient was referred to our ENT DEPARTEMENT 20 August hospital. During the clinical examination, a Swelling was found involving the left hemi-palate and alveolar bone crest corresponding to teeth 25, 26, 27 and 28. The covering mucosa seemed normal and firm to palpation.

An axial CT scan of the face revealed soft tissue window without contrast agent demonstrating the expansileheterodense mass of 46*42mm with well-defined borders centered on the nasal cavity, with lysis of the nasal septum, the horizontal part of the palatine bone with extension to the alveolar process of the right maxillary bone (Figure 1).