Synthesis and Simulation of Nano-Composite Metamaterial for Broadband Negative Refractive Index in Visible Spectral Regime

Research Article

Austin J Nanomed Nanotechnol. 2021; 9(1): 1063.

Synthesis and Simulation of Nano-Composite Metamaterial for Broadband Negative Refractive Index in Visible Spectral Regime

Keshavarz M1, Rostami A2*, Dolatyari M2*, Rostami GH2 and Khosravi S2

1Photonics and Nanocrystal Research Lab (PNRL), Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2SP- EPT Labs, ASEPE Company, Industrial Park of Advanced Technologies, Tabriz, Iran

*Corresponding author: Rostami A, SP- EPT Labs, ASEPE Company, Industrial Park of Advanced Technologies, Tabriz, Iran

Received: March 18, 2021; Accepted: April 12, 2021; Published: April 19, 2021


In this paper, a nano-metamaterial with the structure of Ag-SiO2-PbTe is proposed that has a random arrangement in the host medium of expanded polystyrene (foam) for the realization of a broadband negative refractive index at the visible spectrum. The negative refractive index for the purposed meta-material was obtained from the plasmonic resonance in the core and outer layer for both electric and magnetic components of light. Here, we use different radii for the outer layer of nanoparticles to create the broadband negative permeability. In this way, the doped semiconductor nanoparticles are included in the host medium to create the broadband negative permittivity. The overlap between the spectrum of the negative permittivity and permeability introduces the broadband negative refractive index at the visible band. The novel introduced structure creates the broadband negative refractive index and it is simple and practical for fabrication. For the realization of the proposed material, synthesis and characterization of the designed nanocomposite structure are investigated. To this end, the absorption and the transmission coefficients of the synthesized material are measured and compared with theoretical results. The obtained results indicate that the numerical simulations using Mie theory have good agreement with the experimental results.

Keywords: Metamaterials; Broadband negative refractive index; Plasmonic; Nano-composite; Nano-particle 


Metamaterials have opened a new area in optical engineering. The researches on metamaterials (composite materials) over the last years have been unveiled. These composite materials have electromagnetic properties that transcend them from naturally occurring media. One of the characteristics of the metamaterials is their tunability in managing the refractive index in spanning positive, zero, and negative values. Based on these properties, metamaterials have enabled remarkable advances in invisibility cloaking [1-4], perfect optical absorption [5], bandpass filter [6], perfect lens [7], nano-antenna [8], and seismic metamaterials [9]. For creating the negative refractive index, negative permittivity and negative permeability in desired wavelength range are needed. Noble metals (such as silver, gold, and copper) have negative permittivity under plasma frequency; however, in high frequencies, natural materials have permeability about one, and negative permeability is limited to the hundreds of Gigahertz (GHz). For solving this problem we should create magnetic resonance by using artificial structures (metamaterials).

Formerly metamaterials were conceived as periodic arrays of sub-wavelength split-ring resonators. Operational wavelengths for these structures are in microwave frequencies [10,11]. Some metamaterials with fishnet, layered and strip structures are in high frequencies [12-18], and some structures that have 40nm-50nm bandwidth are in optical frequencies [16,17]. In these composites, constituent resonators exhibit electric and magnetic resonances based on their material compositions. By overlapping these negative resonances effective permittivity and permeability, and the negative effective refractive index can be achieved. Some of these structures have a negative refractive index in the broadband frequencies [12] that has a negative refractive index in broadband terahertz frequencies; however, these structures need to have high-resolution lithography for high frequencies. So, all of the mentioned structures have limitations for fabrication in the optical regime.

Plasmonic devices have been developed rapidly in recent years [19]. Interaction between metamaterials and plasmonics can exhibit some extraordinary phenomena and cause premier applications [20]. Notable specific plasmonic structures have been created by Metalo-dielectric layered structures in spherical nano-particles. These structures have been widely studied due to promising applications in nano-electronics. Therefore, core-shell structures have been explored as alternative metamaterials [21,22]. Recently a simple three-layered core-shell structure consisting of metal-core and dielectric shells have been found to exhibit some special optical properties [23]. This structure shows an electric and magnetic resonance at optical frequencies. However, this structure has only 40nm bandwidth in visible regime with a fill factor of 0.5, and one of the limitations for the fabrication of this structure is applying a vacuum environment [23]. So despite the significant progress in composite metamaterials and plasmonic devices, the fabrication of spectrally broadband negative-index metamaterials at the optical frequencies is one of the important challenges.

All of the above structures have been discussed theoretically in the literature and there is no practical result for this purpose; because finding a suitable substrate to insert nano-particles in it is very difficult. Here we introduce new flexible material as a substrate with a refractive index near the vacuum and synthesis of a suitable nano-composite for this purpose.

In this way, we synthesized a three-dimensional isotropic nano-composite metamaterial consisting of spherical nano-particles that were included in a host medium (foam) (in 552-655 nm). We could broaden the bandwidth of the negative refractive index by about 103 nm in optical frequencies that have not been reported till now in optical frequencies with random and isotropic distribution with a fill factor of 0.45 [23,24]. The nanocomposite is prepared by Ag, SiO2, and PbTe layers as a core, Middle (ML), and Outer Layers (OL) respectively and this nanocomposite is inserted in a polymer as the host medium which the polymer is expanded polystyrene named as foam. This structure has an electric and magnetic resonance at optical frequencies. Negative permittivity can be exhibited by the Ag core and negative permeability can be provided by the OL shell. To create negative permittivity in broadband frequencies, we use doped semiconductors. Superposition effect for nanocomposites with different diameters investigated to create the negative permeability in broadband frequencies. So overlap between negative permittivity and negative permeability leads to a negative refractive index in the optical regime. The designed flexible metamaterial is a novel composite material with a refractive index near the vacuum that has not been reported till now.

The electric and magnetic scattering coefficient of this structure is calculated using the Mie theory. Effective parameters (εeff and µeff) of random distribution for the nano-particles are obtained by Lorena-Lorenz theory. So, here, we introduce (theoretically and experimentally) a structure with the broadband negative refractive index over the visible spectrum regime with 3-D, isotropic, homogenous, and flexible nano-composite metamaterial.

Theory and Calculation of Effective Parameters

When metamaterials go to the optical regime, the involved metal begins to play a crucial role to determine the performance of metamaterials. Shen et al. have reported the different metals on the electromagnetic responses of metamaterials in optical regime [25]. Comparison of the performance of metamaterials made by different metals (i.e., gold, copper, silver) shows that silver is the best choice as the metal part of optical metamaterials to achieve a negative refractive index in optical regime (because silver has low intrinsic loss). In this paper, the main goal is to design a nano-composite metamaterial to achieve broadband negative refractive index in optical frequencies. To fulfill this propose we use the spherical core-shell nano-particles, inside the host medium of foam. To analyze this structure, we are going to apply Mie's theory. The extinction efficiency (Qext) can be expressed as [16]:

Where y=kR, k is wavenumber and R is the radius of the nano-particles. an and bn are electric and magnetic scattering coefficients respectively.

Effective permittivity (εeff) and permeability (µeff) of a host medium with electric permittivity (εh) and magnetic permeability (µh) are calculated by using the Clausius-Mossotti equation:

Where the electric and magnetic polarizabilities, (αE and αM respectively), are directly proportional to the scattering coefficients a1 and b1 by factor i(k3/6π)-1.


In this paper, the permittivity of the metallic core is given by the Drude model as well as permittivity for ML and OL are constant. By analyzing the mutual influence of a metallic core with dielectric shells this question may be raised that how magnetic resonance is created in this structure. For the answer to this question, at first, we considered a metallic core without any shell in the host medium (foam). In this case, scattering coefficients of nano-particles, (an and bn) for monolayer structure can be obtained from the given reference in part [26]. Figure 1 shows εeff, µeff and neff for Ag nano-particles with fill-factor 0.45 in the host medium of foam. The radius of the silver nano-particles is fixed at 40 nm and the refractive index of the foam is fixed in 1.017.