Pyoderma Gangrenosa in Post Donor Nephrectomy Patient

Case Report

Austin J Nephrol Hypertens. 2019; 6(2): 1084.

Pyoderma Gangrenosa in Post Donor Nephrectomy Patient

Singh G1*, Sharma VK2 and Patil N3

¹Department of Pathology, HBCH Varanasi, India

²Department of Urology, GB Pant Hospital, India

³Department of Pathology, ILBS New Delhi, India

*Corresponding author: Gyanendra Singh, Fellow in Onco-pathology, HBCH Varanasi, Department of Pathology, HBCH Varanasi, India

Received: November 04, 2019; Accepted: December 06, 2019; Published: December 13, 2019


Pyoderma gangrenosa is an ulcerative disorder of unknown etiology, which is characterised by neutrophilic infiltration of deep dermis along with necrosis and ulceration of overlying epithelium. Association of pyoderma has been described with many condition like, inflammatory bowel disease, lymphoma, autoimmune disorder as well drug associated. Although previously described due to bacterial infection but recent study shows that immune dysregulation and abnormal neutrophilic function is main pathogenesis of pyoderma gangrenosa.

Pyoderma gangrenosa is very rare in renal transplant patient; here we describe a case report who presentation is typical of pyoderma gangrenosa both clinically and histopathologically.

Case Report

A 33 years old woman underwent a donor nephrectomy in March 2019. Three to four days after the surgical site closure she developed a small pustular lesion over the surgical site. General condition of the patient was stable, oriented to time, place and person.

Her vitals, pulse and temperature was within normal limits.

Investigation show increased in total leukocytes counts (24000/ microliter) with differential count within normal distribution. Platelets count was also within normal range. Her renal graft function was appearing to stable with urea and creatinine level of 22 mg/dl and 0.8 mg/dl respectively.

On muco-cutaneous examination, there was involvement of the left side of abdomen just over the surgical site mark. The lesion was in the form of well-defined deep ulcer with a necrotic slough and bluish undermined edge and violaceous margin (Figure 1). There was surrounding induration Significant tenderness was also present. No satellite lesion or pathergy noted.