Process Mapping: A Service Improvement Tool


Ann Nurs Res Pract. 2016; 1(1): 1002.

Process Mapping: A Service Improvement Tool

Mooney J*

Department of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, England

*Corresponding author: Janice Mooney, Department of Medicine and Health Sciences, Course Director MSc Advanced Practitioner, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England

Received: June 09, 2016; Accepted: June 10, 2016; Published: June 13, 2016


The National Health Service paper; Quality, Improvement, Productivity and Prevention [1] suggests that by using quality indicators clinicians can identify where change is needed to bring about improved, higher quality personalised care. Understanding the patient journey by process mapping is considered to be an extremely useful diagnostic tool to identify areas in need of improvement and reworking [2]. Furthermore it allows service providers to fully understand the process from the patient’s perspective, this is essential if patient focussed service improvements are to be identified and made [2].

When process mapping it is imperative that there is clear definition of the goal trying to be achieved and that the scope of the process has been explored and identified [2]. The scope of the process mapping is to inform service evaluation in order to improve patient experience and service workability for staff by recommending process improvements to provide a more prompt, efficient and effective service. In order to inform any service redesign, demand, capacity, activity and queue management together with measurement of demand, capacity, activity and backlog needs to be process mapped [2].

Health care professionals must consider the wider social and familial needs of their patients [3].This fits the ethical leadership criteria suggested by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement Leadership Qualities Framework in that the focus is in the interest of patients and promotes safety [4]. It demonstrates accountability and conscientiousness through honesty and integrity by working towards improvements in the quality of care [4]. The patient process flow mapping involves the examination of the steps of the process each patient experiences and the information is used to evaluate the service performance (Figure 1). It is essential that the processes involved in the series of steps or actions which take place are understood if we are to find areas in need of service improvement and ways in which this may be achieved [2]. The results of the service evaluation will help to produce internal recommendations for improvements and inform policy at a local organisational level [5].

Citation: Mooney J. Process Mapping: A Service Improvement Tool. Ann Nurs Res Pract. 2016; 1(1): 1002. ISSN:2572-9403