Teaching Reform of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Course in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on OBE Education Concept from the Perspective of Big Data

Review Article

Ann Nurs Res Pract. 2021; 6(1): 1042.

Teaching Reform of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Course in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on OBE Education Concept from the Perspective of Big Data

Shanshan Huang1#, Huifang Chen2*, Hua Cao1 and Lulu Yan1

1School of nursing and health, Guangdong Lingnan Institute of Technology,Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510663,China

2School of pharmacy, Guangdong Lingnan Institute of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510663, China

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*Corresponding author: Huifang Chen, School of pharmacy, Guangdong Lingnan Institute of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510663, China

Received: July 08, 2021; Accepted: August 03, 2021; Published: August 10, 2021


The application of big data puts forward new requirements for the talent training mode and curriculum reform of big data in higher vocational colleges. Through statistical data, the classroom quality can be measured, evaluated and traced. Under the framework of “Internet plus big data”, taking the cultivation of innovative ability as the core, realizing the multidimensional integration of technology and science, general knowledge and specialty, teaching and research, and teachers and students has become a new concept and Practice for improving the quality of big data talents training in higher vocational colleges. Obstetrics and gynecology nursing is one of the core courses of nursing specialty in higher vocational colleges, which is of great significance to the cultivation of professional talents. The purpose of nursing specialty in higher vocational colleges is to cultivate skilled and technical applied talents to meet the needs of medical and health posts, which requires the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, so as to cultivate students’ clinical thinking and ability. There are some problems in the course design of Obstetrics and gynecology nursing in higher vocational colleges, such as the derailment of theoretical teaching and practical teaching, teaching materials lagging behind the update of clinical skills, students’ low learning initiative, single teaching mode and so on. Based on the OBE teaching concept from the perspective of big data, this paper carries out curriculum design, curriculum implementation and Curriculum Evaluation Guided by students’ learning achievements, and through the reverse design of achievements, highlights the student-centered, quantifies teaching output, and cultivates students’ learning ability and creativity. By reasonably mobilizing students’ learning initiative, students can achieve “self-education, self-management, self-service, and common improvement”, so as to improve the teaching quality of this course, improve students’ clinical skills, promote the self-development of teachers and students, and realize the “winwin” of education.


Obstetrics and gynecology nursing is one of the core courses of nursing specialty in higher vocational colleges. This course is opened in the third semester, with a total of 3 credits. This course is a key course for students to master before entering gynecology and obstetrics clinic. Through the study of this course, students are required to have solid professional knowledge and proficient practical skills. Therefore, this course needs to cultivate students’ clinical thinking ability and operation skills through the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical operation. The course team analyzed the current situation of the course of Obstetrics and gynecology nursing in Higher Vocational Colleges by using big data tools, and found that the teaching materials of this course are relatively backward; The teaching mode is single. The assessment method is single; Students’ learning initiative is weak; The training of theoretical knowledge and practical ability. In this regard, our curriculum group adopted OBE teaching concept to reform the curriculum through comparison and exploration. OBE (outcomes based education) means that the final results of teaching activities are presented by students’ learning outcomes. Students’ learning achievement is the maximum ability that students can achieve after a period of learning. Schools and teachers are required to make clear the students’ learning achievement, combine the diversified learning process and hierarchical learning requirements, and let students complete the challenge of self realization through the learning process. Teachers can feedback and improve the original teaching plan and teaching implementation by using the results. Secondly, the ways of enrollment in higher vocational colleges are diversified, students’ learning background is different, and the use of unified teaching materials in different learning situations obviously does not meet the needs of learning situation, which leads to the decline of students’ learning initiative and enthusiasm. Therefore, starting from the learning situation, the loose leaf teaching material is used to deconstruct the knowledge system and framework, reconstruct the knowledge chain, reconstruct the teaching module, and teach at different levels according to the learning situation background. This course takes the female life cycle as the logic of the course and reconstructs the knowledge module of the course; Taking the students as the center, based on the training objectives of the five major learning areas of OBE, the differentiated teaching is designed, and the course implementation is carried out in the same class and heterogeneous way; With students’ learning achievement as the guidance, multiple assessment methods coexist and multidimensional assessment is carried out simultaneously; Based on the learning situation, starting from the needs, projectbased teaching, students are the main body of the course; Integrated teaching of theory and practice [2]. In the course of teaching reform, how to reconstruct the teaching system, optimize the teaching content, improve the teaching methods, standardize the teaching process and improve the teaching evaluation as the main content, it is imperative for us to implement the teaching reform and practice of big data application technology course, and cultivate the compound talents with practical ability and technological innovation ability.

Construction of DQP Academic Framework under OBE Teaching Concept

In 1981, American scholar Spady first put forward the concept of achievement oriented education, and gradually formed a complete education system. The theoretical connotation is that students are the main body, and the ultimate learning achievement of students is the goal. From the setting of teaching objectives to curriculum design, curriculum implementation, curriculum evaluation are all result oriented, and then every link of curriculum implementation is deduced from the results. The DQP model is based on students’ learning outcomes. The main structure of DQP is composed of five institution specific areas and three academic levels, namely: professional knowledge, extensive and integrated knowledge, intellectual skills, applied and collaborative learning, citizen and global learning. Among the five learning areas, “extensive and integrated knowledge”, “application and collaborative learning”, “citizen and global learning” are the three areas emphasized in general education to achieve the teaching effect“ Professional knowledge and intellectual skills are the two fields that put more emphasis on the requirements of students’ professional knowledge and skills. According to the theory of DQP, the five learning areas in the same level of academic structure combine the differences among different students, which can truly and uniformly reflect the ability evaluation standard. The three academic levels include associate degree, bachelor degree and master degree. The differences in different academic levels mainly reflect the progressive relationship between the reference points of learning achievement requirements in the five major learning fields: the learning achievement requirements of all bachelor’s levels include the learning achievements of associate degree, and the learning achievements of all master’s levels also include the learning achievements of bachelor and associate degree. The requirements of learning outcomes at each level show the further challenges and skills that students need to deal with when they move from one degree to a higher degree. Through the spider web diagram of the five major learning fields, the unity of the evaluation of each educational level is intuitively reflected. The hierarchy of ability requirements; Comprehensive knowledge support and achievement embodiment [3] (Figure 1).