Prediction of Future Neurological Abnormalities Based on Fetal Neurobehavior and the Role of Obstetrician in Identifying & Preventing Such Occurrences

Review Article

Austin J Obstet Gynecol. 2015;2(3): 1042.

Prediction of Future Neurological Abnormalities Based on Fetal Neurobehavior and the Role of Obstetrician in Identifying & Preventing Such Occurrences

Dodampahala SH¹* and Meegahawatta AR²

¹Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka

²Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

*Corresponding author: Dodampahala SH,Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, No 189/21 Nawala Road, Nugegoda, Colombo,Sri Lanka

Received: May 07, 2015; Accepted: June 08, 2015; Published: June 11, 2015


Fetal nervous system is especially susceptible to injury during pregnancy and early post-natal period. Injuries to the developing nervous system can later present with a wide range of disabilities, the worst of which are collectively categorized as cerebral palsy. At present the diagnosis of CP and other neurodevelopment abnormalities depend heavily on clinical findings of delayed sensory-motor development, a method that is both unreliable and causes significant delays in diagnosis. Since children with neurodevelopment problems benefit from early efficient intervention, need for novel methods of early diagnosis is evident. One such area of interest involves the assessment of fetal neurobehavioral to predict later neurodevelopment outcomes. KANET is one of the first standardized models developed for this purpose and utilizes 4D ultrasonography for accurate assessment. KANET classifies fetuses as normal, borderline or abnormal depending in neurobehavioral observation. This early identification of fetuses at very high risk of abnormal neurodevelopment, allows the Obstetrician to discuss management option with parents, including termination of pregnancy in severe cases. Parental counseling regarding current and future pregnancies is an important aspect of the process. At present neurobehavioral assessment techniques are in their infancy. Techniques and standards need to be further refined through continued research. The equipment and technologies required remain expensive presenting a barrier to routine implementation of such testing. However the implementation of such techniques may prove to be cost efficient in the long term by helping avoid the significant socio-economic burden and parental trauma caused by cerebral palsy and related disorders.


KANET: Kurjak Antenatal Neurological test; CP: Cerebral Palsy; CNS: Central Nervous System; GMFCS: Gross Motor Function Classification System; CMV: Cytomegalovirus; LMW: Low Molecular Weight


Nervous system is one of the earliest systems that start developing in a fetus. The neural development starts within the 3rd week following fertilization [1,2] meaning that the neural tube, which is of ectodermal origin is one of the first structures to form at a time when most women are unaware of being pregnant. It then differentiates giving rise to various specialized types of neurons and neuro-glial which expand and organize to form the nervous system of the newborn [3], a process that extend all the way into the 3rd trimester of pregnancy [4]. By the time they are born, neonate’s brain volume corresponds roughly to a third of the healthy adult brain volume [5] myelination complete by the end of 1st year. Further, brain and the nervous system continue to grow after birth [5,6], especially during the first 3 months of life, growing to a volume just over half of that of a healthy adult at the end of this period [5]. Hence, the developing fetal/ neonatal nervous system is especially susceptible for damage during the antenatal, intrapartum and during the neonatal period. With the advances in pre-natal imaging technologies such as 3D and 4D ultrasonography allowing simultaneous spatial imaging of fetus and its movements, significant efforts have been undertaken to develop systems that use fetal neurobehavioral as a predictor of normal neurodevelopment as well as neurodevelopment abnormalities and future adverse neurological outcomes of the fetus and the neonate. Fetal behavioral patterns have long been considered as indicators of fetal brain development [7,8]. Kurjak Antenatal Neurological test (KANET) was one of the first standardized systems developed for fetal neurobehavioral assessment using 4D ultrasonography [7]. Feasibility of using KANET scoring system for identifying fetuses at risk has been demonstrated in various studies [9 -11] which raises the important possibility that the obstetrician could be the first to observe abnormalities that will predict adverse neurodevelopment outcomes of the neonate. The range of possible adverse neurodevelopment outcomes are often unpredictable, variable and can present as isolated cranial nerve palsy, visual problems, major motor problems (delayed motor- milestones) and sensory and learning difficulties (Sensory and cognitive delays). Profound damage to the nervous system is often manifested as global motor-sensory Cerebral Palsy (CP). It is noteworthy that at present, assessment of CNS damage mostly depends on clinical assessment as opposed to neuroimaging or laboratory studies. One such example is CP where diagnosis is clinical and usually made with the aid of various classification systems. One of the most commonly used classification systems is the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFC) [12] which depends on delayed acquisition of motor milestones for diagnosis and classification of CP. However, the diagnoses of CP using such clinical methods remain frustratingly unreliable, especially during the first 18 months of life [13]. For example, in one study, it was found that only 23% of children diagnosed with CP at the age of 7 years had abnormal examinations findings as infants [14]. At the same time it was also found that 50% of the 1 year olds diagnosed with CP became incompatible with the diagnosis by 7 years of age [15]. Early efficient rehabilitation in children with CP has shown to have improved outcomes compared to rehabilitation programs started at a later age. This is likely due to the higher learning ability of the brain in the first 18 months of life. However unreliability in early diagnosis can delay the start of such programs [16]. Therefor the need for a reliable system that can predict the development of CP and other neurodevelopment abnormalities is evident. The development of systems that assess fetal neurobehavior as a predictor of later neurodevelopment abnormalities and adverse neurological outcome offers a possible new approach for such early diagnosis.

The Challenges with Pre-Natal and Post-Natal Assessment of Brain Function

It is debatable to say “are we approaching the era when there will be applicable neurological test for the fetus and assessment of neonate will just be the continuation?”. This is still not an easy question to answer because even postnataly there are several methods of neurological evaluation as described above. In utero, where the brain is less mature and the available options for assessment are limited, the process is significantly more complex and many of the methods available today are in their infancy. Past research utilizing functional MRI scanning to detect changes in fetal haemo-dynamic response as well as those that utilize blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) mapping has clearly demonstrated the ability to detect auditory and visual cortical activation in normal fetuses in the 3rd trimester [17,18].

The Frequency of a Etiological Factors Causing Cerebral Palsy

It is interesting to note that 80% of the cerebral palsies are due to prenatal a etiological factors based on abnormal chromosome, abnormal genetics, abnormal thrombosis, congenital viral and parasitic infection, hypoxia and pre-maturity. Half of the remaining 20% cases are caused due to hypoxic acidotic insults and birth injury during Intrapartum period while the etiology of the remaining 10% remains inconclusive [19]. In most cases, a majority of the insults to the brain remain undetermined, underestimated and unaccounted for. Cerebral palsy, resulting from the most sever insults, in this sense represents the tip of the ice-berg for outcome of such insults, being one the most readily identified neurological problems in children. It is my personal opinion that 90% of the cerebral palsies occur within supervision period of an obstetrician. I also feel that a paediatrician may have to wait until the age of six months postnataly to diagnose a severe CP and nearly 2 months to diagnose a minor cerebral palsy [17, 18].

Frontiers of Antenatal Cerebral Palsy

It is noteworthy, that prevention of chromosomal, genetic and structural abnormalities and aneuploidies involve a careful preconception genetic counseling. If recurrent risk or carrier states are identified, avoiding a pregnancy or changing the oocyte or spermatozoa need to be carefully discussed at the preconception stage. A detailed explorative history is mandatory for identifying such risks. In situations where pregnancy is allowed despite a high risk of such disorders, first trimester triple markers, assessment of the nuchal translucency and offering invasive karyotyping needs to be carried out. Termination of pregnancy in the presence of such a disorder confirmed through above investigations invariably reduces antenatal cerebral palsy as well as congenital abnormalities. Other insults that can adversely affect the developing fetal brain include viral infections (e.g. -Rubella, CMV, Parvovirus, Toxoplasma, Listeria Monocytogenes) which can result in viral inclusion body formation and resultant focal cerebral necrosis. Subsequently, necrosis leads to poro-encephalic cysts formation causing viral induced brain damage to the fetus. Fetal cerebral hypoxia and acidosis are also considered to be leading causes for neuronal damage. The damage which is thought to be both structural and functional can be avoided by careful management of pre-natal period. Pre-eclampsia and thrombophilic disorders are two well-known maternal conditions that can lead to fetal hypoxia and acidosis. In pregnancies complicated by such disorders, multidisciplinary management and close fetal surveillance through Doppler studies of the umbilical [20], uterine and duct us venous flow velocities can help reduce complications. Low dose aspirin and LMW heparin are some of the drugs proven to improve outcomes in such pregnancies. Studies indicate that pre-maturity and the low birth weight are the most critical factors for long term neurological mortality in multiple pregnancies [20]. A 1996 study by Pharoah et al found a threefold increase in the rate of cerebral palsy among the twins with birth weight of < 2500 grams, compared to similar weight singletons. He further states that overall, twins suffer double jeopardy due to pre-maturity and low birth weights compare to singletons [21]. The risk becomes greater among the higher order multiple pregnancies. This highlights the need for a degree of caution to be observed by obstetrician during assisted reproductive techniques in sub fertile couples. Emphasis must be put on the transfer of an appropriate number of embryos and selective fetocide in case of multiple order pregnancy above three sacs with the aim of minimizing above complications.

Can we Predict Cerebral Palsy Antenatal?

With some certainty, these are believed to have functional and clinical significance in predicting cerebral palsy antenatal.

Altered quality of fetal movements might reveal structural or functional impairment of the fetal system. By definition, fetal behavior can be defined as any observable action or reaction to an external stimulus by the fetus. These activities can be clearly visualized using the real time 4D volume assessments. They can be spontaneous or elicited by external stimuli. It is believed these behavioral measures provide the best indicators of brain function within the intrauterine life [23]. Development of normal standards of fetal neurobehavioral development is a key requirement to allow comparison of a given fetuses neurobehavior with an aim of predicting neurodevelopment outcome. In one study involving 100 healthy women with normal singleton pregnancies 8 parameters of fetal movement in the first trimester and 14 parameters in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters were assessed longitudinally using 4D ultrasonography between 7 to 40 weeks of gestation. Out of the parameters studied, 7 parameters in the 1st trimester and 11 parameters from the 2nd and 3rd trimesters was found to correlate with the gestational age [24]. The normal movements observed in the first trimester include gross body movements starting between 7 to 8 weeks, limb movements that start around the 10th week and complex movements observed after the 11th week of gestation [23] and are summarized in (Table 1). Normal movements observed in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters include isolated eye blinking, mouthing, yawning, tongue expulsion, grimacing, swallowing, and hand to eye/head/mouth/face/ear movements. Of these, arm movements were found to be the most active in the 2nd trimester while mouth movements were found be least active during the same period. The normal 3rd trimester neurobehavior was found to consist of a rich repertoire movements most of which can be observed postnataly. Thus the 3rd trimester movements are said to possess a high degree of continuity in to the early postnatal period [23]. Normal patterns of neurobehavior observed in 2nd and 3rd trimester are summarized in (Table 2). The visualization of fetal neurobehavior through 4D ultrasound is demonstrated in (Figure 1).