Diabetic Pregnancies in Yeovil, Somerset; Management and Outcomes

Research Article

Austin J Obstet Gynecol. 2017; 4(1): 1069.

Diabetic Pregnancies in Yeovil, Somerset; Management and Outcomes

Madu AE*

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Yeovil, Somerset, United Kingdom

*Corresponding author: Madu AE, Acting Specialist Registrar, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Yeovil Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Yeovil, Somerset, United Kingdom

Received: May 04, 2017; Accepted: May 23, 2017; Published: May 30, 2017


Aim and Objectives: The aim was to assess the management and outcomes of diabetic pregnancies in 2005; highlight areas of poor performance and recommend ways to improve the outcomes in those areas highlighted.

Methods: A pre-audit assessment was performed to assess what areas needed auditing. The last audit in this important area in medical obstetrics was performed in 2005 for diabetic pregnancies seen in 2002 which was about 5 years before the present study. Audit pro forma was prepared and approved.

Extensive literature searches were performed to assess what the standards were, including Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH) Reports 2002-3 and 2005, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, evidence based Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, etc.

The previous audit titled “Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy for 2002” and the local protocol for managing diabetic pregnancies were reviewed prior to commencing this study.

The electronic data on the diabetic pregnancies in 2005 was collated with the help of the Clinical Audit Department.

There was systematic review of the hospital case notes of these women. These case notes were reviewed thrice to ensure accuracy and consistency of the findings or results. There was close cooperation with the Clinical Audit department at various stages of evolution of the audit.

Results/Conclusion: In 2005, there were a total of 1404 live births and 27 of there were diabetic pregnancies, accounting for an incidence of diabetic pregnancies of 1.92% (27/1404). The incidence of type 1 diabetes in pregnancy was 0.5% (7/1404) (cf national average of 0.5%), while the incidence of GDM was 1.35% (19/1404).

There were other important findings in relation to the management and outcomes of diabetic pregnancy stated in the study.

Keywords: Diabetic pregnancies; Yeovil District Hospital; Medical complications of pregnancy


WHO: World Health Organisation; GTT: Glucose Tolerance Test; ELCS: Elective Lower Segment Caesarean Section; EMCS: Emergency Lower Segment Caesarean Section; PPH: Postpartum Haemorrhage; IGT: Impaired Glucose Tolerance Test; GDM: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus; HbA1c: Glycosylated Haemoglobin 1c; CTG: Cardiotocograph; ANC: Antenatal Care; RPOC: Retained Products of Conception; BMI: Body Mass Index


Pregnancy is a state of insulin resistance due to anti-insulin, diabetogenic hormones such as human placental lactogen, cortisol, oestrogen, progesterone and glucagon, produced by the placenta. Pregnancy therefore alters glucose metabolism. Compared to the non-pregnant state, the fasting glucose levels are reduced while the postprandial levels are elevated. Insulin production is increased two folds in pregnancy while the insulin requirement increases throughout pregnancy and is maximal at term. Glycosuria also increases due to the lowering of renal threshold for glucose. The prevalence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is 0.5% and 2% respectively. A more recent literature, [1], stated that established diabetes affect 1-2% of pregnancies. For Asian communities, the prevalence of type 2 is 10% [2]. The same can be said for Arab communities. This is a five or more-fold increase in these communities compared to other communities. This is attributed to increase in fasting blood sugar due to consanguinity [3,4].

Gestational diabetes is said to exist when the fasting glucose level is more than or equal to 7.0mmol/L or when the 2hour glucose is greater than or equal to 11.0mmol/L. Women with Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) have normal fasting blood glucose when 2 hour glucose > 7.8mmol/L or < 11mmol/L. Only one of these two values needs to be abnormal to make a diagnosis. Currently, the World Health Organisation (WHO) includes gestational IGT with gestational diabetes according to [1]. The latter went on to state that a number of women diagnosed in pregnancy have previously undetected type 1 or 2 diabetes (20-30%). Despite this fact, WHO still does not advocate universal screening but rather a screening based on identified risk factors.

The study of diabetes in pregnancy is important because of the effects of diabetes on the pregnancy, the effects of pregnancy on diabetes and complications (maternal, fetal and neonatal) of diabetes in pregnancy.

Effects of pregnancy on diabetes

(a) Reversible deterioration of proteinuria and renal function. This nephropathy occurs in 5-10% of women with increased risk of pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction in this group of women, thus making increased maternal and fetal surveillance necessary.

(b) Development or worsening of existing retinopathy especially with rapid improvement of glycaemic control. This rapid improvement of glycaemic control, leads to increased retinal blood flow which can cause retinopathy. There is a two-fold increase in risk of development or progression of existing retinal disease. Early changes usually revert to normal after delivery. However, it is important that all women with diabetes have assessments for retinopathy while pregnant and that those with proliferative retinopathy, be treated.

(c) Increased incidence of hypoglycaemia episodes with tighter glycaemic control.

(d) Rare ketoacidosis associated with infection, hyperemesis, steroid therapy or beta-sympathomimetic tocolytic therapy.

(e) Ischaemic heart disease; pregnancy is known to increase cardiac load so that women with pre-existing cardiac disease need to have cardiac status assessment by a cardiologist even before pregnancy.

Effects of diabetes on pregnancy

Maternal hyperglycemia leads to fetal hyperglycemia, the latter through fetal beta-pancreatic cell hyperplasia which in turn leads to fetal hyperinsulinemia. The latter promotes fetal growth leading to macrosomia, organomegaly, fetal polyuria causing polyhydramnios, and increased fetal erythropoiesis. The hyperinsulinemic fetus has neonatal hypoglycaemia after delivery because of the withdrawal of the stimulating placental hormones when the placenta is removed after the birth of the baby.

Other effects of diabetes on pregnancy are summarised below

(a) Congenital anomalies; sacral agenesis, cardiac, skeletal and neural tube defects. If the HbA1c is less than 8%, the risk of congenital defect is 5% but if more than 8%, the risk increases to 25% and is also associated with increased risk of miscarriage.

(b) Perinatal and neonatal mortality is 2-4 times higher, unexplained fetal death and fetal growth restriction can also occur.

(c) Incidence of fetal macrosomia associated with polyhydramnios; preterm rupture of membranes fetal polyuria; risk of shoulder dystocia and operative deliveries are all increased.

(d) Delayed fetal surfactant production due to reduced production of fetal pulmonary phospholipids,

(f) Fetal jaundice, hypocalcaemia, hypomagnesaemia, hypothermia and polycythaemia

(f) Increased risk of pre-eclampsia especially if there in underlying renal or vascular problem [1], recommended a multi-disciplinary approach involving the following practitioners; obstetrician, physician/diabetologist, dietician and diabetic specialist nurse/ midwife.

Complications of diabetes in pregnancy

Fetal complications are: preterm labour; polyhydramnios and macrosomia increased by 25% and 25-40% respectively [1]; miscarriage in diabetes with poor controls; congenital malformations in diabetes with poor control (neural tube defects, microcephaly, cardiac and renal malformations and sacral agenesis). Fetal growth restriction and unexplained still birth can also occur.

Neonatal complications are: Respiratory distress syndrome and birth trauma like shoulder dystocia, fractures, asphyxia, and Erb’s palsy. There may be biochemical derangements namely hypoglycaemia, hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia. Other complications are; polycythaemia, jaundice, hypothermia and cardiomegaly.

Maternal complications are: urinary tract infections; recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis; pre-eclampsia and pregnancy induced hypertension; obstructed labour; operative deliveries; increased operative vaginal deliveries and caesarean section, increase in retinopathy by 15% [1]; increase in nephropathy and cardiac disease.

Aims and Objectives

(a) To assess if the management of these women for 2005 was in line with known evidence based guidelines and to highlight areas of poor management.

(b) To highlight the unfavourable outcomes and offer suggestions for an improved outcome.

(c) To calculate the prevalence and incidence of diabetic pregnancies in the hospital.

(d) To make recommendations that may influence future management of these patients.

(e) To complete the study by late 2006 and present it in early 2007.

Materials and Methods

(a) A pre-audit assessment was performed to assess what areas needed auditing in consultation with other relevant staff like the Medical Obstetric Lead and Midwives.

(b) This audit was chosen following assessment of potential areas to audit and it impact on the practice in the unit. It was concluded that this audit would be more useful to the department due to the prevalence of diabetes in pregnancy.

(c) Submission and approval of audit proposal was then made and Medical Records request form was completed.

(d) I reviewed of the previous audit on Management of Diabetes in pregnancy for 2002 and also the local protocol for managing a diabetic pregnancy.

(e) Literature search for standards of practice was performed and the following were collated; CEMACH Reports of 2002-3 and 2005, Scottish intercollegiate guidelines Network, Evidence based Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology [6-8].

The Green Top guideline on diabetic pregnancies was scheduled to be published later in November 2007.

(f) The audit pro forma was prepared, late amended and later submitted for ethical and departmental approval.

(g) Collation of electronic data (Yeovil District Hospital Maternity Information) on the diabetic pregnancies for 2005 was conducted with the help of the clinical audit department.

(h) Systematic and repeated reviews of the hospital case noted of these women.

These reviews were performed thrice to ensure accuracy and consistency of the results.

(i) There was close cooperation with the Clinical audit department at various stages of the audit.

Standards (see standards, and pro forma annexed as supplementary material) were:

(1) Contraception and Pre-pregnancy care by multidisciplinary team.

(2) Nutrition management before, during and after pregnancy.

(3) Optimization of glycaemic control by various methods stated in the pro forma.

(4) Multidisciplinary care during and after pregnancy.

(5) Preventing complications.

Obstetric; birth trauma, pre-eclampsia, shoulder dystocia, operative delivery etc

Metabolic; hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia, diabetic ketoacidosis etc

Microvascular (renal, retinal)

(6) Fetal monitoring/surveillance as indicated.

(7) Delivery; the timing to be individualized. Elective caesarean section if estimated fetal weight is more than 4.5kg

(8) For GDM; repeating GTT 6weeks postpartum to assess glucose tolerance after pregnancy.

Analysis of Findings

Total births for 2005 were 1404; total number of diabetic pregnancies were 27, the study population; incidence of diabetic pregnancies was 1.92% (27/1404); incidence of type 1 diabetes in pregnancy was 0.5% (7/1404) (cf national average of 0.5%), while the incidence of GDM was 1.35% (19/1404).

+Some babies had more than one unfavourable outcome.

+No adverse fetal or maternal outcomes in 7 women.

D i s c u s s i o n / C r i t i q u e / C omp a r i n g Performance with Targets

From the data stated, it can be seen that for 2005, there was no patient with type 2 diabetes (Table 1) despite the latter being four times more common compared with type 1 diabetes.