Factors Associated with Success Rate of Vaginal Birth after One Caesarean Section (VBAC) in Ibrahim Malik Teaching Hospital, Khartoum-Sudan

Research Article

Austin J Obstet Gynecol. 2018; 5(9): 1129.

Factors Associated with Success Rate of Vaginal Birth after One Caesarean Section (VBAC) in Ibrahim Malik Teaching Hospital, Khartoum-Sudan

Bashir JA¹, Noureldin K², Elhassan MAY³, Abdelwahid MA4 and Handady MOS5*

¹Department of Obstetrical & Gynecology, Omdurman Maternity Hospital, Sudan

²Assistant Professor of Obstetrical & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine University of Khartoum, Sudan

³Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Kordofan, Sudan

4Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Al Neelain University, Sudan

5Associated Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, NAHDA Colleague, Khartoum, Sudan

*Corresponding author: Siddig Omer M Handady, Associated Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, NAHDA Colleague, Khartoum, Sudan

Received: November 23, 2018; Accepted: December 06, 2018; Published: December 13, 2018


Objectives: To determine success rate of VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section) with reference to prognostic factors to predict successful VBAC in Ibrahim Malik Teaching Hospital- Khartoum-Sudan.

Methodology: It was observational, cross sectional and hospital based study conducted between (January-December 2015), involving 342 pregnant women with one previous C/S who were admitted in the labor room as emergency cases, were evaluated thoroughly, data collected through designed questionnaire include:- Socio-demographic characters, antenatal clinic follow up, previous C/S, variables affect success of VBAC and outcome of current pregnancy.

Results: Among 342 pregnant women involved in this study, (67.3%) had successful VBAC, while 112 (32.7%) had emergency caesarean section. The majority of women 286 (83.6%) were counseled for VBAC. Fetal distress was the most common cause for previous C/S 134 (39.2%) and failure to progress account for 53 (15.5%). Factors affecting success rate of the VBAC in this study were; BMI between 25-30 was (67.8%), previous successful VBAC was (54.3) % and birth weight between 3.6-4 kg was (56.5%). Women who had an emergency caesarean section in their first birth also had a lower VBAC success rate, particularly those with a history of failure to progress as main indication for the primary caesarean section.

Conclusion: This study reported (67.3%) success rate of VBAC and concludes a significant increase in the successful rate of VBAC associated with accurate prior ante natal care, meticulous counseling, prior vaginal delivery, previous success VBAC, BMI between 25-30 and maternal age <35 years.

Keywords: VBAC; Success rate; Prognostic factors; Khartoum-sudan


Previous caesarean section has been found to be the commonest cause of increased caesarean section rate in many parts of the world [1]. Because of increased risk of maternal complications with repeat caesarean section and safety of VBAC, trial of labor for selected group of patients with previous scar has become a preferred strategy [2].

The majority of women with an uncomplicated first caesarean section, in an otherwise uncomplicated pregnancy, are candidates for attempting VBAC [3-4]. Although attempts at a vaginal birth after a cesarean section (VBAC) become accepted practice, successful vaginal birth after cesarean delivery (VBAC), as well as the rate of attempted VBACs, has decreased during the past 10 year.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015, CS rates in women who had a previous CS ranged between 78.1 and 79.4% in high-income countries, 85.2 and 87.5% in middle-income countries and 63.2 and 72.1% in low-income countries [5]. In sub- Saharan African countries, successful vaginal delivery in women with VBAC in these countries stood at 70-80% [5-7]. Even those factors found to be associated with successful VBAC vary from centre to centre. However, this study attempts to highlight the various factors which have a prognostic significance for success of VBAC in Ibrahim Malik Teaching Hospital in Sudan.

Materials and Methods

It was observational, cross sectional and hospital based study conducted during one year (January-December 2015) at Ibrahim Malik Hospital. Khartoum- Sudan. The hospital offer Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section (VBAC) based on the RCOG recommendations, if the women fulfill the following criteria: mother counseling, plan, accept and consent for VBAC, the mother has one previous lower uterine segment scar, non-recurring previous indications, singleton pregnancy, cephalic presentation, estimated fetal weight less than or equal to 4kg, not pass her date and no current indication for caesarean section. About 342 patients with one previous C/S, fulfill the inclusion criteria for (VBAC) admitted in the labor room as emergency cases during the study period were evaluated thoroughly.

A detailed history regarding previous and current pregnancies were reviewed, including indications for prior cesarean section , type of C/S, type of uterine scar, a history of prior vaginal delivery, birth weight of infant, inter pregnancy interval, puerperal complications in previous deliveries and etc.

The estimated birth weight of present infant, condition of scar and adequacy of pelvis were ascertained. Routine investigations like CBC, Rh group etc., was carried out. Ultrasonography was carried out in all the patients to know the maturity of fetus, placenta localization and to rule out anomalies. The patients were carefully selected for vaginal trial of labor and were taught to recognize the basic signs and symptoms of labor as well as scar dehiscence or uterine rupture.

During labor, women were monitored using a partogram including fetal monitoring by (CTG) and regular prompting for vaginal bleeding, uterine tenderness.

Statistical analysis was performed via SPSS software (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Continuous variables were compared using student’s t test (for paired data) or Mann-Whitney U test for nonparametric data. For categorical data, comparison was done using Chi-square test (X2) or Fisher’s Exact test when appropriate. A P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Ethical clearance and approval for conducting this research was obtained from the general manager of the hospital and informed verbal consent was obtained from every respondent who agreed to participate in the study. Of course, the respondents informed that the study is not associated with experimental or therapeutic intervention while information was collected from her.


The total number of mothers with one previous caesarean section who were offered Vaginal Birth after Caesarian Section (VBAC) and included in the study was 342 pregnant women involved in this study, (67.3%) had successful VBAC, while (32.7%) had emergency caesarean section.

Table 1 Shows that, the mean ± SD of age was 25.7 + 3.1 years, (67.8%) of women were secondary educated, almost half of them were in low socioeconomic status and majority of patients (79.0%) were multiparty between (2-4). Antenatal clinic follow up to 5 visits were 149 (43.6%) and more than 5 visits were 193 (56.4%).

Citation: Bashir JA, Noureldin K, Elhassan MAY, Abdelwahid MA and Handady MOS. Factors Associated with Success Rate of Vaginal Birth after One Caesarean Section (Vbac) in Ibrahim Malik Teaching Hospital, Khartoum-Sudan. Austin J Obstet Gynecol. 2018; 5(9): 1129.