Comparison between Unilateral and Bilateral Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation for Treatment of Uterine Prolapse using Miya Hook

Research Article

Austin J Obstet Gynecol. 2019; 6(4): 1148.

Comparison between Unilateral and Bilateral Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation for Treatment of Uterine Prolapse using Miya Hook

Amin MOA, Azab HI* and Abdellatif HA

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt

*Corresponding author: Hossam Ibrahim Azab, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt

Received: July 23, 2019; Accepted: August 28, 2019; Published: September 04, 2019


Purpose: The aim of the work was the surgical assessment of vaginal sacrospinous ligament fixation for the treatment of second, third and fourth stages of uterine prolapse by the use of Miya hook.

Methods: The study was a prospective randomized clinical study carried out on 20 women randomly selected with uterine prolapse from outpatient clinic of El-shatby maternity university hospital. The degree of prolapse was classified according to the POP-Q system. All 20 patients were operated upon by performing vaginal sacrospinous ligament fixation which were randomly divided into 2 groups (10 patients right Unilateral and 10 patients Bilateral) by the use of the Miya Hook, after exposing the sacrospinous ligament facilitated by the Breisky-Navritil retractors. Patients were evaluated immediately post operatively (after 24 hours) and six months later.

Results: All 20 patients had matching ages, BMI, parity; with mean symptoms, duration of 2.5 years. Both groups had comparable results regarding immediate and late postoperative complications. In the bilateral group, both operative duration and immediate postoperative gluteal pain were significantly higher than in the unilateral group. Sacrospinous ligament fixation in general is an effective and safe procedure for treatment of uterine prolapse with a 90% and 85% for both subjective and objective cure rates.

Conclusions: In conclusion, sacrospinous ligament fixation is an effective and safe procedure for treatment of uterine prolapse with a relatively higher incidence of cystocele recurrence than other procedures due to alteration of the vaginal axis.

Keywords: Sacrospinous; Unilateral; Bilateral; Uterine Prolapse; Miya Hook


Pelvic organ prolapse is a common condition in women and its treatment is one of the most common surgical procedures in women. The prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse varies between studies, but has been reported in larger observational studies of menopausal women in the range of 31-41.1% [1,2].

Repair of pelvic support defects can be performed either abdominally or vaginally [3]. These range from partial or total colpocleisis [4] and colpectomy to the newer laparoscopic techniques [5,6] and, more recently, infracoccygealsacropexy (posterior intravaginalslingplasty) [7,8].

One of the more popular procedures is the Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation (SSLF), a simple procedure in which the highest point of the vagina is sutured to the sacrospinous ligament. The procedure was first described by Richter in 1968 as a transvaginal procedure for treatment of vaginal vault prolapse [9], which can be performed both abdominally, and more commonly through the vaginal route. The Miya Hook ligature carrier is an instrument invented by Miyazaki in 1987 making the sacrospinous ligament suspension of the prolapsed vagina or uterus easier [10].

The aim of the work was surgical assessment of vaginal sacrospinous ligament fixation for the treatment of second, third and fourth stages of uterine prolapse by the use of Miya hook.


The study was conducted on 20 women randomly selected with uterine prolapse from outpatient clinic of El-shatby maternity university hospital.

All patients’ age ranged between 30 to 65 years old, they had normal pelvic scan, had second and third degrees uterine prolapse, were postmenstrual at the time of the procedure for the menstruating patients, medically fit for surgery, and have all signed a consent to be included in the study.

All patients who were pregnant, with pelvic inflammatory diseases, severe medical conditions, with multiple fibroids, ascites, pelvic tumours, present or suspected pelvic malignancy were excluded from the study.


All 20 unhysterectomized patients included in the study were randomly divided into 2 equal groups, 10 patients who had right unilateral sacrospinous fixation, and 10 patients who had bilateral sacrospinous fixation done to them. All 20 patients were subjected to the following:

Citation: Amin MOA, Azab HI and Abdellatif HA. Comparison between Unilateral and Bilateral Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation for Treatment of Uterine Prolapse using Miya Hook. Austin J Obstet Gynecol. 2019; 6(4): 1148.