October 05, 2019

Annals of Thyroid Research

Combined Supra-Infrasellar Approach for Giant Pituitary Tumors; A 30-Year Experience

Abstract: Background: Choosing a surgical treatment method for giant pituitary tumors has always been a challenge and a simultaneous approach was previously described by this team as an alternative for a quick mass effect resolution, visual pathway decompression, and hormonal stabilization...

October 04, 2019

Austin Anthropology

Psychological Survival in Banjica Concentration Camp due to Inmate Creativity. A Recommendation to Future Victims

Abstract: Artistic activity, as a psychological defensive mechanism, was not sufficiently analyzed in Banjica (Banyitsa) concentration camp. The aim of this study was to examine retrospectively the psychological state of the prisoners...

October 04, 2019

Austin Journal of Microbiology

Extracelluler Enzymes, Pathogenicity and Biofilm Forming in Staphylococci

Abstract: The pathogenicity of S.aureus strains are related with features like its adherence, various toxins, enzymes, structural and extracellular factors. In our study, the relationship between biofilm formation and lipase, protease, urease activity were investigated...

October 04, 2019

Austin Surgery Case Reports

Endoscopic En-Bloc Resection of Calcific Tendinitis of Rectus Femoris: A Surgical Advance

Abstract: Purpose: The aim of this study is to show effectiveness of en-bloc resection technique as a treatment for rectus femoris calcific tendinitis...

October 04, 2019

Austin Dental Sciences

Role of Mmps in Connective Tissue Breakdown and Periodontal Disease: A Review

Abstract: Matrix metalloproteinases, produced by both infiltrating and resident cells of the periodontium, play a role in physiological (such as tooth eruption) and pathological (such as periodontitis) events...

October 03, 2019

Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

Epigenetics: A Radiant Change in Dentistry

Abstract: Epigenetics plays an important function in gene regulation, which either encourage or deteriorate human health...

October 03, 2019

Austin Journal of Clinical Case Reports

A Rare Case of Completely Herniated Intrathoracic Stomach Presenting as Massive Hematemesis and Shock due to Severe Esophagitis in a Four Year Old Girl

Abstract: Age and clinical presentation of diaphragmatic hiatal hernias (a rare finding in pediatric age group) depends upon the size and site of defect. Severe forms with herniation of bowel loops into the thorax are diagnosed at birth due to...

October 03, 2019

Austin Journal of Clinical Case Reports

Acute Aortic Dissection in Young Patients without any Predisposing Factors

Abstract: Acute dissection of the aorta is one of the most dramatic cardiovascular emergencies. It is rare in the young subject. Untreated dissection is nearly always fatal. Heritable disorders of connective tissue, trauma and hypertension are classic predisposing factors or etiologies...

October 02, 2019

Austin Journal of Surgery

Use of the Intrathoracic Tube for Repositioning Free Flap Pedicle via Transoral Approach

Abstract: Background: The common site of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer including maxilla, soft palate, tongue, tonsil, buccal mucosa and mouth floor. Oral reconstruction with free flap is always necessary because of surgical resection lead to inevitable functional loss...

October 01, 2019

Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences

Role of Mushrooms in Autism

Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disorder still very poorly understood first recognized in early childhood in the form of a multi organ system disability caused by impaired neurogenesis and apoptosis, impaired synaptogenesis...