Characterization of the Basal Proximal Promoter of the Human Retinol Dehydrogenase 10 Gene

Research Article

J Ophthalmol & Vis Sci. 2016; 1(1): 1005.

Characterization of the Basal Proximal Promoter of the Human Retinol Dehydrogenase 10 Gene

Farjo KM* and Ma JX

Department of Physiology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, USA

*Corresponding author: Krysten M Farjo, Department of Physiology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, USA

Received: April 15, 2016; Accepted: May 24, 2016; Published: May 26, 2016


Retinol Dehydrogenase 10 (RDH10) is essential for retinoic acid synthesis during embryonic development, and previous studies have shown that RDH10 can also catalyze the final step of the retinoid visual cycle to generate the visual chromophore 11-cis-retinal. RDH10 is widely expressed during embryogenesis, but its expression becomes restricted in adulthood to the retinal Muller cells and Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE). Interestingly, RDH10 expression is very high in RPE, the cell type in which the retinoid visual cycle generates 11-cisretinal. Despite the importance of RDH10 in embryonic retinoic acid synthesis, and the high probability that RDH10 also contributes to the generation of visual chromophore, very little is known about how RDH10 expression is regulated. Previous studies have shown that RDH10 mRNA expression correlates with protein expression, suggesting that RDH10 expression is primarily controlled at the level of transcriptional regulation. The present study utilizes luciferase reporter assays and electrophoretic mobility shift assays to characterize the basal proximal promoter of the human RDH10 gene, which spans up to -923 base pairs before the transcription start site. We also identify a specific transcription factor II B (TFIIB) binding site that is necessary for maximum promoter activity in human Telomerase-immortalized RPE (hTERT-RPE1) cells. TFIIB is important for recruiting the RNA polymerase II complex to initiate transcription, but it can also aid in the recruitment of tissue-specific transcription factors that selectively amplify gene expression. Thus, identification of a pertinent TFIIB site in the RDH10 proximal promoter is important for understanding the transcriptional regulation of RDH10 gene expression to produce widespread expression in embryonic tissues and later maintain and amplify expression in adult RPE.

Keywords: Retinol dehydrogenase; Retinoid visual cycle; Retinoic acid; Retinal pigment epithelium; Retinal Muller cells; Transcriptional regulation


RDH10: Retinol Dehydrogenase 10; RPE: Retinal Pigment Epithelium; TFIIB: Transcription Factor II B; hTERT-RPE1: human Teleomerase-immortalized RPE cells; atRA: all-trans Retinoic Acid; 11cRAL: 11-cis-Retinal; RARs: nuclear Retinoic Acid Receptors; atROL: all-trans-Retinol; atRAL: all-trans-Retinal; 11cROL: 11-cis-retinol; TSS: Transcription Start Site; bp: base pairs; 3’UTR: 3’Untranslated Region; RNA pol II: RNA polymerase II complex; EMSA: Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays; CREB: Cyclic-AMP response element


Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that is metabolized to form its biologically-active derivatives, most notably all-trans Retinoic Acid (atRA) and 11-cis-retinal (11cRAL). atRA is a signaling molecule that binds to nuclear Retinoic Acid Receptors (RARs) to modulate gene expression, and atRA-mediated gene regulation drives several aspects of embryonic development and is necessary for immune function, skin and bone health, and reproduction in adults [1,2]. 11cRAL is generated specifically in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE), and serves as the photosensitive chromophore that is essential for visual transduction in the retina [3,4]. Defective metabolism of Vitamin A can cause birth defects, decreased reproductive capacity, immune system deficiencies, skin diseases, and visual deficiencies, including blindness [1,2,4].

Vitamin A metabolism is controlled by regulating the spatiotemporal expression of Vitamin A-metabolizing enzymes that catalyze distinct steps in the metabolism of Vitamin A to atRA and 11cRAL. The biosynthesis of atRA requires two sequential oxidative reactions. First, Vitamin A, all-trans-Retinol (atROL), is oxidized to form all-trans-Retinal (atRAL). Then atRAL is oxidized to generate atRA. Our previous studies have shown that Retinol Dehydrogenase 10 (RDH10) is essential during embryonic development to catalyze the first step of atRA synthesis, the oxidation of all-trans-Retinol (atROL) to all-trans-Retinal (atRAL) [5,6]. RDH10 is widely expressed during mouse embryogenesis in a variety of developing organ systems, including the central nervous system, kidney, respiratory tract, cardiac system, digestive system, spinal column, forelimb buds, craniofacial structures (nose, eyes, ears, teeth), and lymphatic tissue [5,7,8]. RDH10 loss-of-function in mice causes embryonic lethality and abnormalities in nasal, optic, otic, forelimb, cardiac, lung, liver, gut, gonad, vascular, and neuronal development [5,6].

In the adult, RDH10 expression becomes restricted and is primarily limited to retinal Muller cells and the RPE, which expresses a large amount of RDH10 [9,10]. This is very interesting, since the RPE serves to generate the visual chromophore 11cRAL through a series of enzymatic reactions known as the “retinoid visual cycle” [11-13], suggesting that RDH10 expression may be maintained in the RPE and Muller cells because it contributes to the biosynthesis of 11cRAL. We have previously shown that RDH10 catalyzes the final step of 11cRAL synthesis, the oxidation of 11-cis-Retinol (11cROL) to 11cRAL, in vitro [14]. This suggests that RDH10 expression may be maintained in the RPE and Muller cells because it contributes to the biosynthesis of 11cRAL.

Thus, RDH10 is the only Vitamin-A metabolizing enzyme that has been implicated to function in both major pathways of Vitamin A metabolism.

Despite the clear physiological importance of RDH10, very little is known about how RDH10 expression is regulated. Previous studies have shown that RDH10 mRNA expression correlates with protein expression [9,10], suggesting that RDH10 is primarily regulated at the level of transcription. However, transcriptional elements in the promoter of RDH10 have not been identified. The human RDH10 gene is comprised of 6 exons spanning over 30 kb and is located on chromosome 8q21.11 (Genbank ID: AF456765). The in silico predicted Transcription Start Site (TSS) is 260 base pairs (bp) upstream of the translation start codon. However, a previous study found that a different TSS, located 688 bp upstream of the start codon, is utilized in the A549 lung cell line by 5’ primer extension analysis [15]. A putative TATA box lies 25 bp upstream of this empiricallyidentified TSS, while no TATA box is present near the in silicopredicted TSS. Two RDH10 mRNA transcripts of 3 kb and 4 kb have been detected in several human tissues by northern blotting [15]. No alternative splicing was detected by RT-PCR analysis, but two distinct polyadenylation sites are utilized in A549 cells, suggesting that the two RDH10 transcripts likely reflect the utilization of different polyadenylation sites [15]. The putative TSSs that are located at 260 bp and 688 bp upstream of the ATG start codon of RDH10 signifies that essential promoter elements may exist in the proximal promoter at a location near, but beyond 688 bp upstream of the ATG.

The present study defines the basal proximal promoter of the human RDH10 gene, including a putative transcription factor II B (TFIIB) binding site that is necessary for the highest level of basal transcription in human Telomerase-immortalized RPE cells (hTERTRPE1). TFIIB recruits the RNA polymerase II complex (RNA pol II) to initiate transcription [16-18], and TFIIB also has multiple binding domains that are involved in the recruitment of tissue-specific transcription factors that selectively amplify gene expression [19,20]. Thus, identification of a pertinent TFIIB site in the RDH10 proximal promoter is important for determining how RDH10 transcription is induced in specific embryonic tissues and maintained in adult RPE and retinal Muller cells.

Materials and Methods

Construction of vectors

The 5’flanking DNA of the human RDH10 gene was sequenced up to -1386 bp from the Genbank-predicted TSS and cloned into the pGL3-Basic luciferase reporter plasmid using KpnI and MluI restriction sites in the multiple cloning site of the pGL3-Basic vector.

The 5’-deletion constructs were created by various restriction enzyme digestions and subsequent re-ligations. Several constructs were created by first digesting the -1386 bp plasmid with KpnI to linearize the vector. Then the vector was subsequently digested with a second restriction endonuclease in order to remove the unwanted portion of the 5’end of the RDH10 promoter sequence. The second restriction endonucleases that were used for each construct are as follows: NsiI for -1209 bp, BstBI for -923 bp, PpuMI for -848 bp, NheI for -756 bp, SstI for -687 bp. All of the luciferase reporter constructs contain the same 3’end at +173 bp from the Genbank-predicted TSS.

Cell culture and transient DNA transfection

Human Telomerase-immortalized RPE cells (hTERT-RPE1) were purchased from American Type Culture Collection, (ATCC, Manassas, VA). The cells were cultured at 37oC in 5% CO2/95% air in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS. Cells were transfected using FuGENE 6 according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Briefly, cells were grown to between 50% and 80% confluency. DMEM was removed, cells were rinsed in PBS and then OptiMEM was added to the cells for the duration of the transfection period. DNA was premixed with FuGENE 6 reagent at a DNA to FuGENE 6 ratio of 1:3, and then added to the cells. After 6 hrs of transfection, the OptiMEM/DNA/FuGENE 6 transfection mixture was removed and replaced with DMEM/10% FBS until the time of processing for the luciferase assay.

Luciferase reporter assays

The dual luciferase reporter assay system kit (Promega, Madison, WI) was utilized for luciferase reporter assays according to the manufacturer’s protocol. hTERT-RPE1 cells were seeded into 12- well plates at 65,000 cells per well, and allowed to attach and spread on the plate overnight. At time of transfection, cells were roughly 65% confluent. The pRL-TK vector, expressing renilla luciferase under control of the thymidine kinase promoter was transfected into all cells at 100 ng/well. The pGL3-Basic vector and the pGL3- RDH10 5’flanking sequence vectors, encoding firefly luciferase, were transfected into subsets of cells as indicated at 400 ng/well.

Approximately 30 h post-transfection, cells were harvested in 250 μl of passive lysis buffer/well (Promega, Madison, WI). The light generated by 20 μl of each cell lysate was analyzed using a Berthold luminometer (Berthold Technologies USA, Oak Ridge, TN) and the dual luciferase assay kit (Promega), which utilizes special reagents that allow the light units produced by firefly luciferase to be distinguished from light units produced by renilla luciferase. The light units emitted by firefly luciferase were divided by the light units emitted by renilla luciferase to normalize results according to differences in transfection efficiency.

Preparation of nuclear extracts

Nuclear extracts were prepared using an Active Motif kit (Active Motif, Carlsbad, CA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Briefly, hTERT-RPE1 cells were harvested at 90% to 100% confluency by removing the cell media and rinsing and collecting the cells in ice-cold PBS including phosphatase inhibitors. Cells were briefly centrifuged at 500 x g and then resuspended in hypotonic lysis buffer containing 0.5% of a proprietary detergent (Active Motif) for 15 min on ice. Cells were centrifuged at 14,000 x g for 30 sec, and the supernatant (cytosolic extract) was removed. The pellet (nuclear fraction) was resuspended in a proprietary nuclear extraction buffer (Active Motif) containing 1 mM DTT and protease inhibitors, rocked for 30 min on ice, vortexed, and centrifuged at 14,000 x g for 10 min. The supernatant (nuclear extract) was frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80oC. Protein concentration was determined by Bradford method [21], and the quality of nuclear extracts was evaluated by western blotting as described previously [14] with an anti-fibrillarin antibody.

Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays (EMSA)

The 167-bp double-stranded DNA probe was generated by digesting the pGL3-(-1386) plasmid with BstBI and NheI restriction endonucleases. The probe was purified by agarose gel electrophoresis and gel extraction. The probe was end-labeled using [γ-32P]ATP (3000 Ci/mmol, PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA) and T4 polynucleotide kinase (Promega, Madison, WI), and then purified using a G25 column. The binding reaction included nuclear extract, gel shift binding buffer (4% glycerol, 1 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM DTT, 50 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris, pH 7.5), and 32P-labeled DNA probe in a total volume of 10 to 20 μl, depending on the experiment. Additional factors, such as unlabeled DNA probes, EDTA, poly-dI-dC, and ZnCl2, were added to theb binding reaction as indicated. The binding reaction was allowed to proceed for 20 minutes at RT, and then samples were electrophoresed on a 5% non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel with 0.5X TBE buffer (44.5 mM Tris, 44.5 M boric acid, 1 mM EGTA) at 250 V. Gels were dried under a vacuum for 45 min at 70°C, and then exposed to Kodak Biomax MR film at -80°C.


Identification of the human RDH10 proximal promoter

To define the promoter of the human RDH10 gene, the genomic DNA sequence located 5’ of the RDH10 gene start codon was cloned into a luciferase reporter plasmid. The TSS (as indicated by Genbank ID: AF4567655) is defined as position +1. The cloned “full length” 5’-flanking sequence used in this study begins at -1386 bp upstream of the TSS and ends at +173 bp downstream of the TSS. Truncations of the full length 5’ flanking sequence were generated and tested, and each 5’flanking sequence is identified based on where the 5’ end of the sequence terminates in relation to the TSS. For instance, the “full length” sequence is referred to as “-1386 bp” (Figure 1). hTERT-RPE1 cells were transfected with luciferase reporter plasmids and luciferase activity was measured approximately 30 h post-transfection. The negative control plasmid pGL3-Basic, which has no 5’flanking sequence inserted, was used as a reference in all assays and is referred to simply as “Basic”. Luciferase activity was similar in all constructs tested between -280 bp and -756 bp (Figure 2). However, the -923 bp construct had a 5-fold induction in promoter activity compared to -756 bp, indicating that potent cis-regulatory elements are present in the sequence between -756 bp and -923 bp (Figure 2).