Review of the Color Vision Tests Currently in Use

Review Article

J Ophthalmol & Vis Sci. 2020; 5(1): 1036.

Review of the Color Vision Tests Currently in Use

Almustanyir A*

Department of Optometry, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding author: Almustanyir Ali, Department of Optometry, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Received: April 28, 2020; Accepted: May 18, 2020; Published: May 25, 2020


Purpose: Color vision testing is essential for people who perform tasks where color is used to convey information and accurate color judgments are essential for safe and efficient performance. A large number of color vision tests are currently available to screen for color vision deficiencies or detect the type and severity of the defect. Computerized color vision tests are now becoming more common in the clinical setting. Different programs are available that screen for color vision defects or perform both screening and diagnosis of the severity of the defect. This study aimed to review some of the color vision tests currently available in the market

Method: This study primarily focused on reviewing seven color vision tests: Ishihara, Hardy-Rand-Ritter plates (HRR), Waggoner PIP, Color Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test, Cone Contrast Sensitivity test, Farnsworth D15 (FD15), and Waggoner D15 (W-D15).

Results and Conclusion: The majority of these tests showed very good agreement with the anomaloscope in assessments of a red-green color vision defect. The level of agreement, sensitivity, and specificity for most tests were comparable to the anomaloscope in terms of screening for color vision deficiency.

Keywords: Color vision test; Ishihara; HRR; Waggoner color vision test; CAD test; Cone Contrast Sensitivity test; Farnsworth D15; Waggoner


The number of commercially available color vision tests in the market has increased, and it has become essential to determine which tests can be used in a convenient, valid, and reliable manner. A test can be considered good if it has the ability to accurately and quickly categorize subjects into Color Vision Defect (CVD) and Color Vision Normal (CVN) groups. However, a working knowledge of the test protocol is insufficient, and an understanding of the test design is essential to ensure high confidence in interpreting the results [1]. Moreover, it is necessary to understand the need and aim of color vision testing, which can be summarized as follows:

1. The test can screen and detect the presence of color vision deficiency. This situation would be the most common color activity.

2. The test has the ability to determine the type and severity of the color vision deficiency.

3. The test can assess the significance of color vision deficiency in those carrying particular color-dependent tasks. This commonly pertains to congenital red-green color vision deficiency rather than congenital tritan or acquired deficiencies. This group of tests would mimic the aspects of the intended occupation or a particular test at the actual place using the real system of work.

CVD can be classified into three general categories based on the number of primary colors that are required to make color matches. In monochromatic CVDs, patients require only one primary color to match all colored lights. Individuals with this form of CVD lack most of the normal cones and show a severe reduction in visual acuity. Because they have additional visual problems, they will not be discussed in this paper. The remaining categories of CVD psresent with a normal visual function and just CVDs, or they may show color vision independent of any visual problem. Dichromatism requires two primaries to match colors, whereas anomalous trichromats requires three primaries to make a match, but the amounts are significantly different from CVN.

Red-green color defects can be further classified based on whether the M-cone or L-cone photopigment is missing or different from the CVN population. Protanopes lack the longwavelength sensitive pigment (L-cone), and deuteranopes are missing the medium wavelength sensitive pigment (M-cone). The anomalous trichromats can also be divided into parallel categories. Protanomalous trichromats possess an anomalous photopigment in their L-cone, while deuteranomalous trichromats have an anomalous photopigment in their M-cone [2].

Blue-yellow defects are very rare. Blue-yellow defects include the dichromatic (tritanope) and anomalous trichromat (tritanomalous) forms. Both tritanope and tritanomalous forms show problems with the S-cones. In tritanopes, the S-cone pigment is non-functioning, whereas in tritanomalous cases, the S-cones are only partially functional [3].

CVDs can be further categorized as congenital or acquired [1]. In the congenital form, the congenital visual system is otherwise normal except for the loss of color discrimination and the defect remains stable throughout, whereas in the acquired form, the CVD is related to an ocular disease or disorder and some other aspect of visual function is also affected by the condition. The defect can progress and regress along with the underlying condition [1,2]. Acquired CVDs are less common in the general population. However, these defects are very common in the elderly. This is expected since the incidence of visual disorders also increases with age [2]. There are three types of acquired CVDs. Type I acquired red-green defects occur in photoreceptor/retinal pigment epithelium diseases. Patients with this type of defect tend to have protan defects. Type II acquired red-green defects are related to optic nerve diseases such as optic atrophies and optic neuritis [2]. Patients with this type of defect tend to have deutan defects. Type III acquired blue-yellow defects are the most common type of acquired CVD. This type of defect is defined by discrimination losses along the blue-yellow axis and is observed in macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes, nuclear cataract, and optic nerve disorders [2].

An accurate measurement of color discrimination is essential for jobs that require precise color vision to ensure safe and efficient performance of the tasks, since patients with CVDs are at a higher risk of making errors in such tasks. A large number of color vision tests are currently available to detect CVD and estimate the patient’s ability to discriminate colors. Computerized color vision tests are widespread and have become more common in the clinical setting. Some programs can screen for CVD or have the capability to screen and diagnose the severity of the defect. The purpose of this paper is to review the color vision tests that are commercially available in the market and widely used in the clinic. This study will focus on seven tests: Ishihara, Hardy-Rand-Rider plates (HRR), Waggoner PIP, Color Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test, Cone Contrast Sensitivity test, Farnsworth D15 (F-D15), and Waggoner D15 (WD15).

Review of the Color Vision Tests


Ishihara Pseudo Iso Chromatic (PIC) plates are the most widely used color vision test to detect CVD. This test was first published in 1906 and was the first PIC test in commercial production. The test has been reprinted in many editions over the years and worldwide [4]. The 38-plate edition is considered to be the gold standard for redgreen color vision screening [5]. The 38 plates version contains 25 numeral plates of one color embedded in a background of a different color and 13 pathway designed plates [5,6]. The numeral plates are divided into demonstration (plate number1), transformation (plate number 2-9), vanishing (plate number 10-17), hidden digit (plate number18-21), and classification (plate number22-25) [6]. Table 1 shows the criterion for this test.