Reduced Bone Density Restoration from Chronic Antiorthostatic Therapy through Fluid Shift to the Head and Low Gravity Effectss

Research Article

Austin J Orthopade & Rheumatol. 2020; 7(1): 1084.

Reduced Bone Density Restoration from Chronic Antiorthostatic Therapy through Fluid Shift to the Head and Low Gravity Effects

Yaroshenko YN2, Kakuris KK1*, Denogratov SK1 and Merkov PL2

¹Institute of Hypokinetic Physiology, Greece

²Institute of Hypokinetic Biochemistry, Bulgaria

*Corresponding author: Kostas K Kakuris, Institute of Hypokinetic Physiology, Greece

Received: February 04, 2020; Accepted: March 11, 2020; Published: March 18, 2020


Objectives: Chronic Antiorthostatic Therapy (CAT) through progressive and periodic Fluid Redistribution (FR) and low gravity effects helps restore bone lost due to impaired bone mineral deposition. We hypothesize that reduced bone mineral density could be restored through CAT during diminished muscular activity (Hypokinesia; HK). We studied the potential clinical treatment for reduced bone mineral density through CAT during HK

Methods: Studies were conducted on 40 male healthy volunteers. They were divided into four-groups: Antiorthostatic Therapy Hypokinetic Subjects (ATHS), Hypokinetic Subjects (HKS), Antiorthostatic Therapy Active Subjects (ATCS) and Active Control Subjects (ACS). Bone density of the skull, lumbar vertebrae (L1-L4), ulna and radius, tarsal and metatarsal, tibia and fibula were measured during 390 and 364 days pre-experimental and experimental period, respectively.

Results: Bone density of skull, lumbar vertebrae (L1-L4), ulna and radius, tarsal and metatarsal, tibia and fibula increases (p<0.05) in the ATHS group compared to the HKS group. Bone density of skull, lumbar vertebrae (L1-L4), ulna and radius, tarsal and metatarsal, tibia and fibula decreases (p<0.05) in the HKS group compared to the ATHS, ATCS and ACS groups and the values at the pre-experimental period. Bone density of skull, lumbar vertebrae (L1-L4), ulna and radius, tarsal and metatarsal, tibia and fibula did not increase in the ATCS group as in the ATHS group and did not changed compared to ACS group. Bone mineral density did not change in the ACS group compared to the preexperimental period and the ATCS group.

Conclusion: The current study shows higher bone mineral density by means of CAT suggesting a potential clinical treatment of reduced bone mineral density using CAT through progressive and periodic FR and low gravity effects.

Keywords: Bone remodeling; Mineral deposition; Fluid volume redistribution; Fluid volume expansion; Circulatory pressure gradients; Physical exercise; Therapeutic benefits.


Chronic Antiorthostatic Therapy (CAT) counteracting gravity protects organs and systems of the human body from the detrimental effects of gravity. CAT produces progressive and periodic fluid shift to upper body, Fluid Redistribution (FR) and blood volume expansion. CAT creates lo low gravity effects that help organs and systems to relax as they no longer fighting the familiar pull of earth gravity. CAT creates a hydrostatic pressure gradient that increases venous return of blood to the heart and cardiac output by 40-50%. CAT makes body fluids move away from low into upper part of the body creating more blood volume and tissue perfusion which helps organs and systems to work better than before. CAT that moves away body fluids from the lower extremities into thoracic region, conditions the upper body part tissues to fluid volume expansion thereby reducing stress of hypervolemia on organs and systems which in turn helps overall adaptation to fluid volume expansion.

Earth gravity affects fluids inside the body by pulling blood and other body fluids to lower parts of the body. Fluid migration to lower body creates more fluid to pelvic region and lower part of the body. Retention of larger fluid volume in lower body from what is the norm for lower part of the body results to lower blood volume and lower filling with blood of the central vascular bed [1]. Fluid volume which can fit into venous system of lower part of the body determines the severity of delivering fluid to the head and thus vascular volume. Fluid volume reduction is most detrimental to the human body because it forces organs and systems to work harder than normally would. The reduced fluid volume results in electrolyte deficiency [2- 8] that cannot be prevented or restored through the existing measures [9-14]. Bone density is also reduced during prolonged diminished muscular activity despite the use of different preventive measures [15-20]. CAT that counteracts Earth gravity effects and helps body fluids move away from lower into upper part of the body contributing to vascular volume is the best solution for reduced bone density [21,22]. Bone loss is primarily driven from the inability of the body to deposit bone minerals and the lower muscular forces as muscle strength and muscle atrophy developed [15-20]. It is the reduced bone density and deterioration of its microarchitecture that leads to premature osteoporosis. Bone loss results to age-related changes and bone fractures analogous to those seen in osteoporosis. The reduction of bone density and strength is more pronounced in some skeletal regions than others, such as pelvis region. Bone loss can increase the risk of skeletal fractures and uncoupled from bone cell reactions with remodeling could affect the healing of bone fractures. Skeletal injuries can adversely affect the ability to perform physical activities, impair physical capacity, due to further injuries or pain, and increases the risk of bone fractures because of reduced skeletal integrity. Bone loss, incomplete recovery and irreversible changes in microarchitecture and geometry of skeleton could result to premature age-related bone changes and osteoporosis and bone fractures. Studies have shown how bone loss in some skeleton areas shows the greatest benefits from reduced physical stress [15-20]. Some studies [15-20] have shown that fluid volume expansion through chronically applied fluid and salt supplementation which contribute to osteogenesis and increase bone mineral deposition could be used for therapy and/or prevention of bone loss. However, CAT that counteracts Earth gravity compression effects and creates FR and contributes to fluid volume expansion and bone remodeling could be one of the best solutions for the increase and the protection of skeletal mineral density [21,22]. Epidemiological, experimental and clinical studies have shown that CAT, via reduced gravity effects, fluid shift to upper body, fluid redistribution and fluid volume expansion, is effective in the treatment of major disorders. A spectacular aging slowing down and disappearance of aging skin and body changes were shown in people when subjected to CAT. Arterial blood pressure has been shown to reduce in hypertensive patients after undergoing CAT. Patents with back pain have shown pain relief after undertaking CAT that helps the quatratus lumborum and psoas muscles to expand. A spectacular disappearance of Alzheimer’s symptoms was shown in patients after are undergoing CAT. Coronary artery patients have shown significant reduction in symptoms after undergoing CAT. The risk of stroke reduces significantly when patients subjected to CAT which increases blood oxygen and energy delivery to the brain. Patients with diabetes mellitus have shown a higher insulin production and utilization after they undergo CAT. Blood oxygenation has been shown to increase when patients with acute respiratory failure are treated with CAT. Myocardial infarction reduced or prevented when patients were subjected to CAT. The major benefits of low gravity effects are evident from the significant reduction of cot deaths ever since the no-prone position in sleeping babies was introduced.

It is surprising however that although the effects of gravity on healthy and diseased humans have been studied for many years [23] and the effects fluid volume expansion and FR on physiological and biochemical parameters have been studied extensively [2-8] and the therapeutic benefits of low gravity effects have been known from the time of Hippocrates, thus far very few studies have been published on reduced bone mineral density restoration from CAT through low gravity effects, fluid shift to the head, hypervolemia and FR [21,22]. CAT that creates progressive and periodic fluid shift to the head, FR, hypervolemia, and low gravity effects has nowadays become a recognized treatment method for major disease and symptoms of diseases. We uncover something that has been right under our nose forever. CAT is not a trip to the spa. CAT is a powerful stimulus for the treatment of bone degradation but over longer duration of time might need to endure and/or overcome the effects of symptoms mimic myasthenia gravis and old age.

Chronic antiorthostatic therapy through progressive and periodic fluid volume expansion, FR and low gravity effects helps restore reduced bone mineral density loss because of impaired bone mineral deposition. We hypothesize that reduced bone mineral density could be restored and/or prevented through CAT. To provide evidence of reduced bone mineral density restoration through CAT and to establish a potential clinical treatment for reduced bone mineral density, via progressive and periodic fluid volume expansion, FR and low gravity effects, we measured bone density of skull, lumbar vertebrae, tibia and fibula, ulna and radius, tarsal and metatarsal potentially providing rationale for using CAT clinically.

Methods and Materials

The studies had conformed to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Study protocols were reviewed and approved by the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects of the Institutional Review Board. The subjects received verbal and written explanations of the tests and experimental protocols prior to providing written informed consent. Among the subjects were no medical problems and none of the subjects were under any drug therapy that could have interfered with bone density. Financial incentives relative to average monthly earnings were used to encourage compliance with the protocol of the study. During the study were not dropouts. Forty physically healthy male volunteers of 23.4 ± 6.4, 22.7 ± 5.5, 25.6 ±6.2 and 26.1 ± 5.5 years of age for the Active Control Subjects (ACS), Hypokinetic Subjects (HKS), Antiorthostatic Therapy Control Subjects (ATCS) and Antiorthostatic Therapy Hypokinetic Subjects (ATHS) were chosen as subjects, respectively. The subjects had a body weight of 72.3 ± 8.0, 71.8 ±6.6, 74.5 ±5.5 and 73.4 ±6.6 kg for the ACS, HKS, ATCS and ATHS, respectively. The subjects had a mean peak oxygen uptake of 46.8 ± 4.4 mL. kg-l. min-l. Subjects were run average distances of 9.9 ± 1.4 km per day at a speed of 9.8±1.6 km.h-1 for three to five years.

An assistant blinded from the recruitment, treatment and procedures of anti-gravity measures and a concealed method used did assignment of subjects into four groups randomly.

Group 1: Ten subjects walked average distances of 3.2±0.4 km/day and were submitted to CAT. They were assigned to Antiorthostatic Therapy Hypokinetic Subjects (ATHS) group.

Group 2: Ten subjects walked average distances of 3.2±0.5 km/ day. They were assigned to hypokinetic subjects (HKS) group.

Group 3: Ten subjects run average distances of 9.1±1.5 km/day and were submitted to CAT. They were assigned to Antiorthostatic Therapy Control Subjects (ATCS) group.

Group 4: Ten subjects run average distances of 9.2±1.3 km/day. They were assigned to Active Control Subjects (ACS) group.


The investigation consisted of a 390-day pre-experimental period and a 364-day experimental period. In pre-experimental period subjects run average distances of 9.1 ± 1.4 km/day at a speed of 9.3 ± 1.1 km.h-1. The diets were served as a 7-day menu rotation. The meals were all prepared under standard conditions in a research kitchen. Mean daily energy consumption of metabolic diet was 3610 ±550, 3105 ± 387, 3615 ± 521 and 3111 ± 373 SD kcal, and the mean daily Ca++ consumption was 44.5 ± 1.2, 44.3 ± 1.3, 43.6 ±1.5 and 44.5 ± 1.4 SD mmol for the ACS, HKS, ATCS and ATHS, respectively. Subjects were housed in a facility where humidity, temperature, activities, and dietary intakes were monitored 24-hrs per day and 7-days per week. Because of the potential of too much stress and pressure on the heart and the circulatory system and other organs and systems, care was taken with the use of CAT. The heart and circulatory system of the ATHS group and the ATCS group were check thoroughly before they were recruited to the study. The heart of the ATHS and ATCS was monitored closely during the CAT for any changes.

Simulation of hypokinetic conditions

To simulate the designated degree of HK the number of km walking per day was restricted to an average of 3.2±0.3 and was monitored daily by an accelerometer. The activities allowed were those that approximated the normal routines of hypokinetic individuals. Subjects were allowed to walk to the dining rooms, lavatories and different laboratories where the tests were administered. Climbing stairs and other activities which required greater efforts were not allowed. Subjects were mobile and were not allowed outside the experimental facility grounds so that the level of hypokinesia could remain constant and their movements could easily monitor.

Low gravity effects simulation

To create low gravity effects the subjects were asked to sleep without a pillow at an angle of -6° to -40° in Antiorthostatic Position (AOP). The level of AOP was increased progressively by -2° each time and after the adaptation period was completed. The subjects were allowed to sleep for at least 8 hours at night. The actual tests were performed at different degrees, and after the adaptability of the subjects to a particular degree was established. The level of each AOP was increased after the ability of subjects to adapt to a specific AOP degree was established. The AOP increased approximately every 34 to 45 days and after the ability of the volunteers to adapt to that AOP was determined. At each AOP the subjects were kept for the same duration of time to secure the adaptability of subjects to that AOP degree. The individual differences in metabolic, biochemical, physiological, cardiovascular, endocrine, and renal reactions of subjects to AOP and their conditions and symptoms were taken into consideration. The study schedule changed periodically to conform to the ability of volunteers to adapt to AOP. To reduce AOP stress and to ensure the comfort of subjects the intensity and duration of AOP was modified as and when required.

Bone density measurements

Samples were analyzed in duplicate, and appropriate standards were used for all measurements:

Bone density values (g/cm2) of the lumbar vertebrae (L1-L4), on the boundary between the median and distal thirds of the tibia and fibula diaphysis, the length of the radius and ulna (calculated from the styloid process) and in the foot (tarsal and metatarsal bones) and the bone density of the skull were measured using the Lunar of dual-energy, X-ray absorptionmetry (DXA; GE-Lunar DPX-L) with DPX-L software (version 1.6; GE Lunar). (Lunar Radiation Corp., Madison, WI). The values calculated from the analyses of the whole body scan. We calibrated the machine daily and performed daily and weekly quality-assurance tests as recommended by the manufacturers. The precision errors (% CV) for whole body and radius shaft BMD measurements were 0.5% and 0.8%, respectively. The two-person interobserver error for DXA analysis was 0.1%. Daily phantom measurements on DXA indicated a steady but extremely slow machine drift; BMD was adjusted accordingly.

Data analyses

A 2-way interaction [treatment (4 levels) by days (6 levels)] Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine bone mineral density benefits from CAT and to establish a potential clinical treatment of reduced skeletal mineral density during hypokinesia. ANOVAs with repeated measures of 2-way interaction (treatment and days, pre-experimental and experimental values, the hypokinetic subjects and the antiorthostatic therapy hypokinetic subjects, the hypokinetic subjects and the control subjects groups) were used. ANOVAs for each time point measurements were used. Statistical analysis of results was made with GraphPad Prism statistical software (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, California). Level of significance was set to <0.05.


The subjects of the ATHS group and the ATCS group reported some clinical symptoms (Table 1). In the ATHS group and the ATCS group symptoms were shown in the right eye and ear and right arms and legs of the body. Most symptoms were shown in the upper part of the body where most blood flows than in the lower part of the body. Symptoms were more pronounced in the ATCS group of subjects who were engaged in physical exercise than in the ATHS group. At latter stages of the study the subjects who have been treated with CAT have show an increase in antigravity muscle strength and skeleton stability. In the HKS group muscle strength and skeletal stability reduced. The ATHS have noticed benefits in their health and well-being and have shown lessening of tiredness and sleep duration needs. The ATHS group of subjects gained height, energy, power and strength. The ATHS group of subjects have felt that they bocome smarter or even have gain significant memory capabilities. The ATHS group underwent significant body changes. The ATCS group was not show the same benefits from CAT as was the ATHS group. The ATCS and the ATHS continued the treatment after the study was completed. The HKS and the ACS groups were also adapted the CAT treatment after completion of the study. With CAT treatment the body of the subjects alters because changes occur in individual cells and in whole organs. These alterations result in numerous changes of the body in function and in appearance.

Citation: Yaroshenko YN, Kakuris KK, Denogratov SK and Merkov PL. Reduced Bone Density Restoration from Chronic Antiorthostatic Therapy through Fluid Shift to the Head and Low Gravity Effects. Austin J Orthopade & Rheumatol. 2020; 7(1): 1084.