Thyroid Isthmus Agenesis Diagnosed During Total Laryngectomy

Case Report

Austin J Otolaryngol. 2015; 2(9): 1066.

Thyroid Isthmus Agenesis Diagnosed During Total Laryngectomy

Ismi O¹, Vayisoglu Y¹*, Ozcan C¹, Erdogan O¹, Gen R² and Gorur K¹

¹Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Mersin, Turkey

²Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Mersin, Turkey

*Corresponding author: Yusuf Vayisoglu, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Mersin, Kulak Burun Boğaz A.D Çiftlikköy Kampüsü, Çiftlikköy/ Yenisehir-Mersin, Turkey

Received: November 10, 2015; Accepted: December 22, 2015; Published: December 28, 2015


Although thyroid gland is a well-known endocrine organ both surgically and medically; it has multiple congenital anomalies seen from rare to common. Various anomalies reported and of these anomalies thyroid isthmus agenesis is very rarely seen. In this article we presented a case of thyroid isthmus agenesis diagnosed during surgery for a total laryngectomy in 52 years of male patient. We discussed the case with associated current literature emphasizing importance of knowing anomalies preoperatively to avoid complications during thyroid surgery.


Thyroid gland is the endocrine organ responsible for production of thyroid hormones located in the lower neck between fifth cervical to first thoracic vertebrae ensheathed by pretracheal layer of deep cervical fascia. It has right and left lobes connected by a narrow median isthmus [1]. In 50 percent of cases thyroid gland has a pyramidal lobe extending from isthmus superiorly [2].

Wide spectrum of congenital anomalies and anatomic variations can occur regarding thyroid gland. Common anomalies include thyroglossal ductus cyst and persistent pyramidal lobe and rare anomalies such as agenesis, hemiagenesis of thyroid gland, aberrant thyroid glands can also be seen [3]. Of these anomalies the incidence of agenesis of isthmus (AGEIS) rare and very few cases have been reported. We presented the first case of AGEIS diagnosed during total laryngectomy for surgical treatment of laryngeal cancer in a 52 years old male patient.

Case Presentation

Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx was diagnosed in a 52 years old male patient. Tumor was transglottic with a subglottic extension of nearly 1,5 cm. He had no history of thyroid gland diseases. Preoperative thyroid hormone levels were in normal limits. During surgery for total laryngectomy; when strap muscles were retracted to skeletonize larynx, thyroid gland was seen. The thyroid gland had separate right and left lobes without interconnecting isthmus (Figure 1). Pyramidal lobe was not seen. There were no palpable nodules in thyroid lobes or nearby ectopic thyroid tissue. Total laryngectomy was done without complication and postoperative period was uneventful. Patient was discharged from hospital on postoperative eleventh day.

Citation: Ismi O, Vayisoglu Y, Ozcan C, Erdogan O, Gen R and Gorur K. Thyroid Isthmus Agenesis Diagnosed During Total Laryngectomy. Austin J Otolaryngol. 2015; 2(9): 1066. ISSN :2473-0645