Ameliorative Effect of Selenium against Endosulfan Induced Toxicity in Sertoli Cells of Mice

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Austin J Pathol Lab Med. 2018; 5(1): 1021.

Ameliorative Effect of Selenium against Endosulfan Induced Toxicity in Sertoli Cells of Mice

Kumar B1, Sinha A1, Sahay R1, Lal N3, Kumar R2, Ali M2 and Kumar A2*

1Department of Zoology, Patna University, India

2Mahavir Cancer Institute & Research Centre, India

3Department of Zoology, Dr.Syama Prasad Mukherjee University, India

*Corresponding author: Sachin Sinha, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Daswani Dental College, Kota, India

Received: May 25, 2018; Accepted: July 27, 2018; Published: August 03, 2018


Indiscriminate use of pesticides in the recent times is widely used by the farmers for the better yield of their crops. Although, the yield of the crops has increased many folds but many health related diseases has arised in the population. Endosulfan is an organochlorine pesticide which is widely used by the farmers of India, but in recent times it has led to cause various health related problems in the population. Therefore, the present research work on animal deciphers the ameliorative effect of selenium in Endosulfan induced reproductive toxicity in male mice.

Endosulfan at the dose of 3mg/Kg body weight was administered orally to male mice for 5 weeks. Thereafter, Selenium in the form Sodium seleniteat the dose of 10µg/Kg body weight was administered for 4 weeks to observe the ameliorative effect of it on sertoli cells of male mice. The study reveals that after the administration of Endosulfan, there was significant degeneration in the in the sertoli cells of mice at the cellular as well as sub cellular level. But, after administration of selenium, there was significant restoration in the sertoli cells at the cellular as well as sub cellular levels denotes that selenium possesses restorative property. Thus, it acts as one of the best antidote against endosulfan induced cellular toxicity.

Keywords: Endosulfan; Selenium; Histopathology; Electron microscopy 


Agrochemicals pollute the environment primarily because of their wasteful application and due to the fact that crops use them inefficiently. Fertilizer use efficiency is revealed to be only 30-35%, the remaining proportion reaches the groundwater resources causing the pollution. Indiscriminate use of agrochemicals under conventional agriculture, not only cause severe health hazards for human beings but also has numerous other side effects on the environment including destruction of the biodiversity. Endosulfan and organochlorine, is widely used to kill pests of cereals, cotton, oilseeds, tea, coffee, fruits, potato, and vegetables. According to US Environmental Protection Agency [1]. it belongs to highly hazardous category. Moreover, it is easily absorbed by the stomach, lungs and skin and exposure through any route can be hazardous. The commercially produced endosulfan contains two isomers α- endosulfan and β- endosulfan. Both of the forms are known to be genotoxic to human gonads [2,3].

Pesticide safety is classified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) according to the results of LD50 tests, which document the amount of a chemical required to kill 50% of a population of laboratory rats. Under this system, endosulfan is currently classified as Class II – moderately hazardous to human health. However, the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rates endosulfan as Category Ib – highly hazardous [4]. LD50 data for endosulfan are in conformity with some published results indicating that the chemical should be in the WHO’s Class Ib, according to the organisation’s own criteria. Evidence of the threats to human health posed by endosulfan are abundant, and the chemical has been banned outright or severely restricted in a number of countries as a result. Independent of LD50 results, these threats warrant the immediate upgrading of endosulfan to WHO Class Ib [5]. Endosulfan has been associated with estrogenic activity both in vivo and in vitro [6]. Exposure to this pesticide causes hormonal imbalance leading to impaired testicular cells function [7].

Selenium is an essential macro element required in body during biochemical and physiological processes including the biosynthesis of coenzyme Q, regulation of ion fluxes across membranes, maintenance of the integrity of keratins, stimulation of antibody synthesis, and activation of glutathione peroxidase [8]. Selenium basically interact with xenobiotics at several sites like during absorption and excretion, transport of metals in the body, binding to target proteins, metabolism and sequestration of toxic metals, and oxidative stress [9]. Besides this, they may also serve as required prosthetic groups in active sites or as co-enzymes for indispensable metallo-enzymes. Various studies have shown that antioxidant nutrients protect cells against deleterious effects of environmental agents [10]. Selenium has received considerable attention as an essential micronutrient for both animal and human beings. Therefore, in the present study selenium has been used to observe its ameliorative effect against the pesticide endosulfan.