Most Common Toxic Plants of Turkey to Animals: Classification by Target Species/Systems and Management of Poisoning Cases

Review Article

Austin J Pharmacol Ther. 2014; 2 (7).1039

Most Common Toxic Plants of Turkey to Animals: Classification by Target Species/Systems and Management of Poisoning Cases

Mustafa YIPEL1, Ender YARSAN2* and Fulya ALTINOK YIPEL3

1Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey

2Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ankara University, Turkey

3Department of Internal Medicine, Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey

*Corresponding author: : Ender YARSAN, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ankara University, 06110 Ankara, Turkey

Received: June 02, 2014; Accepted: August 30, 2014; Published: September 05, 2014


There are over 30 plants commonly reported to be toxic to animals primarily herbivores Most of them are ornamental garden and house plants in Turkey as in the worldwide. Toxic parts and principles, toxicity and mechanisms, classifying by toxic effects on the systems and/or organs of animals of the toxic plants has been presented in this review. It also aims to provide an ideal manage of poisoning and will be of value to occupations within the scope of animal science. In toxicological cases including plants, administration of the basic principles of treatment has a vital importance as well as history taking and identification of the plant. Some cases are not usually fatal owing to low toxicity of plants or vomiting occurs spontaneously but some results in death if not manage ideally by owners and veterinary specialists. Thus botanical characteristics of plants for identification, applications for decontamination, toxic principles and target systems or organs for diagnosis and procedures of treatment for ideal manage has been also pointed out.

Keywords: Animal; Toxic Plant


Bioactive substances called “toxins” have adverse effects that also produce by plants in many forms. Although many of the medical substances produced by plants, some of them have been reported as toxic such as Foxglove and Lily of the valley, which contains digitalis that prevents heart attacks [1-3]. Plants may cause toxic effects or even death as a result of inadvertent exposure by skin contact/absorption, eye exposure and inhalation or accidental ingestion of the plant parts (seed, fruit, root, etc.) while owners usually does not even suspect their toxic nature [3-6]. In considering any chemical synthesized by a plant, it is important to note that there may be marked variability in the amount due to different portions, the age and genetic differences of the plant, climate and soil influence [2,4]. According to the reports of The American Association of Poison Control Centers; about 11% of poisoning cases of small animals are due to plants and 75% to 80% of calls involve dogs, 15% involve cats [3]. According to another epidemiological study (12 year period) on which conducted in Italy by Human Poison Control Centre of Milan domestic animal poisoning by exposure to plants pointed out that 5.7% of total calls related by plants and the most commonly poisoned species was dog (61.8%) and cat (26%) [7].

The Table 1 includes ornamental garden plants such as Pyracantha coccinea, Ilexspp., Cotoneasterspp., Cestrumspp., Rhododendronspp., Taxus baccata, Laburnum anagyroides, Cassiaspp., Loniceraspp., both ornamental garden and house plants such as Cycas, Hemerocallisspp., Nerium oleander, Convallaria majalis, Narcissusspp., Hyacinthus orientalis, Euphorbia spp., Dieffenbachiaspp., Liliumspp., Cycasspp. and others such as Daphnespp., Melia azedarach, Ricinus communis, Viscum album, Aesculus hippocastanum, Cannabis sativa, Nicotianaspp., Alliumspp., Digitalis spp. and also shown in Figure 1 according to their habitats by list number in Chapter 3.

Citation: YIPEL M, YARSAN E and YIPEL FA. Most Common Toxic Plants of Turkey to Animals: Classification by Target Species/Systems and Management of Poisoning Cases. Austin J Pharmacol Ther. 2014; 2 (7).1039. ISSN: 2373-6208.