Genome Wide Characterization & Phylogenetic Analysis of TNF Genes in Homo Sapiens

Research Article

Austin J Pharmacol Ther. 2021; 9(2).1134.

Genome Wide Characterization & Phylogenetic Analysis of TNF Genes in Homo Sapiens

Saif S¹, Abaidullah M²*, Mazhar MW¹, Ijaz A³, Sikandar M¹, Waqas N¹, Mahmood J¹, Aslam H¹

¹Department of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, Government Collage University, 38000 Faisalabad, Pakistan

²Natural Medicine Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, Sichuan Agricultural University, China

³National Center of Excellence in Molecular biology, University of Punjab Lahore, Pakistan

*Corresponding author: Muhammad Abiadullah, Natural Medicine Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China

Received: April 17, 2021; Accepted: May 06, 2021; Published: May 13, 2021


Tumor Necrosis Factor is very important inflammatory signaling unit that do an important role in immune system. It functions by attachment and stimulation of different receptor’s Cysteine Rich Domains (CDRs). A number of TNF receptors mediated factors have been identified having a major role in signal transduction pathways of TNF gene family. There are about 18 TNF homologues that are identified as a major cause of many disorders like cancer, Diabetes, AIDS and many other lethal inflammations. In this study the genome wide identification of TNF gene was done. Different tools and databases were used. Identification of conserved domains was done by using pfam and homology analysis showed that the TNF might be a member of TRAFs superfamily. Structural analysis of gene showed the number of introns and exons by a three-dimensional structure of TNF gene. The TNF gene family's exon-intron structure was found to be very similar in this study. The distribution of genes across chromosomes, on the other hand, was extremely varied. Collectively, the newly discovered genes can provide a wealth of information for manipulating the TNF genome to develop drugs and strategies to treat a variety of diseases.

Keywords: Tumor necrosis factor; TNF gene family; TNF receptors; Transcription factor; Gene structure; Immune system


TNF is a signaling molecule that is involved in a number of cellular operations, like cell division, characterization, and apoptosis having critical a role in a number of diseases. The molecular mechanisms of TNF action have been studied widely in current years. Many lab studies have shown that TNF mediates a wide range of biological operations. TNF associated different biological responses are performed by generating number of signaling pathways, as a result of different laboratory studies. NF-B, a transcription factor and AP-1, in particular, play an important function in communicating these cellular responses [1,2]. About two decades ago it was observed that TNF is a protein that is promote by the immune system can suppress the Tumor Cell proliferation. Many comprehensive studies have revealed that TNF is a significant intermediary of infections, replication of viruses, spread of tumors, rejection of transplant, many different septic shocks and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Children’s Pertussis, Down’s Syndrome etc. as shown in Figure 1. Depending upon type of target cells tumor necrosis factor can cause destructive & apoptotic death of cell. Necrosis may result in swelling of the cells, death and breakage of different organelles of cells. While as a result of apoptosis, the cell loses its shape, development of apoptotic fragments, and particular internucleosomal fragmentation of DNA occurs. It is still doubtful whether DNA fragmentation causes or results from TNF-associated cell death [3,4].