Medicinal Functions of Physalis Fruits for Biomedical Applications

Short Communication

Austin J Pharmacol Ther. 2021; 9(2).1135.

Medicinal Functions of Physalis Fruits for Biomedical Applications

Abdel-Fattah WI* and El-Bassyouni GT

Refractories, Ceramics and Building Materials Department, Biomedical Materials Group 33 Elbuhouth st. National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

*Corresponding author: Wafa I Abde-Fatah, Refractories, Ceramics and Building Materials Department, Biomedical Materials Group 33 Elbuhouth st. National Research Centre, 12622, Cairo, Egypt

Received: April 12, 2021; Accepted: May 17, 2021; Published: May 24, 2021

Short Communication

Drug innovation using natural products is an interesting mission for planning new leads. It describes the bioactive compounds resulting from natural resources, characterization and pharmacological examination. It emphases on the triumph of these resources in the process of finding and realizing new and effective drug compounds that can be beneficial for human resources. For medicinal devotions and for the progress of pharmaceutical substances, medicinal plants were used such as Physalis angulata L which is a medicinal plant used for numerous therapies including wound healing (Figure 1) [1].