Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International

Spasticity Management and Rehabilitation

Special Article - Spasticity Management and Rehabilitation
Stevenson VL*, Keenan E and Jarrett L
Special Article - Spasticity Management and Rehabilitation
Simeoni S*, Sparkes S, Keenan E, Buchanan K, Lee H, Padilla C, Stevenson VL and Farrell R
Special Article - Spasticity Management and Rehabilitation
Simeoni S, Keenan E, Buchanan 1, Lee H, Padilla C, Farrell R and Stevenson VL
Special Article - Spasticity Management and Rehabilitation
Buchanan K*, Christofi G, Farrell R, Keenan E and Stevenson VL
Special Article – Spasticity Management and Rehabilitation
Gallien P*, Leblong E, Fraudet B, Petrilli S, Robineau S, Houedakor J, Durufle A and Nicolas B