Estimation and Herbage Yield Performance Evaluation of Elephant Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum (L.) Varieties for Animal Feed in Highland and Midland Area of Guji Zone Southern, Oromia

Research Article

Austin J Plant Bio. 2024; 10(1): 1043.

Estimation and Herbage Yield Performance Evaluation of Elephant Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum (L.) Varieties for Animal Feed in Highland and Midland Area of Guji Zone Southern, Oromia

Teshale Jabessa*; Ketema Bekele

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute Bore Agricultural Research Center, Bore, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Teshale Jabessa Oromia Agricultural Research Institute Bore Agricultural Research Center, Bore, Ethiopia. Email:

Received: December 06, 2023 Accepted: January 17, 2024 Published: January 23, 2024


The study’s objective was to identify and choose a more versatile, higher-yielding forage type. The ILRI-16791, 16798, 16840, 16800, ILRI-16819, 15743, and local type of elephant grass were placed in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Statistics were utilized to analyze the data after calculating the biomass yield and all other agronomic properties of the forage sample. The results showed that the dry matter yield among the several types of elephant grass varied in a statistically significant (p0.01) way. Elephant grass cultivars in the highland and midland agro ecologies did not vary significantly (p>0.05) in terms of the number of tillers per plant or the ratio of leaves to stems. The highest herbage dry matter production was achieved by the cultivars ILRI-16791, 15743, and 16819 of elephant grass. Under the study locations, these kinds are well suited and suitable as animal feeds. Therefore, it was suggested that livestock farmers use these three types of elephant grass as a source of feed to increase animal output in the study areas and other places with comparable agro ecology.

Keywords: Evaluation; Elephant grass; Highland; Midland; Variety


The biggest impediment to livestock production in the developing world is still a lack of feeds, both in terms of quantity and quality [1], especially during the dry season. Even in years with a favorable rainy season, there is not enough fodder to support animals due to a shortage of grazing acreage and inefficient grazing management. Better feed options that take into account both the quantity and quality of the feed are required to increase cattle productivity in such a situation. This necessitates the development of high-quality forage crops that can withstand both biotic and abiotic environmental stresses and offer an alternative source of high-quality and quantity feeds [2-3].

One of the most productive and adaptable tropical grass species is Pennisetum purpureum and can be grown in a variety of locations and farming practices, such as smallholder, industrial, dry, or wet climates and the most prolific and promising fodder crops in Africa [4]. Large, robust, and deeply rooted perennial bunch grass Pennisetum purpureum is prized for its high yield and usage as cow feed [5] Additionally, it is a prime candidate for primary fodder due to its ease of establishment and regeneration, production of appetizing green shoots, efficiency in the use of water, and persistence of repeated cutting [6]. The grass is recommended for smallholder crop-livestock farming systems, especially in dairy and feedlot production systems, according to the aforementioned statement [7].

Due to the growing human and livestock populations and shifting land use patterns, which cause a reduction in grazing pastures, the majority of smallholder livestock producers possess small and fragmented pieces of land [8] and can be the best-fitting alternative to other feed options in such regions because of its capacity to produce high amounts of herbage yields with little inputs. The production of Pennisetum purpureum varies among cultivars, with some producing as much as sixty tons of dry matter per hectare per year [9]. The management decisions, the environment, and the cultivar being utilized, however, can have a greater impact on the yield. Elephant grass forage variants, which have superior biomass production and nutritional quality, should be grown in order to increase the availability of animal feed in terms of quantity and quality. Therefore, the objectives of the current study were to select, adaptable and high biomass yielding Elephant grass varieties for the study area and other areas having similar agro-ecologies.

Material and Methods

Description of the Study Area

The experiment was carried out at the Bore Agricultural Research Center's Songo Baricha on station and Adola sub-site in Guji Zone. Bore district is located in South-eastern Oromia, 385 kilometers from Finfinne and 220 kilometers from the capital city of the Guji Zone (Negele), with latitudes ranging from 557'23" to 626'52" N and longitudes ranging from 3825'51" to 3856'21". The yearly rainfall in the district is approximately 1400-1800 mm, while the average temperatures range from 10.1 to 20 OC. The site's predominant soil type is black soil. Bore Agricultural Research Station is 7 kilometers from the Bore district, which is located at 624'37" N latitude and 3834'76" E longitude.

The Adola sub-site is located in the Midland section of the Bore Agricultural Research Center in the Adola district, 470 kilometers from Addis Abeba and 120 kilometers from the Zonal capital city. It is an area where mixed farming and semi-nomadic economic activities take place, which are the primary source of income for the locals. The District has a total size of 1254.56 km2 and is located at 5o44'10" - 6o12'38" N Latitudes and 38o45'10" - 39o12'37" E Longitudes. The District has three agro-climatic zones: highland (11%), midland (29%), and lowland (60%). The district's main soil types are nit sols (red basaltic soils) and orthic Acrosols [10].

Experimental Treatments and Design

The experiment was executed using six (6) elephant grass varieties like; 16840, 16819, 16800, 16791, 15743, 16798 and Local check were planted at midland and highland with the same procedures for both agro-ecologies at the beginning of the main rainy season in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The plant was established in rows spaced 20 cm between rows and 1 m, 1.5 m between plots and blocks respectively on plot size of 5m×2.5m (12.5 m2). The root splits were planted in rows with five rows per plot and a total of 25 root splits were planted per plot. Fertilize rate was uniformly applied to all plots in the form of Nitrogen Phosphate Sulfate (NPS) at the rate of 100 kg/ha. After every harvest, the plots were top dressed with 50 kg Urea/ha of which one-third applied at the first shower of rain and the remaining two third applied during the active growth stage of the plant. All other forage crop management practices were applied uniformly to all varieties as recommended.

Methods of Data Collection

All agronomic data like plant survival rate, number of tillers per plant, number of leaf per plant, leaf length per plant, plant height, forage DM yield and leaf to stem fractions were collected. Plant survival rate was calculated as the ratio of the number of live plants per plot to the total number of plants planted per plot and then multiplied by 100. Plant height was based on five plants was randomly selected in each plot, measured using a steel tape from the ground level to the highest leaf. For determination of biomass yield, genotypes were cutting at 5-10 cm from the ground level from two central rows. In order to measure dry matter yield, the harvested fresh sample was measured right in field by sensitive weight balance and 300g subsample per plot was brought to Bore Agricultural Research Center and sampled sample was placed to oven dried for 72 hours at a temperature of 65cofor dry matter determination. Then dry matter yield (t/ha) was calculated by James [11] formula.

The dry matter yield (t/ha) = TFW × (DWss /HA × FWss) ×10

Where TFW = total fresh weight kg/plot

DWss = dry weight of subsample in grams

FWss = fresh weight of subsample in grams

HA = Harvest plot area in square meters and 10 is a constant for conversion of yields in kg/m to t/ha

Leaf to stem ration, the morphological parts were separately weighed to know their sample fresh weight, oven dried for 72 hours at a temperature of 65oC and separately weighed to estimate the proportions of these morphological parts.

Methods of Statistical Analysis

All collected data were analyzed using the general linear model procedure of SAS [12], version 9.1. Mean were separated using Least Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% significant level. The statistical model for the analysis data was: Yijk= μ + Aj + Bi + eijk

Where; Yijk= response of variable under examination, μ = overall mean, Aj = the jth factor effect of treatment/ cultivar, Bi = the ith factor effect of block/ replication, eijk = the random error.

Result and Discussion

Agronomic Traits of Elephant Grass Varieties

Number of plant survival rates: The average survival rate of elephant grass varieties tested over years in highland and midland agro ecology is indicated in (Tables 1 and 2). The highest plant survival rate (62.2%) was recorded from variety 16819 followed by varieties 116791 (48.8%) in the highland area. On the other hand, 16840 varieties showed the lowest survival rate (17.8%) in highland areas. There were obtained more numbers of plant survival rates in the midland area when compared with the highland area. The findings of the present investigation were consistent with those of [13-14]. In contrast, the varieties of 16791 in the midland region had the highest plant survival rate (80%), followed by the varieties 15743 (75.5%). This outcome is inferior to the one provided by Mamaru [15] (100%). Napier grass typically has a wide array of adaptations, strong growth, a high biomass yield, and a deep root system to withstand dry conditions ([16]. The research regions' different soil types, varying temperatures, and variety of species could all be contributing factors to the decreased survival rate.

Citation:Jabessa T, Bekele K. Estimation and Herbage Yield Performance Evaluation of Elephant Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum (L.) Varieties for Animal Feed in Highland and Midland Area of Guji Zone Southern, Oromia. Austin J Plant Bio. 2024; 10(1): 1043.