Assessment of Fuelwood Demand and Supply with its Forest Degradation Challenges in Nagelle Town, South-Eastern Ethiopia

Research Article

Austin J Plant Bio. 2024; 10(3): 1052.

Assessment of Fuelwood Demand and Supply with its Forest Degradation Challenges in Nagelle Town, South-Eastern Ethiopia

Temesgen Giri Nagari*

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Bore Agricultural Research Center P.O. Box:21, Bore, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Temesgen Giri Nagari Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Bore Agricultural Research Center P.O. Box: 21, Bore, Ethiopia. Email:

Received: August 21, 2024 Accepted: September 13, 2024 Published: September 19, 2024


Fuelwood and woody biomass are the most important forest product in Ethiopia. The high demand for wood as a source of household energy has been the cause of serious deforestation which in turn is fuelled by an ever-increasing population. Therefore, the major concern of this study was to quantify fuelwood demand and address the uncertainty surrounding fuelwood consumption. The study was conducted in Nagelle town, Liban district, Oromia Regional State, to assess fuelwood supply demand and its forest degradation challenges mainly following the ever-rising apprehensions about growing stock and any contributions that fuelwood use may make to regional environmental degradation. Data was collected through structured questionnaires to know the socio-economic characteristics, causes of deforestation, and preferences of tree species for fuelwood and service sectors survey by structured interview. The analysis of data was done by using Analysis of Variance and multiple linear regressions. As a result, the average fuelwood demand at household levels in the area was estimated at 199.2 M3 per year while in service sectors the fuelwood demand was estimated at 145 M3 and amount of fuelwood supplied to the town was 78212.2 M3 per year. At the study site, fuelwood consumption a was significant (p<0.05), variable across the income categories. Similarly, energy consumption was also significantly different among household income levels. The major fuel wood supply in Nagelle towns was Retailers and wholesalers which contributed 78% and 7.8% respectively. Fuelwood price and distance from fuelwood source had a significantly positive linear relationship with fuel wood consumption at (p <0.05). From the result, fuel wood is the second cause of deforestation next to agricultural expansion. The study implied that fuel wood Consumption has an impact on the remaining forest in the country as a whole and in the surrounding areas of Nagelle town. Therefore, improving the end-use efficiency in the use of traditional fuels through improving the efficiency of the existing cooking stoves and introducing new and more efficient stoves is forwarded for energy policy.

Keywords: Deforestation; Fuelwood demand; Fuelwood supply; Income levels; Negelle Town


Background of the Study

Over three billion people of the world live in rural areas with inadequate supply of energy for cooking, lighting, heating, transportation, and other purposes. Worldwide, 1.4 billion people have limited access to electricity and 2.7 billion people rely on biomass fuel, mostly in rural areas [19,28]. Revealed that up to two billion people depend on forest goods such as fruits, game meat, fibres, and fuel wood to meet their basic needs. Over three billion people throughout the world rely on traditional fuels, such as wood, charcoal, dung, and agricultural residues, for cooking and heating [8]. Many researchers claimed that fuel wood harvesting in developing countries is so important that it rivals other sources of industrial energy such as electricity, principally among poor people in rural areas. Throughout the developing world, biomass energy is the primary source of energy for domestic use. The most widely used form of biomass is fuel wood, although in a mass of natural or human imposed scarcity of wood, other biomass forms such as crop residues and dung become more relevant. Biomass as a source of energy is also enjoying renewed interest in the developed world as renewable energy [7]. About 2.8 billion people in developing countries rely on biomass fuels (such as fuel wood, charcoal, and animal dung) to meet their energy needs for cooking food [10].

In many instances, it has been argued that the widespread use of fuel wood is linked to the number of environmental problems including deforestation, biodiversity loss, climate change and land degradation [53]. Fuel wood accounts for over 54 % of all global harvests per annum which results in a huge amount of forest loss [62]. As Kebede (2002), until nowadays Ethiopia is still heavily dependent on traditional fuels (e.g. fuel wood, charcoal, crop dung etc.) for domestic energy consumption, especially for cooking. Even in urban areas, the cost for electricity and kerosene is unaffordable for many households [34]. In rural areas, most households are using fuel wood and charcoal excessively and will turn to more inferior fuels (such as crop residues and dung) when there is a shortage of fuel wood in many areas [12].

Fuel wood collection and consumption are highly linked to natural resource management. There is a two-way relationship between fuel wood collection and deforestation. On the one hand, demand for fuel wood from commons and forests causes’ resource degradation to the extent that collection exceeds sustainable yield [30]. Forest degradation, on the other hand, leads to a situation of fuel wood scarcity. In Ethiopia, fuel wood and charcoal are the stable energy forms for most rural as well as many urban and pre-urban communities. Most Ethiopia rural households rely on fuel wood as their basic energy source and has changed little over the last few decades. A study from Ethiopia, which considered regrowth, harvesting of fuel wood and fuel wood consumption, revealed that on a local scale the harvest is three-times the annual allowable cut. Present rate of fuel wood consumption and cutting may soon convert our forests to savannas and grasslands [21].

In 1994 the estimated annual wood fuel in Ethiopia was 45 million m3, while estimated annual incremental yield available for fuel woods is 12.4 million m3 (EFAP, 1994). In this situation the fuel wood deficit was 32.5 million m3. To meet the demand, the exploitation of the forest source must be above its regenerating capacity, which results in the decline of the growing stock over the time. Moreover, where there is acute shortage of fuel wood, the household in rural areas is forced to use cow dung and crop residue or move with less fuel. Similarly, the growing demand of fuel wood as a source of energy increases the rate of forest degradation and deforestation in the country [6]. Socio Economics characteristics, environmental characteristics and technology affected the household’s fuelwood consumption. Fuel wood availability is a significant variable that directly influence fuelwood consumption (Mekonnen, 1997, Mitiku and Yi, 2020) Household’s residence far from fuel source negatively affect the daily fuelwood consumptions, the people who live in sufficient available fuel wood area or nearby forest relatively consumed higher fuel wood as compared to the other (Ullah and Tani, 2017). However, study related to assessment of fuelwood supply and demand with its forest degradation challenges is limited in the study area. So, this study was undertaken with the aim to examine the extent of fuelwood utilisation and its implication on the extent of forest degradation in Nagelle town, Ethiopia.

Statement of the Problem

In Ethiopia, fuelwood is the most important source of energy, where 96 percent of the population is dependent on biomass energy sources for cooking and other energy demands [44]. Such extreme dependence on traditional fuels has an impact on the natural environment. Especially the heavy dependence on fuelwood has multifarious and related problems which have to do with deforestation, land degradation, and another circle of fuel wood crisis. Despite the measures being taken at the country level to rehabilitate the environment, the consumption of biomass fuels has been increasing by 2.5 percent [44]. In Ethiopia, fuelwood is widely used in rural areas as well as in urban centers including big towns (Kebede, 2002), but the factors influencing the pattern and magnitude of use of these fuels by rural and urban households are still not similar. According to (Yissehak, 2012), 80 percent of the urban fuel source is from traditional fuels, and in recent years fuelwood alone contributes almost 56 percent of the total energy consumption of the urban city. Also, there is a question over the growing stock or sources that are potentially available for fuel wood supply and any contribution wood fuel use may make to forest degradation. As gap, this research fills the problem the above researchers haven’t answered and missed at Nagelle town regarding assessment of fuelwood supply demand with its forest degradation challenges. Hence, it could be anticipated that it was the initial study addressing the uncertainty surrounding fuel wood supply demand and its forest degradation challenges in the study area.

Objectives of the Study

General Objective: To examine the extent of fuelwood utilisation and its implication on forest degradation in Nagelle town, Ethiopia

1. Specific ObjectivesTo assess fuel wood supply as a source of energy for household and service sectors in Nagelle town.

2. To assess fuelwood demand of study area

3. To identify factors influencing fuel wood consumption rate in the study area.

4. To assess environmental implication of fuel wood consumption on forest degradation in the study area

5. To assess Tree species preference for fuel wood at study area

Research Question

1. Where is the source (supply) of fuel wood for Nagelle town?

2. What are the demands of fuel wood as a source of energy?

3. What factors influence fuel wood consumption?

4. What is the implication of fuel wood consumption on forest degradation?

5. What tree species are preferred for fuelwood at study areas?

Significance of the Study

Commerce, industry and man kind’s way of life and standard of living are dependent and directly related to relatively cheap and freely available energy [20]. The progressively increasing gap between consumption and supply of energy, as well as severe economic changes created by large oil prices increases. Hence, it becomes necessary to use Biofuels/ the fuel wood. Consumption of fuel wood has an impact on the remaining forest in the country as a whole and in the surrounding areas of Nagelle town. A study carried out on the wood energy situation in Bangladesh indicated that fuelwood scarcity is because of overuse and unsustainability of fuel wood production [41]. For this reason, the study will help to minimise re-use and wastage of resources, dissemination of fuel wood statistical data for policy decision makers and there is made to have precise, organised, available information to serve a base for local energy development strategy. It could further inform policy makers and potential environmental researchers the impact associated to fuel wood consumption. This study helps as to inform the concerned body about endangered tree species due to household tree preferences for fuel wood collection. It could be informed policy makers and researchers, the factors that were associated with the patterns of demand for wood fuel consumption.

Materials and Methods

Description of the Study Area

Location and Topography: The study was conducted in Nagelle town of Liban District Guji Zone Oromia regional state. Nagelle town is located at distance of 595 km from Addis Ababa to southern direction. Nagelle town is located between 4o30'58” - 5o42'8” northing latitudes and 41o34'57” - 39o9'34” easting longitudes. It is in the low land of Oromia national regional state [38]. Most of the earth surface of the town is Plains and dissected hills characterise the relief of the town. Therefore, the relief of the town shows that the highest above mean sea level is 1490ms and the lowest below mean the sea level is 1440 ms respectively [38].

Climate: The climate of Nagelle town is 2/3 hot tropical and 1/3 warm temperate. About 67% of the total area of the town is characterised by tropical/desert climatic condition, while about 33% has warm temperate climatic condition. Desert evaporation exceeds precipitation its agro climate is deserts, and its mean annual temperature is between 240c-340c. The town is also characterised by two rainy seasons, namely spring or Belg (locally known as ‘Gannaa’) which starts in early March up to May and autumn (locally known as ‘Hagayya’) which starts late September up to the beginning of November). Spring season lasts for about three months (March to May), while autumn season similarly lasts for three months (September to November). The annual average rainfall of the town is 410mm-600mm. (LARDO, 2018).

Farming system and livelihood: Most agricultural production taken place in most agrarian places of Ethiopia is a mixed type of farming system, which allow farmers to diversify risks from single cropping, use labour efficiently, access cash and add value to products, and there is high potential for increasing system productivity, diversification, and sustainability. Crop farming, animal husbandry and commercial activity prevail as dominant economic activity in the NegelleTown. High forests (Ganale forest), grassland, exposed sand soil, Riparian woodland or bush land and cultivated land are available in the district [38].

Vegetation: The natural vegetation of the district has 8111 and 7705 hectares of forest area has natural forest under preservation and management and decreasing at an alarming rate for urbanisation, fuel wood, and charcoal and for expansion of farming area [38]. The current combination of natural vegetation of the district includes all types ranging from high dense forests to shrubs and bushes. The species diversity include-Aningeria spp, Cordia africana, Croton macrosstachyus, Combretum molle, Podocarpus falcatus, Bushy trees, Acacia spp and Savannah grasses e.t.c.

Research Design

Cross-sectional survey design was employed to conduct this research.

Sampling method and sample size: The sampling technique for service giving sectors was done by whole census (Table 1). Both primary and secondary data sources were collected. Primary data was collected through a household survey, focus group discussion, and key informant interview in the form of open and close-ended questionnaires provided by the local language Amharic. Secondary data was collected from administration offices and agriculture offices and reviewing literatures from published and unpublished materials that supported the finding of this study. The total numbers of households in Nagelle town are 37682 [12]. The sample size of household was determined based on Kothari’s sample size formula which states as follows [37].