Cassava Periclinal Chimera: A New Plant Breeding Technique

Review Article

Austin J Plant Biol. 2022; 8(1): 1033.

Cassava Periclinal Chimera: A New Plant Breeding Technique

Nassar NMA*

Department of Genetics and Morphology, University of Brasilia, Brazil

*Corresponding author: Nagib M. A. Nassar, Department of Genetics and Morphology, University of Brasilia, Brazil

Received: June 18, 2022; Accepted: July 20, 2022; Published: July 27, 2022


Periclinal chimera plants could be synthesized by a very easy grafting method. Thanks to this technique we can transfer useful characters from one genotype to another, we also can produce vigorous plants during a very short period. Recently in cassava, resistance to nematode could be transferred, and could develop vigorous plants by combining two types that have high combining ability. The most striking feature is that we can obtain enormous roots up to five times the common ones. By using this type of chimera we can replace traditional hybridization and no need to recurrent crosses cycles to transfer useful characters, reducing to a very short period developing a new variety and perpetuating it too.


Chimera term refers to fusion of two different forms in plant as well as animal or any seres vivos.

Chimera attracts plant breeders because of its potentiality to combine two different forms within a very short time. It arises normally from a bud either apical or lateral. But normally formed from three layers which are the outer layer referred to by L1, the second inner layer L2, the third and inner layer L3 which gives the central tissues.

Chimera is classified into three typer sectorial, mericlinal and periclinal [5]. ectorial is composed of two different sectors extending on the longitudinal part of the whole plant. Periclinal has the outer (epidermis) layer different genetically from the whole inner tissues. Mericlinal chimeras have part of one layer, normally the outer layer different from the whole plant tissues.

Periclinal chimera is the unique stable while the other two types are unstable, and is responsible for commercial varieties of chimera. Periclinal chimera is perpetuated because its lateral buds are the same structure of the apical one. Vegetative reproduction by farmers permits also the is maintenance.

Recent research of Nassar and coworkers [6,8] exposed and showed clearly the use for interspecific chimera for developing a new useful cultivar. One of the most striking features is what proved by Nassar and coworkers [1] that periclinal chimera can be used to transfer resistance to diseases and consequently this applied to other characters.

This can be done within a very short time compared to several generations of back crosses needed in classical breeding methods which consume various years of hybridization. Moreover, as shown by various authors in the twelve years, the use of periclinal chimera may enable perpetuate what observed of vigor and consequent high productivity in addition to genetic effect that results from interaction between the two genotypes forming the periclinal chimera [7].

In the University of Brasília, It could be synthesized periclinal chimera by a very simple grafting [2]. This excluded totally hormone use. This simply uses a whip method where buds of both scions and rootstock are being cut to half, then wrapped by a tape. This assures formation of callus in both sides of graft and scion giving rise to future periclinal chimera.

To identify and confirm periclinal chimera formation, morphological and cytogenetics criterias are used. This is based on ontogenetically information. Because we trace epidermis layers in leaf and young stem surfaces and can differentiate L1 derived cell types (epidermal cells, trichomes, and guard cells).

Morphological criteria are used too based on the fact that L2 forms a subepidermal layer which is responsible for flower and fruit formation. Interaction of two layers of different origin leads to new forms of leaves [10]. The fact L3 is responsible to form the whole internal tissues, including the cylindrical vascular and form the roots too, we can know to what genotype L3 belongs by chromosome counting [12,13]. This chromosome counting of the roots may shed light on constitucion of the periclinal chimera in case of differences in chromosome number of the two parents.

How to Synthesize Chimera?

In the beginning, chimera noted arising from adventitious shoots at graft union and were called graft hybrids since it believed they were the result of cell fusion. Later it was discovered it belonged to two different species.

Some scientists since 1930 tried synthesising periclinal chimera by simple grafting, but it was not assured and probably ignored the importance of buds fusion and callus formation. Winkler [15] was the first to develop a method of chimeration formation from grafting two species after union of the graft parts, he cut it though transversely. Callus then developed, from which adventitious shoots formed. Yet he didnt note the importance of buds fusion and callus formation and so didn’t note the following researchers.

Very few chimera shoots could be obtained in the past until technique of Nassar and coworkers in 2010´s [2] where they grafted by whip method two manihot species noting the buds be cut to half of both stock and graft. This stimulated callus tissue between the two buds form which arises chimera.

Estimated chimera formation was calculated up to 15% compared to 1% in the chimera grafting and use of hormone method [1] Grafts should be done prior to bud sprouting and the graft should be positioned so that both buds of scion (donor) and root stock are in close physical contact (Figure 1A; Figure 1B).