New Challenges for Proteomics Technologies: A Mini Perspective Review


A Proteomics. 2014;1(1): 3.

New Challenges for Proteomics Technologies: A Mini Perspective Review

Yufeng Shen1*, Ljiljana Paša-Tolic2, Errol W Robinson2, Joshua N Adkins1 and Richard D Smith1

1Biological Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99354, USA

2Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99354, USA

*Corresponding author: Yufeng Shen, Biological Sciences Division, and Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99354, USA

Received: September 06, 2014; Accepted: October 04, 2014; Published: October 10, 2014


Proteomics technologies have experienced rapid advances over the last decade to identify or quantify thousands of proteins per sample, typically in a few hours, enabling proteomics applications in environmental, biological, medical, and clinical research. A number of publications have reviewed advances in proteomic technologies and applications. This short review focuses first on a discussion of sensitivity in bottom-up (i.e. digested protein) proteomics and approaches for characterization of small cell populations, and secondly on protein separations for top-down (i.e. intact protein) proteomics including discussions of key technical challenges where recent advances are elucidating specific functions of proteins in biological processes.

Keywords: Chromatography; Mass spectrometry; Ultrahigh sensitivity; Proteins and peptides; Proteomics

A proteome can be characterized by measurement of small enzymatic peptides (typically having MWs <5 kDa) from digestion of proteome proteins (i.e., "bottom-up" approach) or direct measurement of proteome proteins (e.g., MWs >5 kDa) (i.e., "top-down" approach). Bottom-up proteomics generally does not distinguish different versions of proteins or "proteoforms" derivatized by post translational modifications [1], while top-down proteomic measurements readily distinguish such proteoforms [2]. Both bottom-up and top-down proteomics approaches have distinctive technology challenges associated with extending proteomic applications. This short review discusses bottom-up proteomics sensitivity and top-down proteomic separation techniques, two significant challenges in proteomic technology/methodology that at present provide significant limitations to their applications.

Large-Scale High-Throughput Bottom-Up Proteomics of Single Cells and Small Cell Populations

Bottom-up proteomics has become a largely mature tool for proteome characterization. It is now practical to confidently identify thousands of proteins in a single liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis without the need for sample pre-fractionation and multiple analyses [3-5]. However, bottom-up proteomic analysis presently requires sample sizes ranging from micrograms to high level nanograms (e.g., >100 ng), which largely excludes use of proteomics to characterize the heterogeneity of a biological system (e.g., within a tissue or among circulating cells). Proteomics for such applications needs sufficient sensitivity to enable broad measurement of proteins from picograms to low nanograms of sample sizes (a single mammalian cell on average contains ~0.5 ng protein). Such sensitive proteomics would likely be achievable only by using a bottom-up approach, as both separation and mass spectral analysis for small peptides are much more efficient than for large proteins.

The sensitivity of bottom-up proteomics depends on both the capability of mass spectrometer platform and the effectiveness of the sample separations. Very narrow column LC-advanced mass spectrometers enable detection of hundreds of tryptic peptides from pictograms of proteomic samples (Figure 1; the paired 'spots' confirm the detected species coming from the proteins in cells cultured with N15/N14 media) [6]. The sensitivity is estimated to be sufficient for detection of ~6000 molecules of a peptide [7], or ~6000 protein molecules if the (trypsin) digestion step during sample preparation is quantitative. Such performance, however, has not been to date achievable for tandem mass spectrometry dissociation/sequencing of peptides. Our recent evaluation of a Thermo Orbitrap-Velos tandem mass spectrometer, for example, has been found to enable assignment of >12,000 peptides (at 1% false discovery rate at peptide level, FDR-peptide) and >3000 proteins from 10 ng of a human (MCF- 7) cell lysate tryptic digest (Figure 2), and >4000 peptides (at 1% FDR-peptide) and >1000 proteins from 1 ng microbial Shewanella oneidansis (~5000 open reading frames, ORFs) cell lysate tryptic digest (not shown), representing the state-of-the-art for the sensitivity of tandem mass spectrometry proteomics analysis. Such sensitivity could support, e.g., proteomics investigations of heterogeneity, in samples as small as 20-30 cells (e.g., ~0.4 ng proteins per cancer cells). Very narrow LC columns (20 μm i.d.) are typically required for this ultrasensitive analysis (ESI-MS sensitivity is roughly proportional to the inverse of the square of the LC column diameter due to the effect of flow rate upon sensitivity; Ref. 7), and experimental challenges for use of such narrow LC columns have been effectively addressed [8]. Other formats of LC and capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) have been recently reported for sensitive bottom-up proteomics; however, the resultant sensitivity and analysis coverage are significantly lower than that obtained by using of narrow packed capillaries described above. For example, CZE enables assignment of only 456 peptides (at 1% FDR-peptide) and 140 proteins from 2 ng of microbial E. coli (~4000 ORFs) lysate tryptic digest [9], while porous layer open tubular column LC has been mainly practiced for microproteomics (i.e., the sample sizes at low level of micrograms) [10].