Journal Title: Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
PMC Abbreviation: Austin J Public Health Epidemiol
ISSN Number: 2381-9014
Prefix DOI: 10.26420/AustinJPublicHealthEpidemiol
Peer Review: Double-Blind
Impact Factor : 3.15 🠉
Current Volume: Volume 12
Manuscript Processing: 15 - 25 Days (After Submission)
Publication Model : Open Access
Year of Inaugural Volume : 2014
Contact EMail:
Language : English
Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal committed to publish articles in all areas of Public Health and Epidemiology. The journal is dedicated to publication of innovative research and reviews subjected to applied, methodological and theoretical issues with emphasis on studies using multidisciplinary or integrative approaches.
Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology aims to progress epidemiological awareness and Public health and also serves as a discussion on the epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases and their control. The outcomes of epidemiologic studies are crucial arguments for action in the ground of public health policies and efforts are made to carry the journal to the decision makers' attention. The journal is also a foundation of material for those who are actively teaching epidemiology.
Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology accepts innovative review articles, research articles, case reports and rapid communication on all the aspects of Public Health and Epidemiology.