Scientific and Technological Innovation and Public Awareness on the Control of a Major Epidemic of Complex and High-Risk Spreading Infectious Diseases

Research Article

Austin J Public Health Epidemiol. 2020; 7(1): 1090.

Scientific and Technological Innovation and Public Awareness on the Control of a Major Epidemic of Complex and High-Risk Spreading Infectious Diseases

Tang Z¹* and Yao Y²

¹Social Governance and Innovation Research Center, Tsinghua University, China

²School of Computer Science & Informatics, Cardiff University, UK

*Corresponding author: Zhicheng Tang, Social Governance and Innovation Research Center, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen International Graduate School, China

The copyright of this article belongs to the author

Received: July 24, 2020; Accepted: August 12, 2020; Published: August 19, 2020


The handling of public crises and public safety are important measures and guarantees of state governance, which are the support for the stable development of the country and the health and harmony of people’s lives. This article analyzes the situation of China’s Novel Corona virus pneumonia (COVID-19) infectious disease control in 2020. From the perspective of scientific and technological innovation, public awareness, and system complexity, the scientific rationality of national governance is used as a clue to scientifically analyze the major epidemic of infectious diseases Discussion on sexual prevention and control. This article uses the scientific theory of national emergency management and the practice of epidemic prevention and control to study the public management and countermeasures for the control of major epidemics of infectious diseases. The article states that China has established a scientific paradigm for the management of high-risk infectious diseases for major epidemics of infectious diseases, and provides a model for national crisis management for the world.

Keywords: Novel corona virus pneumonia (COVID-19); Epidemic control; Scientific and technological innovation; Public awareness; System complexity


Judging from the control of Novel corona virus pneumonia (COVID-19) infectious diseases in 2020, the changes in infectious diseases are complex, and the diversity and spread of infectious diseases are increasing. The rapid development of infectious disease epidemic has caused great difficulties for the country’s infectious disease control, wasting state resources, consuming a large amount of human, material and financial resources, and brought great inconvenience and life crisis to people’s lives. Therefore, for national governance, a scientific governance method must be adopted to cope with major social crises. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed: “Put the safety and health of the people first” [1]. As a long-term strategy for national security and stability governance, it is necessary to formulate and respond to the emergency treatment of high-risk spreading infectious diseases.

High-risk spreading infectious diseases refer to infectious diseases that endanger people’s lives and are difficult to be cured by the current scientific and technological level. This disease has a strong spread and contagiousness in a very short period of time. Great panic in society. It seriously affects people’s social work and lifestyle, greatly weakens the productivity of society, and ultimately affects the security and stability of the country.

The world today is an age of rapid technological innovation. The advancement and innovation of science and technology has made society develop rapidly. At the same time, the development of science and technology is a double-edged sword. The development of science and technology will bring rapid information dissemination and greater convenience for transportation. Human interaction is more frequent, closer and faster. In such a society of close communication, if there is the spread of high-risk spreading infectious diseases, its transmission channels will be more diverse, the speed will be faster, the damage will be greater, and human civilization will face a major crisis.

China has experienced SARS infectious disease control operations in 2003 and 2020’s COVID-19 infectious diseases control operations. Both of these strongly infectious diseases encountered weak governance by local governments at the beginning stage. In the subsequent governance phase, the central government adopted scientific, rational, rapid, and efficient governance strategies and measures. In particular, the control of the COVID-19 infectious disease in 2020, and the decision and leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping showed China’s speed, scale, and efficiency in China, which have attracted worldwide attention.

Under the leadership of the Chinese government, the people of the whole country have jointly prevented and controlled this major epidemic, which has led to a gradual decline in new cases of infectious diseases. As shown below (Statistics on March 1, 2020) [2] Figure 1.

Citation: Tang Z and Yao Y. Scientific and Technological Innovation and Public Awareness on the Control of a Major Epidemic of Complex and High-Risk Spreading Infectious Diseases. Austin J Public Health Epidemiol. 2020; 7(1): 1090.