Evaluation of Pediatric Empyema at Children’s Hospital from 2003 to 2013

Research Article

Austin J Pulm Respir Med 2016; 3(1): 1038.

Evaluation of Pediatric Empyema at Children’s Hospital from 2003 to 2013

Jeffers KL¹, Varman M²*, Noronha L³ and Wichman C4

¹Creighton University School of Medicine, USA

²Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Creighton University School of Medicine, USA

³Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital & Medical Center, USA

4Biostatistics, Research and Compliance Office, Creighton University, USA

*Corresponding author: Varman M, Pediatric Infectious Disease, Creighton University School of Medicine, 601 N 30th Street, Suite 6814, Omaha, Nebraska 68131, USA

Received: February 29, 2016; Accepted: March 25, 2016; Published: March 28, 2016


The diagnosis and treatment of pediatric empyema can vary greatly. Diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of empyema, and their effects on hospital Length of Stay (LOS) were investigated.

We analyzed 136 children. Mean LOS was 14.99 days. For imaging, 8% (10/131) had a chest ultrasound, 60% a CT scan (79/131), 14% (18/131) a chest x-ray and 18% (24/131) had both CT scan and ultrasound. For intervention 18% (24/136) received only antibiotics, 50% (69/136) a chest tube, 25% (33/136) a Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS), and 7% (10/136) an open procedure. Size of effusion had no impact on intervention type or LOS. Etiology was identified in 49% (66/136). 9% (12/136) had MRSA, 19% (26/136) had Streptococcus pneumoniae, 12% (17/136) had Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococci (GABHS), and 8% (11/136) had others.

Children age 2 to 12 and those receiving antibiotics only had a shorter LOS. Empyema from “other’ organisms’ category had a longer LOS. The highest mean white blood cell count (31.71 thousand/cmm) was in GABHS and the highest CRP in Streptococcus pneumoniae (24.96 mg/dl).

Ultrasound was less frequently used than CT scan. A shorter LOS was seen when antibiotics alone were used. Organisms in the “other’ category had a longer LOS.

Keywords: Pediatric empyemal; Diagnosis; Treatment; Chest ultrasound; Computed tomography; Antibiotics


CRP: C Reactive Protein; GABHS: Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococci; LOS: Length of Stay; MRSA: Methicillin Resistant Staph aureus; VATS: Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery


Empyema is defined as a purulent pleural fluid collection in association with an underlying pneumonia [1-3]. Classically the patient presents with symptoms of pneumoniae with persistent fever, malaise, and lethargy while a cough and tachypnea develop as the disease progresses [1,4]. An initial blood count may show leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, and anemia but these are non-specific markers [1]. A chest x-ray is recommended on all patients with signs of a pleural effusion, but chest ultrasound is the gold standard to determine the location of the fluid accumulation, its extent and stage, and can be used to guide drain insertion [5,6]. Even though CT scan of the chest may provide additional information it should rarely be used, as it does not alter treatment [1,3].

Rapid diagnosis is important, as a delay in treatment has been shown in adults to have a significant increase in morbidity. The bacterial causes of empyema vary by region, but Streptococcus pneumonia is the most common in developed countries. Other causative organisms are GABHS, Staphylococcus aureus, and Haemophilus influenza [1-3,7-9].

Although the management of empyema varies by institution, overall outcomes in children are good, compared to that in adults [1]. Current options for management are antibiotics alone and antibiotics combined with a percutaneous chest drain. Fibrinolytics can be used and have been shown to be effective about 80-90% of the time for loculated empyema, but less research has been done on their use [1-4,10]. When medical therapy fails in advanced cases of empyema, surgical intervention in addition to antibiotics is required for management. The surgical options are 1. Open thoracotomy, a complicated procedure but it has been shown to be associated with shorter hospital stays. 2. Mini-thoracotomy is similar but involves a smaller incision while still being an open procedure. 3. Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) is less invasive, but requires physicians and facilities capable of the procedure [10]. VATS has also been associated with a shorter hospital stay [1]. Overall resolution depends on adequate drainage of the infected material from the pleural space in addition to appropriate antibiotic therapy.

Currently many aspects of empyema management from diagnosis to treatment vary by physician and institution. Few studies have been done regarding the optimal management of empyema, and even fewer in the pediatric population. This study reviews the diagnostic evaluation of empyema, particularly looking at utilization of ultrasound compared to chest CT scan for diagnosis. We assessed the factors impacting Length of Stay (LOS). The outcomes of this study may be applicable as quality improvement measures at Children’s Hospital.


In this retrospective study we reviewed the clinical and microbiological records of all children, birth to 18 years old, with a diagnosis of empyema from Jan 2003-Dec 2012. After IRB approval we collected the data from Children’s Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska, a community hospital. Exclusion criteria included patients with malignancy to prevent inclusion of malignant effusions or cardiac surgery as their primary procedure to prevent inclusion of effusions secondary to a cardiac cause.

Data collected included diagnostic method, size of effusion based on radiologists report, etiology, peripheral white blood count, C Reactive Protein (CRP), and interventions that were performed. We classified the patients as having had only antibiotics, having a chest tube and antibiotics, any combination of treatment that led to VATS and any combination of treatment that led to an open procedure.


A multivariate analysis of the data was performed using both a forward and backward multiple logistic regression analysis with a level of significance set at p< 0.05.


We analyzed a total of 140 charts, 136 were included for analysis, 67 females and 69 males, with empyema from Jan 2003 to Dec 2012. Four children were excluded. One with a primary admission for open-heart surgery, two that were readmissions related to a previous empyema and one for lack of records. For diagnostic imaging, 8% (10/131) had an ultrasound 60% (79/131) a CT scan, 14 % (18/131) had only a chest x-ray and 18% (24/131) had both CT scan and ultrasound. The number of each diagnostic method performed per year can be seen in Figure 1A.