Wonderful Effects of Royal Jelly on Treatment of Male- Factor Related Infertility

Resesrch Article

Austin J Reprod Med Infertil. 2015; 2(6): 1031.

Wonderful Effects of Royal Jelly on Treatment of Male- Factor Related Infertility

Ahmadnia H1*, Sharifi N2, Alizadeh S1, Roohani Z3, Kamalati A4 and Marjan SS4

1Department of Urology, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran

2Department of Pathology, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran

3Department of Urology, Kerman university of Medical Sciences, Iran

4General Physician, Mashhad University of Medical Science, Iran

*Corresponding author: Hassan Ahmadnia, Department of Urology, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

Received: August 11, 2015; Accepted: October 25, 2015; Published: October 28, 2015


Background: Royal jelly has been used since ancient time as a supplement for nutrition, anti-aging and infertility. In this study, we consider the effect of Royal jelly on male related factor infertility in rats.

Materials and Methods: In this study we divided thirty 60-day-old male rats into two groups, control and case group. The case group gavaged 400mg/kg Royal jelly composed with honey once a day, while the control group underwent only honey. After 28 days, rats became unconscious and after blood sampling underwent bilateral orchiectomy and epididymal sperm aspiration. Then histological and hormonal evaluations were performed on samples.

Results: Spermatogenesis, count and motility of sperms were significantly higher in case group comparing to the control group, also leydig cell count meaningfully increased in case group, while sertoli cell count had no difference in both groups. LH, FSH, and testosterone serum levels had no meaningful difference in both groups.

Conclusion: We found that consumption of Royal jelly have a significant effect on sperm count and motility. It seems where there is idiopathic azoospermia, oligospermia and asthenospermia, the use of royal jelly is very effective and a significant help in treatment of infertility.

Keywords: Royal jelly; Rat; Spermatogenesis


Royal jelly (RJ) is a thick, extremely nutritious, milky-white, creamy liquid secreted by the hypopharyngealand mandibular glands of the nurse bees [1]. For 2-3 days, royal jelly is the only food given to all young larvae in their maturation process, while for the queen larvae; it is the specific food for their whole life period. During the 3 days in which the worker bee larvae are fed on royal jelly, they reach the maximum development; their weight multiplies about 250 times. The Queen (fed only on royal jelly for her entire life) reaches maturity 5 days earlier than the worker bees; and, when she is fully grown, her weight is double that of the working bee [2]. Amazingly, the queen lives 40 times longer than worker bees, seven years as compared to seven weeks. In the wild, Queen Bees will produce 2,000 eggs per day with each day’s brood equal to 21.2 times her own body weight [1]. Royal jelly is collected and sold as a dietary supplement for humans, claiming various health benefits and possess many pharmacological functions in experimental animals such as antioxidant [3], antibacterial [4], anti-allergic [5], antitumor [6], antiinflammatory [7], antihypertensive [8] and anti-aging properties [9]. In humans, its oral administration promoted health and well-being in postmenopausal women [10] and improves lipoprotein metabolism and reduces serum total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels [11].

The overall composition of royal jelly is 67% water, 12.5% crude protein, including small amounts of many different amino acids, and 11% simple sugars (monosaccharides), also including a relatively high amount (5%) of fatty acids. It also contains many trace minerals, some enzymes, antibacterial and antibiotic components, B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and trace amounts of vitamin C, but none of the fatsoluble vitamins, A, D, E and K. The component of royal jelly that causes a bee to develop into a queen appears to be a single protein that has been called royalactin [12]. Previous studies demonstrated that royal jelly has many health benefits. However, little and sometimes inconsistent information is available on the effects of royal jelly on the reproductive histology and sexual hormones of male animals. Additional studies on the effects and mechanisms,methods or timing of administration, and the treatment dose should be conducted in humans.

The aim of this study is the evaluation of using royal jelly on spermatogenesis, spermogram parameters, and sexual hormones in male rats.

Materials and Methods

A total of thirty 60-day-old male rats were purchased from Animal Laboratory of Medicine Center (Mashhad, Iran). The mean weight of rats was 250±20 grams. All rats were allowed access to water and food under the controlled conditions of 22±2oC temperature, 55±5% humidity and 12 hours of light and dark, respectively. We divided randomly rats into two groups, control and case group. The case group gavaged 400mg/kg Royal jelly composed with honey once a day, while the control group gavaged by same amount of only honey by special syringe. After 28 days, rats became unconscious. Carotid artery blood samples were collected in dry tubes. Serum was obtained via centrifugation and collected for sexual hormone assay (LH, FSH, and Testosterone).

Then the rats underwent bilateral orchiectomy through abdominal midline incision. Then other organs including seminal vesicles, prostate and kidneys were removed. Each testis weight measured by sensitive scale and recorded, then epididymal sperm aspiration performed and testes send to pathology laboratory for histological evaluations. Motility of sperm on several fields oflight microscopegraded according to the WHO as: Rapid forward progressive (A); Slow or sluggish progressive (B); No progressive (C); and Immobility (D).

After collecting the results of biochemical and histological observations, the data analyzed by SPSS software. Due normally distributed data, T test was used to compare serum levels of hormones in the two groups. For ordinalqualitative data Man- Whitney test and for morphologyQ Square test was used. In all calculations, P < 0.05 was considered as significant.


At the end of the study, the sperm count in royal jelly (case) group was significantly higher than control group (P <001). The mean count of sperms in each high power field in case group was 141, compared to the control group which was 25 (Table 1) (Figure 1,2). However, No significant changes in the sperm morphology were recorded in the treatment group compared with the control group (P=0.3).