Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Metformin

Review Article

Austin J Reprod Med Infertil. 2015; 2(6): 1033.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Metformin

Soyman Z¹, Demirel E² and Kelekci S²*

¹Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ministry of Health, Istanbul Education and Research Hospital, Turkey

²Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Izmir Katip Celebi University School of Medicine, Turkey

*Corresponding author: Kelekci S, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Izmir Katip Celebi University School of Medicine, Turkey

Received: July 27, 2015; Accepted: November 10, 2015; Published: November 15, 2015


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the common endocrinological disorder of women in reproductive ages. It is generally accepted that insulin resistance plays a significant role in PCOS pathogenesis. Metformin is the most commonly studied insulin sensitizing drug in treatment of PCOS. The use of metformin may have a favorable effect in some subset of the population of women with PCOS. The aim of this review was to evaluate the uses of metformin in PCOS related infertility, pregnancy loss, hyperandrogenism, endometrial and cardiovascular abnormalities.

Keywords: Hyperandrogenism; Infertility; Insulin Resistance; Metformin; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


ART: Assisted Reproductive Technique; BMI: Body Mass Index; CVD: Cardiovascular Disease; CC: Clomiphene Citrate; CHD: Coronary Heart Disease; DM: Diabetes Mellitus; IR: Insulin Resistance; ICSI: Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection; IVF: In Vitro Fertilization; MS: Metabolic Syndrome; OCP: Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill; OHSS: Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome; PCO: Polycystic Ovary; PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome; RCT: Randomized Controlled Trial; rFSH: Recombinant Follicle Stimulating Hormone; SHBG: Sex Hormone Binding Globulin; WHR: Waist-To-Hip Ratio


PCOS is a common endocrinopathy affects approximately 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age [1]. According to the Rotterdam criteria at least two of the followings are sufficient for the diagnosis of PCOS; oligo and/or anovulation, clinical and/or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries at ultrasound with exclusion of other androgen excess or related disorders [2].

Oligomenorrhea is defined as less than eight periods in one year. Also amenorrhea is defined as no period for more than three months. Polycystic Ovary (PCO) morphology has been defined as the presence of 12 or more follicles in each ovary measuring 2-9 mm in diameter, and/or increased ovarian volume (>10ml). Clinical manifestations for hyperandrogenism are hirsutism, acne, and alopecia. Biochemical hyperandrogenism is evaluated by measuring serum androgen levels.

PCOS patients have been reported to have an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), infertility, hypertension, miscarriage, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and endometrial cancer [3].

Etiology of PCOS is still unclear [4]. Insulin Resistance (IR) plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of PCOS. Compensatory hyperinsulinemia and IR are observed in approximately 65-70% of women with PCOS [5]. IR is associated with androgen excess and an ovulation. The higher levels of insulin results increased ovarian androgen secretion and decreased Sex Hormone–Binding Globulin (SHBG) production from the liver [6]. The increased intra ovarian androgen prevents the growth of ovarian follicles through to ovulation [7]. Hyperinsulinemia leads to premature follicular atresia and an ovulation [8].

Weight reduction and metformin are critical components for improvement of insulin sensitivity in PCOS. Weight reductions enhance insulin sensitivity, improve hyperandrogenism and restore ovulation in women with PCOS [9]. The increased insulin sensitivity with metformin therapy has also been demonstrated in non-diabetic women with PCOS [10].

Metformin is a biguanide currently used as an insulin sensitizing drug for the treatment of type 2 DM. Metformin inhibits hepatic glucose production and enhances insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues. Metformin reduces gluconeogenesis by lowering circulating free fatty acid concentrations. The use of metformin may improve menstrual regularity, increase ovulation and decrease serum androgen levels [11].

Side effects of metformin are mainly gastrointestinal such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, constipation, unpleasant metallic taste in mouth. To reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal side effects, it is recommended to initiate with low dose taken few minutes before meals and increase the dose gradually. Also, sustained release formulation may have lower rate of side effects. Malabsorption of vitamin B12 and lactic acidosis are other side effects which must be kept in mind. The variable doses of metformin were used in clinical studies. However, the therapeutic regimen of metformin is not well standardized. Usually dose of 850 mg twice a day for 6 months has been administrated in many studies with PCOS.

This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of metformin in PCOS related infertility, pregnancy loss, hyperandrogenism, endometrial and cardiovascular abnormalities.

Metformin and Sub-fertility

PCOS is the most common cause of chronic anovulation which leads to infertility. Metformin improves ovulation by reducing insulin levels and ovarian androgen production [12]. These beneficial effects on insulin and androgen levels justify the use of metformin in reproductive disturbances in PCOS.

Metformin alone

Metformin has been shown to improve ovulation rate compared with placebo in women with PCOS [12]. A Cochrane review of seven Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) demonstrated that clinical pregnancy rate was significantly increased in metformin group compared with the plasebo group. However, same review of three RCTs reported that the outcome live birth was not changed with metformin treatment [13].

Metformin versus clomiphene

Clomiphene Citrate (CC) is the most common drug used for ovulation induction in women with PCOS. It has been known that clomiphene is superior to metformin as an ovulation induction agent [14]. A meta-analysis demonstrated that clinical pregnancy and live birth rate were not significantly different from metformin therapy compared with clomiphene therapy in non-obese women with anovulatory PCOS [15]. The pregnancy and live birth rate were higher in clomiphene compared with metformin in obese women with anovulatory PCOS [13,16].

Metformin in combination with CC

In a meta-analysis, metformin in combination with CC, as compared to metformin alone, has been shown to increase the clinical pregnancy rate in women with PCOS [13]. Although, it has been reported that the live birth rate was not significantly differ between groups [13]. It has been demonstrated that combined treatment with metformin and CC enhance live birth rate compared with CC alone in CC-resistant women [12,17].

Metformin versus Aromatase inhibitors

Despite, there are few RCT data comparing metformin with Aromatase inhibitors in the literature, letrozole may be superior to clomiphene in terms of live births [18].

Metformin in assisted reproductive treatment

Yarali, et al. observed that pregnancy rates were higher in the metformin + Recombinant Follicle Stimulating Hormone (rFSH) combination therapy in comparison with the placebo + rFSH therapy. However, the difference was not significant [19]. There is no evidence that metformin treatment before or during Assisted Reproductive Technique (ART) cycles could improve live birth or clinical pregnancy rate [20]. The risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) was decreased with metformin In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) cycles [20]. Similarly, meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials demonstrated that the beneficial effect of metformin co-administration during ovulation induction with gonadotropins and/or IVF cycles is unclear [21].

Metformin and pregnancy loss

A few numbers of studies have demonstrated that metformin decreases the risk of pregnancy loss [22,23]. Similar spontaneous abortion rates have been observed between metformin, CC and metformin plus CC groups in a prospective randomized trial [14]. Moll, et al. has reported no significant difference in pregnancy loss rate among women treated with metformin plus CC compared with placebo plus CC [24]. Finally, beneficial effect of metformin on pregnancy loss has not been clearly demonstrated in the literature.

Metformin for hyperandrogenic symptoms in women with PCOS

The favorable effect of metformin on the hyperandrogenism of patients with PCOS has been observed in many studies [25-27]. It is possible that the reducing circulating insulin levels by treatment of metformin may improve hyperandrogenemia; also hirsutism. A study comparing metformin (2250 mg/day), rosiglitazone (4 mg/ day) and the combination of both drugs with placebo in nonobese, non-IR women with PCOS; the mean serum-free testosterone levels in treatment groups were significantly lower than the levels in placebo group [28]. Ortega-Gonzalezetal have reported that free testosterone and androstenedione were significantly decreased in metformin (2250 mg/day) and pioglitazone (30 mg/day) therapy groups [29]. In contrast, metformin (1700 mg/day) compared with rosiglitazone (4 mg/day) statistically significant decrease has been observed only in the rosiglitazone groups [30].

In addition, a comparison of metformin (2250 mg/day) with flutamide (250 mg/day) in nonobese young women with PCOS demonstrated that the levels free testosterone decreased significantly in both therapy groups [31]. In a prospective, randomized, placebocontrolled trial, placebo, metformin (1700 mg/day), flutamide (500 mg/day), or metformin plus flutamide administered for 6 months to patients with PCOS. This study has been revealed that Ferriman- Gallwey hirsutism score was significantly decreased in the flutamide alone arm than in the metformin alone arm; combination therapy with metformin did not add any further advantage [32]. Antiandrogen therapy is much effective than metformin alone for the treatment of hirsutism.

Two randomized trials have observed greater decrease in the hirsutism score in the patients treated with the combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) compared with metformin [33,34]. Conversely, Harborne, et al. reported a greater decrease in the hirsutism score with metformin than the OCP treatment [35]. Limited data reported that there is no evidence of difference in effect between metformin and the OCP on hirsutism and acne [36]. OCP was effective than metformin in reducing serum androgen levels [36].

Metformin, the endometrium and menstrual regularity

Giudice, et al. has found that hyperinsulinemia may contribute to stimulation of endometrial proliferation [37]. Researchers have demonstrated that treatment with rosiglitazone or metformin may normalize endometrial histology [38]. Although lack of definitive studies, metformin administration may reduce the risk of unopposed endometrial proliferation and abnormal endometrial histology through improving ovulatory function and possibly reducing the levels of insulin.

It has been reported that metformin administration may improve menstrual irregularity in patients with oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea [39-41]. However, metformin was less effective than OCP in improving menstrual pattern [36,42]. Periodicity of menstrual bleeding in patients receiving metformin should not be used to confirm ovulation [43].

Metformin and weight loss

Weight reduction improves insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia [44]. Tan, et al. reported that metformin use was significantly associated with decreased body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) in the overweight and obese patients with PCOS [45]. Another study found a significant reduction in waist circumference but no significant difference in weight in obese women with PCOS treated with metformin [46]. On the contrary, other studies have demonstrated that metformin has no effect on BMI or waist circumference [47]. The differences in weight loss amongst the trials are possibly caused by usage of variable doses. A prospective cohort study investigated the effect of two different doses of metformin (1500 mg/day; 2550 mg/day) on weight and BMI [48]. Although, all groups have significant reductions in weight and BMI, obese women with PCOS demonstrated greater weight loss at the higher dose compared with the low dose. Similar amount of weight loss observed at both doses of metformin in morbidly obese women [48].

In meta-analyses of three trials [49-51] comparing metformin with OCPs was revealed no difference in BMI and Waist-To-Hip Ratio (WHR) [36]. A meta-analysis of two studies [52,53] did not observe a difference in BMI between OCP alone and OCP combined with metformin [36].

Lifestyle modifications and weight loss remains the cornerstone of effective improvement for overweight or obese women with PCOS [54]. Consequently, metformin has minimal effect on weight reduction and should not be used purely for this reason.

Metformin and long term consequences of PCOS

PCOS has been reported to have an increased risk for Metabolic Syndrome (MS), dyslipidemia, hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and diabetes [55,56]. There is a paucity of data on the efficacy of metformin for preventing the development of diabetes, CVD or endometrial cancer [36]. Metformin may have a protective effect for the increased risk of endometrial cancer in women with PCOS by restoring menstrual cyclicity and ovulation.


In conclusion, polycystic ovary syndrome is the common endocrinological disorder of women in reproductive ages. It is generally accepted that insulin resistance plays a significant role in PCOS pathogenesis. The use of metformin may have a favorable effect in some subset of the population of women with PCOS. A well designed, blinded, placebo-controlled, and adequately powered RCTs should be performed to evaluate the long-term effects of metformin treatment on morbidity and mortality in women with PCOS.


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Citation: Soyman Z, Demirel E and Kelekci S. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Metformin. Austin J Reprod Med Infertil. 2015; 2(6): 1033. ISSN:2471-0393

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