An Exploration of Cohesion and Coherence Skills in Neuropsychiatric Disorder: Speech Language Pathologist Perspective

Research Article

J Schizophr Res. 2022; 8(1): 1041.

An Exploration of Cohesion and Coherence Skills in Neuropsychiatric Disorder: Speech Language Pathologist Perspective

Pallickal M1, Deepak P2*, Abhishek BP3 and Hema N4

1Research Officer, Department of Speech-Language Sciences, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysuru, India

2Assistant Professor, Father Muller College of Speech and Hearing, Mangalore, India

3Associate Professor and Research Coordinator, Nitte Institute of Speech and Hearing, KS Hegde Medical College Complex, Deralakatte, Mangalore, India

4Assistant Professor in Speech Sciences, Department of Speech-Language Sciences, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysuru, India

*Corresponding author: Deepak P, Assistant Professor, Father Muller College of Speech and Hearing, Mangalore, India

Received: December 30, 2021; Accepted: February 04, 2022; Published: February 11, 2022


Discourse task is assumed to unveil the dyssynchrony between thought and language in an Individual with Schizophrenia (IWS). We investigated the narrative discourse abilities of a schizophrenia participant using qualitative and quantitative methods of discourse analysis. Discourse samples of picture description and narration were video recorded and transcribed using International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The transcribed samples were subjected to two methods of analysis such as qualitative and quantitative discourse analysis to see the pattern of discourse production. The qualitative analysis of discourse was carried out using a standardized “Discourse Analysis Scale” (DAS) and the quantitative analysis was done using Thematic-Unit Analysis (T-unit analysis) for narration and picture description task. The qualitative analysis of discourse revealed deficits at the level of propositional and non-propositional aspects of communication for narration and picture description task. Quantitative analysis revealed a higher proportion of T-units for picture description task. In conclusion, it is important to establish both qualitative and quantitative analysis of discourse to document the presence of deficits at propositional and non-propositional aspects of communication. Using both the method of analysis would help the clinician to profile the cognitive-linguistic impairment in an IWS, which will further facilitate the clinician to device and deliver better treatment for IWS.

Keywords: Discourse analysis; Qualitative analysis; Quantitative analysis; Thematic unit analysis; Discourse analysis scale


Schizophrenia is a neuropsychiatric disorder, characterized by a constellation of clinical signs and symptoms along with some degree of functional impairment. The deficits would lie in the domains of thought, language and communication aspects of an individual [1]. The characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia include delusions, disorganized speech, hallucinations, and catatonic behaviour. All these symptoms would result in functional limitations in effective communication, social participation, social relationships, academic achievement, or occupational performance, individually or in combination. Individuals with Schizophrenia (IWS) lack goaloriented language behaviour. The clinical features in Schizophrenia are classified as being ‘positive’ or ‘negative. The features that are considered as positive symptoms of schizophrenia include hallucinations, delusions and thought disorders. Delusion is a strong belief, which has no basis and interrupts a normal flow of language. Some of the psychotic conditions such as mania, depression, organic syndromes, and drug overuse are accompanied by delusional thoughts [2]. However, delusions are extremely common in schizophrenia and the content of schizophrenic delusion is as rich and diverse as the human imaginations.

Hallucinations are associated with the senses and can be olfactory, tactile, visual, gustatory and auditory in nature. The external misattribution of internally generated events can result in verbal hallucinations and other positive symptoms [3]. Cognitive model of Frith [4] describes three hypotheses for hallucination such as intentional deficit (weak intention of speech act), trouble in planning (careless and neglect of the environment due to intensification of automatic action) and trouble of agentivity (The patients believe that their acts are influenced by an internal force and they are not the initiators of their activities). IWS exhibit trouble in agentivity which results from the impairment at action monitoring (a subcategory of source memory) [3,5]. As a result, IWS attribute their self-generated perceptions to an external source. Hence, the origin of speech problems in schizophrenic patients lies in the “Theory of Mind” (ToM) [6,7].

The ToM deficits in IWS has been widely investigated by Frith and his colleagues. According to Frith [3], the cognitive impairment in schizophrenia can be related onto three abnormalities of schizophrenia such as disorder of willed action, disorder of self-monitoring, and disorder of ToM. Frith explains that the disorder of ToM develops after the first episode of illness and is responsible for the emergence of hallucinations, incoherent speech and delusions of reference in IWS. Therefore, much of the potential work done on schizophrenia support the contention that incoherency of speech in IWS is due to the deficit in ToM [6,8]. Moreover, Abu-Akel [9] reported hypertheory of mind in IWS, to which the psychopathological symptoms of hallucinations, delusions of reference and incoherent speech can be attributed.

Discourse Deficits in Individuals with Schizophrenia

Discourse is defined as ‘‘continuous stretches of language or a series of connected sentences or related linguistic units that convey a message’’ [10]. This discourse does not have a strict set of rules, which specifies grammaticality as seen in sentence formation, nor specified length. A complex system of cognitive and linguistic processes is required for the performance of discourse, any deficits at this system level can impair the use of language. Studies have shown the impaired performance of discourse for different brain pathologies. Therefore, discourse studies facilitate the understanding of brain-behavior relationships. Specifically, the pattern of behavioral disruption associated with focal and diffused brain injuries can be explored through the analysis of discourse grammar [11].

Findings regarding the discourse impairment in schizophrenia merely reflects an underlying thought process disturbance. The analysis of discourse in schizophrenia has documented globally spared syntax within sentences [12], with deficits at local coherence [13]. Though the patients with schizophrenia demonstrate preserved semantic knowledge, they exhibit disorganization of the semantic system [14,15]. Discourse task is assumed to unveil the dyssynchrony between thought and language in IWS. Discourse in IWS is characterized by deficits such as poverty of content, clang association, and word salad. The most striking feature of schizophrenia is that the patient can talk fluently and excessively with correct grammatical elements in it but lacks insight about the topic, coherence, clear content, and direction due to loosened association of ideas, resulting entirely of neologistic jargon. This results in a discourse that has no content or adequate message in it termed as poverty of content. Disordered discourse is considered as the central feature of schizophrenia. However, not all patients with schizophrenia present disorganized discourse and the features are heterogeneous in nature. Elucidating the cause of disordered discourse in schizophrenia remains uncertain among researchers. Some theories postulate a language-specific interpretation [12,16,17]. This theory states that the disordered discourse in schizophrenia is due to the impaired language specific processes. Moreover, this theory does not contemplate the breakdown at general cognitive processes. Schwartz [18] has claimed that disordered discourse in schizophrenia is not due to the deficit in language processes but rather an impairment in cognitive processing and selective attention. Similar findings were reported by Lanin- Kettering and Harrow [19], they hypothesized that the discourse disturbance in schizophrenia is not the result of the language-specific deficit but is due to the underlying deficit in cognitive processing and conceptual thinking which are manifested as a behavioural deviation. Some of the cognitive process such as attention and memory [20], executive function [21] are reported to be impaired in schizophrenia.

Berenbaum et al., [22] investigated whether poverty of speech and FTD are associated with a variety of cognitive variables. The authors claim that all the cognitive variables have been associated with at least one of the two forms of verbal communication disturbance such as alogia and FTD (disturbance in coherence of speech). The study reported disturbances in executive process such as planning as responsible for diminished verbosity and syntactic complexity, and poor discourse coherence in IWS. Disturbed discourse coherence was strongly associated with working memory than attention/ concentration. In contrast, diminished verbosity was strongly associated with fluency than with working memory performance. The findings of this study add on to the literature that poverty of speech/ diminished verbosity is not associated with word finding difficulties but due to the poor fluency and planning abilities. This link between fluency and poverty of speech reflects underlying impairment in planning and generating ideas for discourse in IWS.

Momeni and Raghibdoust [8] investigated the relationship between incoherency of speech, delusions and hallucinations in 18 Persian speaking schizophrenics with positive symptoms. To analyze the discourse characteristics of coherence and cohesion, a spontaneous speech of the patients was recorded and transcribed. Speech cohesion was analyzed by looking into the improper deletion of surface nodes and speech coherence was observed based on the Grice [23] principles. The degree of incoherency was rated using 1-4 scale, and the relationship between the constant incoherency of speech and delusions was determined. The results revealed two types of delusions such as Invariable Delusion (ID; a type which has invariable theme) and Variable Delusion (VD; a type with variable themes and stories). The speech characteristics of ID was more coherent, whereas VD was incoherent in nature. The results revealed relationship between these delusions and two types of hallucinations. The study reported an experience of previous Hallucinations (DH; diachronic hallucination) for patients presented with ID and their delusions were based on it. The participants with VD seemed to have a Simultaneous Hallucination (SH; synchronic hallucination). To conclude, different types of incoherency were reported depending on the type of delusions (ID and VD). The speech of the patients exhibiting VD was reported to be completely vague and incoherency of speech was more severe and endures, whereas in ID was slight. A significant and strong correlation was found between VD and SH, and between speech incoherency and VD in the patients. There is a relationship between hallucination and source memory [3,5,24]. A deficiency in corollary discharge networks leads to an impairment in self attributing process [25] and the authors of this study attributes that the speech incoherency seen in the participants can be due to the deficiency in the corollary discharge network function [8]. This deficiency results in self-misattribution and thus provokes the substitution of the mental addressee with the real one. As a result of the deficiency in the corollary discharge, the patients continue the discourse by substituting the mental addressee with the real one. Hence, the speech can be coherent in the patient’s mind, but it may be incoherent contextually. The authors propose that “the incoherency of speech in schizophrenic patients can be explained as a deficit in the ToM”.

Schizophrenia: Language Analysis Tools

Oh et al., [26] reported that the formal thought disorder in schizophrenia cannot be assessed using standard aphasia test batteries. Andreasen [27] introduced Thought, Language, and Communication (TLC) scale, which is the standard tool for analysing schizophrenic language. Andreasen’s TLC index was later simplified into a Thought and Language Index consisting of 8 symptoms, which further divided into 3 groups following factor analysis. Chen et al. [28] introduced a Clinical Language Scale (CLANG), consisting of 17-symptom classification according to levels of linguistic structure. In addition to Andreasen’s and Liddle’s scale, Chen added components such as fluency, voice quality, and articulation disturbance. Vast amount of research on language in schizophrenia has been studied using qualitative method wherein, language is transcribed and then coded using linguistic framework (such as Andreasen’s Thought, Language and Communication Scale or Chaika’s intensive linguistic case study) [17,27]. However, Deutsch-Link [29] points out that the information gathered using these methods is invaluable in understanding and characterizing the language deficits in schizophrenia and she suggests the use of quantitative approaches to language analysis in schizophrenia. Deutsch-Link [29] employed a quantitative method for language analysis in schizophrenia using Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC) software. The study compared the word use in patients with schizophrenia to that of mood disorder patients, schizophrenia family members and a healthy control group by examining the essays written by these participants. The study reported decreased use of the pronoun in schizophrenia and family members indicating a degree of social isolation or withdrawal. Schizophrenia participants exhibited increased external referential language reflecting a loss of agency/ power in schizophrenia.

From this review of literature, it is evident that discourse impairment is significantly seen in IWS. Furthermore, studies have focused discourse assessment at micro-linguistic and macro-linguistic levels using different method of analysis such as measure of verbosity, syntactic complexity, discourse coherence and cohesion etc. Some researchers attributed the discourse impairment to underlying cognitive system [19,22], while other demonstrated the deficit at ToM [6,8], or Hyper theory of mind [9]. However, there are key problems with much of the literature on ToM deficit in IWS. There is still considerable uncertainty regarding the heterogeneity of ToM test, their neurocognitive demand, psychometric properties of ToM tests, and the influence of clinical and demographic characteristics on ToM performance [30]. In addition, heterogeneity of methods used to assess ToM abilities (such as false-belief tasks, hinting tasks, eye test, and character intention inference tasks etc.) contributes to the inconsistencies in the reported findings. Conversely, despite extensive research on cognitive processes associated with FTD, it is still unclear as which cognitive system is associated with FTD. However, Kerns and Berenbaum [21] in their meta-analysis study reported strong association of FTD with impaired executive function and impaired processing of semantic information in IWS, while cognitive impairment such as increase in spreading activation and impairment with language production system were not strongly associated with FTD. Moreover, it is important to establish a measure with best psychometric properties to assess the discourse coherence in IWS.

The major flaw in literature regarding discourse coherence in IWS is that they make no attempt to discuss psychometric properties of the discourse measure used in their analysis, and the communication limitation in IWS due to impairment at non-propositional aspects such as topic management, turn-taking, and other pragmatic functions. Impairment at this level would be readily apparent in social interaction resulting in communication breakdown. Hence, these deficits should be addressed and incorporated during the language assessment and intervention program. Furthermore, apart from the coherence analysis measures such as discourse structure, communication intent, message adequacy & accuracy, and fluency would also offer valuable insight into the communication abilities of IWS, which are not discussed extensively in literature [11]. Besides, there is a lack of literature documenting both the qualitative and quantitative analysis of discourse in IWS. Analyses of discourse samples using both the qualitative and quantitative approach would provide ideal information about the impaired discourse pattern in IWS at micro and macro-linguistic levels. Much work on the quantitative analysis of discourse in IWS reported low complexity (frequency, depth and locus of embedded propositions), low integrity (syntactic and semantic errors) and dysfluency (false starts, neologisms, pause fillers and repeated word) in schizophrenia speech [13,31]. However, most of the studies were done based on the computer assisted grammatical analysis and statistical procedures (by counting the occurrence of specific items) which neglects the temporal dimension of speech. Hence, it is important to utilize the quantitative methods like T-unit analysis which would help us to profile and quantify the presence of derailment & tangentiality in discourse. Though it is time consuming as it is done manually, this method of analysis would provide optimum information about individually specific characteristics of discourse in schizophrenia. Since, schizophrenia is a heterogenous condition, a patient centered treatment approach should be directed to improve their discourse. Using, both the method of analysis such as qualitative and quantitative analysis would help the clinician to profile the cognitive-linguistic impairment in IWS, which will further facilitate the clinician to device and deliver better treatment for IWS. Furthermore, qualitative analysis of discourse using standardized “Discourse Analysis Scale” (DAS) would provide accurate and comprehensive information about propositional and non-propositional aspects of discourse in IWS.

A smaller but nonetheless rapidly growing body of research has been done to understand the discourse abilities in IWS. However, most of the analysis methods did not provide relevant information on both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of discourse. Considering the above notes, the present study was carried out with the purpose of understanding the various measures of propositional and non-propositional aspects of communication that are affected in IWS using both qualitative and quantitative measures of discourse analysis.

Aims and Objectives

The present study aimed to investigate the discourse abilities of an IWS using qualitative and quantitative methods of discourse analysis.


General description of the patient

The participant (Ms. LC) was a 45-year-old Christian lady diagnosed with schizophrenia; paranoid type was taken for the present study. Ms. LC was a bilingual speaker of Kannada (L1) and English (L2) language. Ms. LC was admitted to a day-care center and was undergoing medication. Probing further into the case, we found that Ms. LC holds a bachelor’s degree and has a family consisting of father and sister living in Mysore (State in South India). She has completed her 12th standard and was reported to be poor in hygiene and social interaction. Probing further into her history revealed, no family history of psychiatric condition. Ms. LC was brought to the psychiatrist at the age of 20 with the complaints of self-talk and false thoughts. She was reported to be religious and started exhibiting some of the positive psychiatric symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. Over the course, her concentration declined and started collecting flowers saying that those are from heaven and presented to her by god. She started to see and hear things that do not exist, speak in confusing ways and believed that others are trying to harm her and spying on her.

Special investigation

Mental state examination for appearance, mood, and behavior was carried out. Ms. LC was observed to be poor in hygiene and preferred wearing clothes, which is blue in color and avoids wearing other colors. She exhibited poor oral hygiene and scraggly hair. She preferred sitting in blue colored chair. Ms. LC was recruited for this case study by considering her ability to understand the task instruction and good cooperation.

Medical history: Ms. LC has been treated with Sizopin 200 mg, Risdone 3 ml, and R-zep 4 mg for the psychiatric symptoms.

Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS) was administered: Ms. LC obtained a score of 17 indicating positive symptoms. She exhibited delusion, hallucinations and disorganized behavior. Though she was able to talk allot, there was no meaningful content in her speech reflecting disorganized speech.

Stimulus material and procedure

Discourse samples of picture description and narration were video recorded and transcribed using IPA. The transcribed samples were subjected to two method of analysis such as qualitative and quantitative discourse analysis to see the pattern of discourse production. The qualitative analysis of discourse was carried out using a standardized “Discourse Analysis Scale” (DAS) [32] and the quantitative analysis was done using Thematic-Unit Analysis (T-unit analysis) [33] for narration and picture description task. Written informed consent was obtained from the participant. Informed consent proposed by institute ethical committee was used to obtain the consent from the participant. In addition to this, the ethical guidelines of the institute where the study was carried out was also followed.

Qualitative analysis using discourse analysis scale for narration and picture description task

To obtain discourse samples of narration, a neutral topic like “Journey to a place” was given to the participant and was instructed ‘to imagine his/her past/future journey to a place and narrate the same in past or future tense. For the picture description task, we provided a simple black and white “Cat Rescue” picture (Figure 1) [34]. To add on, the picture was 6 x 4 inches in dimension. The participant was instructed to tell the gist of information and then describe the events happening in the picture. She was asked to name all the contents in the picture and describe the same.