Haemostasis and Cytokines Modifications in Elite Cyclists

Research Article

Austin Sports Med. 2020; 5(2): 1038.

Haemostasis and Cytokines Modifications in Elite Cyclists

Fatini C1*, Attanasio M1, Cirillo M1, Tempesti G2, Paniccia R1, Coppo M1, Toncelli L2 and Galanti G1,2

¹Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy

²Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine-Sports Medicine and Exercise Unit, University of Florence, AOUC, Careggi, Florence, Italy

*Corresponding author: Cinzia Fatini, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence, Center for Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy

Received: June 05, 2020; Accepted: July 02, 2020; Published: July 09, 2020


Physical exercise is widely known to be beneficial to health. Physical response of intensive training is associated with various metabolic modifications, related to exercise intensity and/or muscle workload.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore changes in coagulation assessment, as well as inflammatory cytokines, in young male elite cyclists during competitive season training.

Methods: We conducted a prospective study involving 15 elite cyclists of the same team, mean age 19.7 yrs, participating in national and international competitions of the Under 23 category calendar and referring to Sport Medicine Agency of AOU-Careggi, Florence.

Thromboelastometry analysis and biohumoral parameters were obtained at T0 before the training session, T1 one week after the end of the heavy-exercise training season, T2 one week after the end of the cycling race season.

Results: We evidenced a hypercoagulability status related to increased G and MCF values, and a significant increase of ΔMCF (MCF extem-MCF fibtem), expression of platelet contribution to the clot formation (p=0.01). A significant decrease in fibrinolysis activity expressed by ML percentage was observed at T1, which returned to basal levels at T2 (p=0.003). The exercise increased adiponectin concentration from T0 to T2 (p=0.05), as well as TNF- a (P=0.001).

Discussion: Our findings provided evidence for a transient hypercoagulability status at the beginning of the training season in young elite cyclists, a condition requiring attention; this study confirms the long-term beneficial effects of training on metabolism, as well as on the inflammatory function and cardiovascular health.

Keywords: Cycling; Haemostasis; Cytokines; Adiponectin; Exercise; Thromboelastometry


CT: Clotting Time; MCF: Maximum Clot Firmness; G: Module of Coagulum Elastic Deformation; ML: Maximum Lysis; ΔMCF: Delta Maximum Clot Firmness


Physical exercise is widely known to be beneficial to health [1]. Physical response of intensive training is associated with various metabolic modifications, affecting the rate of production or synthesis and the kinetics of the metabolites that are related to exercise intensity and/or muscle damage [2]. Screening for biochemical parameters and their repeated assessment, actually remains a widespread procedure in elite sports athletes. Clinical laboratory analyses useful to understand sport-induced modifications, may allow for providing interventions aimed at optimizing athletes’ performance. During prolonged physical training, the balance between hormones and haemostasis is regulated by an inter-tissue crosstalk. Data from a clinical study, investigating exercise-induced adiponectin response in male rowers during rest and after a period of prolonged exercise training, provided evidence that adiponectin levels changed according to athletes’ performance [3]. The relationship between adiponectin and exercise is object of interest, and findings from literature have shown that the exercise increased serum adiponectin concentration [4].

Beyond hormone response, data from literature suggest that prolonged exercises in cyclists induces increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNFa and IL-6, as consequence of an immune response to local damage in the working muscle [5]. Although regular exercise is beneficial for health, physical activity may result from effects on haemostasis, and exercise-related burden of atherothrombotic events may occasionally occur. This is described as “apparent paradox” [6] possibly due to confounding factors such as age, gender, training status, intensity and duration of the exercise. It is noteworthy that the biological relationship between physical exercise and haemostasis, still remain intriguing, and the biological changes induced by physical activity might represent the result of the association between strenuous exercise and a transient hypercoagulability status. Exercise is a potential trigger for clot formation, and different types of exercise may differentially affect haemostatic profile.

Haemostatic variations affect coagulation pathways, and are mainly influenced by exercise intensity, duration and training condition; data from clinical studies suggested that high intensity exercise results in a higher degree of activation of coagulation factors, thus possibly inducing a hypercoagulable status [6].

Cycling is one of the hardest sport disciplines, owing to high demanding training and competition, long-lasting season, high level of completion and high selection within athletes [7].

The aim of this study was to explore changes in coagulation assessment, as well as inflammatory cytokines, in young male elite cyclists during competitive season training.


Study population

We conducted a prospective study involving 15 elite cyclists of the same team, mean age 19.7 yrs (SD±1), participating in national and international competitions of the Under 23 category calendar and referring to Sport Medicine Agency of AOU-Careggi, Florence, Italy.

They were informed about the experimental procedures and they gave their written informed consent to participate. They belonged to the same sports company to ensure similar training with the same workload and frequency, and they had the same lifestyle. None of them were receiving any medication supplements that might influence the biomedical results. The study was conducted according to policy statement set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki.

Venous blood samples were obtained from all participants before each stage in basal condition for three times during the season, from November 2016 to May 2017. The following sampling times were scheduled: T0: before the training session (November) during which the cyclists were in complete rest; T1: one week after the end of the heavy-exercise training season (December February), cycling training consisted of 20 hours per week during this time (February); T2: one week after the end of the cycling race season during which after the races the number of training hours was the same (May).

Anthropometrics and body composition parameters

For the anthropometric parameter, body height (cm) and mass (kg) were measured using a medical scale (SECA®) with a rod. The Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated using the body formula mass/ height2 (kg/m2). All the anthropometric measures were performed by the same operator. Whole-body impedance was generated in soft tissues when a current flow passed through the body and was measured using skin electrodes that were placed on the hands and feet (BIA 101, Akern, Florence, Italy). Resistance (RZ, O) was the opposition to the flow of an alternating current, at any current frequency, through intra and extracellular ionic solutions and reflected the amount of body water, while Reactance (XC, O) was the dielectric or capacitive component of cell membranes and organelles, and tissue interfaces. Starting from these variables, the estimate of the body compartments was derived. The participants were subjected to body composition assessments in the same morning with no breakfast, no physical activity in the previous 12 hours and no long trips the previous day [8].

Biochemical analysis

Venous blood samples were obtained from all participants before each stage in basal condition for three times during the season, from November 2016 to May 2017. The following sampling times were scheduled: T0: before the training session (November); T1: one week after the end of the heavy-exercise training season (February); T2: one week after the end of the cycling race season (May).

Samples were analyzed for routine parameters (complete blood count, Prothrombin Time (PT), activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT), fibrinogen, total colesterol, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides, lipoprotein(a), glucose, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotrasferase, γ-glutamyltrasferase) and several circulating biomarkers will be evaluated:

• Serum levels of total testosterone and cortisol, measured by immunoassay (Immulite 2000, M-Medical System, Italy);

• Adiponectin, interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor a levels, measured with commercially available ELISA kits (Mercodia, Uppsala, Sweden and Cloude-Clone Corp., Houston, TX, USA).

Thromboelastometric analysis

Thromboelastometric analysis, which defines whole blood viscoelastic changes during clotting, was achieved by using the ROTEM® system (Werfen Group, Barcelona, Spain). It was performed according to the manufacturer’s protocol within two hours after blood collection and, once initiated, blood coagulation was allowed to run until 60 min. In particular, extrinsic and intrinsic coagulation cascade were studied with EXTEM and INTEM tests; the influence of fibrinogen on clot firmness was estimated with the plateletinactivating FIBTEM test and the effect of fibrinolytic activity were assessed by fibrinolysis inactivating test APTEM. For each test the following ROTEM parameters were analyzed:

• Clotting Time (CT, sec), corresponding to the time from the beginning of the coagulation analysis until an increase in amplitude of 2mm; it reflects the initiation phase of the clotting process;

• Maximum Clot Firmness (MCF, mm), the maximum amplitude in millimeters reached in thromboelastogram, that quantifies the maximum clot firmness of the established whole blood coagulum; it correlates with the platelet count and function as well as with the concentration of fibrinogen;

• G parameter, the shear elastic modulus strength in dyne/ cmq;

• Maximum lysis (ML,%), that quantifies the percentage in reduction of MCF;

• ΔMCF, a calculation of the platelet component to maximum clot firmness (platelet MCF), was derived from ROTEM tests performed with and without platelet inhibition as described by Monaca et al. [9]; it was calculated using the following formula: clot elasticity attributable to platelets was calculated as platelet MCF=MCF EXTEM-MCF FIBTEM.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was performed by using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences, Chicago, USA) software for Windows (Version 26.0). The continuos variables were expressed as median ± SD. We used general linear model analysis (ANOVA) in order to assess differences in mean value using the repeated measured variables test. A p-value <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.


Physical characteristics of cyclists are reported in Table 1.