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Drud-d id1019

Security and Efficacy of Intra-Portal Infusion of Autologous Stem Cells for Liver Regeneration a Randomized Pilot Study

Aim: To analyze security of intraportal infusion of autologous stem cells during portal...

Drud-d id1021

The First Case of Intestinal Transplantation in the Philippines: Perspective from a Developing Country

Intestinal transplantation has been considered the last frontier of transplantation...

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Journal of Stem Cell Research and Transplantation is an international, open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal committed to publish articles in diversified fields of transplantations and applications of stem cell research. The aim of the academic journal is to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, physicians, and other health professionals to find latest research information in the areas of stem cell research, transplantations such as stem cell transplantation, transplantation immunology, kidney transplantation and its treatment. It is a wide-ranging Open Access peer reviewed scientific journal that covers multidisciplinary fields.

Journal of Stem Cell Research and Transplantation accepts original research articles, letter to editor, review articles, mini reviews, case reports, editorials, scientific data, technical reports, rapid communication, and short communications, etc. on all the aspects of stem cells. The Journal of Stem Cell Research and Transplantation publishes latest scientific information, and is generously accessible across the world through internet to go halves the innovations of the researchers for intellectual advancement in this field. Austin also brings universally peer reviewed scientific journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing, collaborative and promotion of multidisciplinary science.

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Impact Factor: 1.9

Scope of the Journal

  • Stem cell therapy, Stem cell transplant, Stem cell markers
  • Stem cells differentiation, Tissue engineering based cell therapy
  • Stem cell isolation, Stem cell aging, and Stem cell treatment
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