Genital Infections with <em><em>Gardnerella vaginalis</em></em> at Fann University Hospital (Dakar) and Saint-Louis (Senegal)

Research Article

Austin J Surg. 2019; 6(12): 1190.

Genital Infections with Gardnerella vaginalis at Fann University Hospital (Dakar) and Saint-Louis (Senegal)

Diagne R¹*, Lo S², Dia ML³, Ndour J³, Ka R¹, Ngom B³ Cobar G³, Sarr H³, Niang AA³ and Sow AI³

¹UFR des Sciences de la Santé, Université de Thies BP 967 Thies, Sénégal

²UFR des Sciences de la Santé Université Gaston Berger BP234 Saint Louis, Sénégal

³Faculté de Médecine, Pharmacie, et Odontologie Université Cheikh Anta Diop BP 22254, Sénégal

*Corresponding author: Rokhaya Diagne, UFR des Sciences de la Santé, Université de Thies BP 967 Thies, Sénégal

Received: April 11, 2019; Accepted: May 08, 2019; Published: May 15, 2019


Background: Bacterial vaginosis is a very common infection in women, especially during sexual activity.

We took stock of Gardnerella vaginalis infections in women received for vaginal swabs at the laboratories of two hospitals in Senegal: the National University Hospital Center (CHNU) in Fann and the Regional Hospital Center (CHR) in Saint Louis.

Material and Methods: Our study is retro-prospective over two years between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014. We worked on a total of 5928 vaginal samples.

We performed the measurement of vaginal pH, the potash test, the macroscopic and microscopic examinations on vaginal secretions.

Results: We obtained 1240 (21%) cases of Gardnerella vaginalis vaginosis, of which 826 (66.6%) originated from CHNU de Fann and 414 (33.4%) cases from the CHR of Saint-Louis.

The majority age group was [24-29 years old] with 317 cases.

The prevalence at Fann was 23% and 17% at the CHR of Saint-Louis.

More than 75% of the patients had whitish leucorrhea.

Conclusion: Given this prevalence, early diagnosis and effective treatment are essential to avoid clinical symptoms and complications related to this disease.

Keywords: Gardnerella vaginalis; Bacterial vaginosis; Genital infections


Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection in women. In black Africa, it affects 20 to 50% of women [1-9]. It is responsible for 16 to 29% of cases of prematurity, chorioamniotitis, spontaneous abortions and low birth weights [3,4].

It results from a disorder of vaginal flora and an abnormal proliferation of commensal bacteria of the vagina (Gardnerella vaginalis, mycoplasms and anaerobic species). The precise origin of that disorder is unknown [10-16].

Gardnerella vaginalis is theincriminated bacterium in that condition. In some conditions, this bacterium can become pathogenic and lead to disorders of the vaginal flora. Its presence is higher in frequency (83 to 98% and in a much larger quantity than in the normal flora [8].

The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of infections due to Gardnerella vaginalis in women received for vaginal swabs in the laboratories of two hospitals in Senegal.

Our study intends to elucidate the vaginal exsudat characteristics, but also to set up criteria of fast diagnosis. This will allow to better understand and ameliorate the diagnosis, but also show the place occupied by this condition in vaginal infections.

Matérials and Methods

This was a two-year retro-prospective study carried out between January 1 and December 31 of 2014 in women for which a vaginal swab was done at the Fann University Hospital and St Louis Regional Hospital.

Studied population

The studied population was made of patients admitted in the laboratory of these two above structures for patients who had a vaginal swab during that period of study.

The swab

The sample is taken on the vaginal walls or at the level of the posterior cul de sac. We made a PH vaginal measurement and a potash test, but also carried out micoscopic examinations and an identification of the germs involved in this infection.

Study of the samples

A microscopic examination gave us the colour, aspect and smell of the secretions. The microscopic examination, after a Gram coloration, highlighted the replacement of lactobacillus by a mixed flora: small coryneform bacilli to variable Gram suggesting Gardnerella bacilli to incurved variable Gram suggesting Mobiluncus.

A direct examination, after a Gram coloration, enabled to set up the type of flora.