Nasolabial Cysts: Case Series

Special Article – Surgery Case Reports

Austin J Surg. 2019; 6(19): 1211.

Nasolabial Cysts: Case Series

Riahi I, De Dorlodot CL and Philippe E*

Department of ENT, CHU UCL Namur - Site Godinne, Belgium

*Corresponding author: Eloy Philippe, Department of ENT, CHU UCL Namur - Site Godinne, Avenue Therasse 1, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium

Received: August 22, 2019; Accepted: September 11, 2019; Published: September 18, 2019


Nasolabial cyst is a rare, benign soft tissue mass located in the nasolabial fold. It is submucosal and extra osseous. It affects more commonly middle aged women with coloured skin. They can be regularly infected or cause nasal obstruction and alar deformity. Clinical examination, nasal endoscopy and imaging are necessary to make the diagnosis. When symptomatic surgery is the treatment. It may consist of a complete excision via a transoral sublabial incision or a endonasal marsupialization. Both techniques have the same efficacy. We report herein a series of 6 patients treated successfully in the ENT department of the CHU UCL Namur from Belgium.

Keywords: Nasolabial cyst; Case series; Imaging; Sublabial excision; Endonasal marsupialization


Nasolabial cysts also called nasoalveolar cysts or Klesdath tumors are rare, benign, non-odontogenic, soft tissue cysts, located in the nasolabial fold. They are submucosal and remain extraosseous [1]. The cysts are lined by respiratory epithelium, stratified squamous epithelium, pseudostratified columnar epithelium or a combination of these. They expand into and in front of the pyriform aperture, downward into the gingivolabial sulcus, and laterally into the soft tissue of the face [2]. They are usually unilateral and affected more commonly women. They have a predilection for black’s people. When they are symptomatic, surgery is the treatment of choice, usually performed with a limited transoral sublabial approach.

Illustrative Clinical Case

A 47 yo, heavy smoker, from Marocco, was referred to the ENT department for left nasal obstruction and alar deformity. The clinical examination confirmed a bulging of the left alar region. The nasal endoscopy visualized an expanding cystic process in the left nasal vestibule causing nasal obstruction. There is no infection. An MRI confirmed the presence of a cystic soft tissue mass located in the premaxillary region without bony erosion. (Figure 1) illustrates the lesion. The treatment consisted with a marsupialization of the lesion performed under endoscopic control. After a 1 year follow-up, the MRI confirms the absence of recurrence of the lesion. The patient is free of symptoms.